Sumber :
“Kontroversi Hari Sabat versi Islam – Kristen - Yahudi”
oleh Insan Mokoginta (mantan Katolik),
Penerbit Birrul Walidain telp 021-8731919
Islam :
Dalam alkitab ada yang disebut the ten commandments atau sepuluh perintah Allah. Yang ingin ku tanyakan, apakah ke sepuluh firman Allah tersebut masih berlaku atau tidak?
Kristen :
Oh jelas masih berlaku sampai sekarang
Islam :
Kalau boleh tahu di kitab mana itu?
Kristen :
Itu terdapat dalam Kitab Taurat Musa yaitu pada kitab Ulangan 5:7-21
• Jangan ada padamu Tuhan lain di hadapanKu
Jangan membuat patung yang menyerupai apapun yang dilangit atas atau yang ada di bumi di bawah, atau yang ada di dalam air dibawah bumi. Jangan sujud menyembah kepadanya, atau beribadah kepadanya.
jangan menyebut nama Tuhan, Allahmu dengan sembarangan
tetaplah ingat dan kuduskan hari sabat
hormatilah ayahmu dan ibumu
jangan membunuh
jangan berzina
jangan mencuri
jangan mengucapkan saksi dusta tentang sesamamu
jangan mengingini istri sesamamu dan harta-harta mereka
Nah, itulah bunyinya. Apakah saudara puas? Maaf, aku ingin balik bertanya, apa yang ingin anda tanyakan dari ke Sepuluh Firman Allah itu?
Islam :
Terimakasih, tentu saja aku puas. Yang ingin aku tanyakan, karena tadi anda mengatakan bahwa semua perintah itu masih berlaku, maka pertanyaannya, apakah sekarang ini anda masih tetap konsisten melakukan semuanya?
Kristen :
Oh itu jelas….bahkan jelas sekali! Siapapun yang beragama Kristen, pasti yakin, percaya dan harus konsisten melaksanakannya, sebab itu perintah suci yang datang langsung dari Allah.
Islam :
Syukurlah kalau begitu. Dan memang semestinya harus begitu. Artinya menjadi orang Kristen yang baik, benar dan setia, salah satu syaratnya yaitu melakukan semua yang diperintahkan Allah dan menjauhkan apa yang dilarangNya bukan? Apa anda setuju?
Kristen :
Tentu saja saya sangat setuju!!! Setahu saya, dalam ajaran Islampun demikian!
Islam :
Apakah anda merasa bahwa selama ini baik Katolik dan Protestan semuanya konsisten melaksanakan ke sepuluh firman Tuhan itu?
Kristen :
Saya kira demikian! Karena Sepuluh Firman Allah itu suci adanya, bahkan ditulis oleh jari Allah sendiri pada dua loh batu kemudian diberikan kepada Musa untuk disampaikan kepada segenap manusia. Oleh sebab itu, sebagai umat Kristen, mereka harus jaga, pelihara dan jalankan semua hukum-hukum itu.
Islam :
Seandainya ada sebagian hukum dalam Sepuluh Perintah Allah tersebut tidak dijalankan, tidak dihormati lagi oleh sebagian besar umat Kristiani, baik Katolik maupun Protestan, bagaimana pendapat anda?
Kristen :
Jika ada yang tidak melaksanakan, tidak menjalani dan tidak menghormatinya bahkan melanggar, saya yakin mereka itu telah tersesat dari jalan-jalan Tuhan.
Islam :
Terimakasih atas jawaban anda. Aku sangat puas dengan jawaban itu. Dan barangkali berangkat dari jawaban tadi, saat ini aku ingin menguji, sejauh mana anda bisa konsisten dengan pernyataan anda itu. Pada saat ini kejujuran andapun akan diuji. Sekali lagi aku bertanya, apakah sudah anda pikirkan baik-baik atas jawaban anda tadi yang mengatakan bahwa “umat Kristiani yang tidak menjalankan dan tidak menghormati dan melanggar salah satu dari Sepuluh Perintah Tuhan, mereka itu telah tersesat dari jalan Tuhan”?
Kristen :
Ya .. ya …saya berkata dengan jujur bahwa secara logika dan dari hati kecil saya, saya kira semua umat Kristiani pasti mengakuinya, karena ke Sepuluh Firman Allah itu sudah final dan harus diimani dan dijalankan dengan sepenuh hati dan ikhlas dalam rangka tunduk dan patuh atas segala firman Tuhan. Itu perintah yang sangat suci dan harus dipelihara dan dijalankan, sebab perintah itu ditulis langsung dengan jari-jari tangan Tuhan sendiri dan Dia sendiri yang menyerahkan langsung kepada nabi Musa.
Islam :
Baiklah kalau begitu hanya ada satu saja pertanyaanku kepada anda, yang berangkali menjadi topik utama pembicaraan kita pada hari ini. Salah satu hukum dari Sepuluh Firman Allah adalah menghormati dan mengkuduskan hari SABAT sebagai hari perhentian pada hari ke tujuh…..itu tertulis jelas dalam alkitab anda, yaitu sebagai hukum yang ke empat. Pertanyaannya, “hari apa yang anda kuduskan setiap minggu?”
Kristen :
Sejujurnya saya katakan bahwa saya mengkuduskan hari Minggu. Buktinya semua umat Kristen beribadah pada setiap hari Minggu, kecuali dari golongan minoritas Advent.
Islam :
Sebenarnya yang namanya hari Sabat itu hari apa? Sabtu atau Minggu?
Kristen :
Menurut Advent, hari Sabat itu jatuh pada hari Sabtu, tetapi kami Protestan dan juga Katolik dan Kristen lainnya, jatuh pada hari Minggu.
Islam :
Mengapa terjadi perbedaan Sabtu dan Minggu? Apakah seminggu itu ada dua hari Sabat?
Kristen :
Tidak, dalam seminggu Cuma ada satu Sabat. Kalau Advent merayakan pada hari Sabtu, karena mereka menggunakan penanggalan Yahudi. Sementara yang merayakan hari Minggu, mereka menggunakan penanggalan Gregorian.
Islam :
Memangnya berbeda antara penanggalan Yahudi dan penanggalan Gregorian?
Kristen :
Sama saja, Cuma menurut penanggalan Gregorian, jika dihitung hari kerjanya, hari Minggu adalah hari ketujuh. Hari mulai bekerja itu Senin. Jadi Minggu adalah hari ketujuh. Coba hitung : 1. senin 2 Selasa. 3. Rabu 4. Kamis 5 Jumat 6 Sabtu 7 Minggu.
Islam :
Lho …. Kok jadi begitu? Bukankah dalam alkitab jelas sekali disebutkan bahwa yang disebut hari pertama itu “Hari Minggu” bukan hari Senin.
Penanggalan Gregorian baru diperkenalkan pada tahun 1582. kemudian orang Scotlandia menyetujui penanggalan Gregorian baru pada tahun 1600-an. Jerman, Denmark dan Swedia baru menerimanya pada tahun 1700-an. Apalagi Inggris menerimanya baru pada tahun 1752. ini berarti bahwa penanggalan Gregorian baru dikenal sekitar 300-400 tahun yang lalu. Sementara informasi Alkitab, bahwa hari pertama “hari Minggu” sudah ribuan tahun. Mengapa anda tidak mengikuti saja apa yang tertulis dalam alkitab? Apakah anda sudah tidak yakin lagi dengan informasi dari kitab suci anda sendiri, lalu beralih percaya kepada penulis penanggalan Gregorian? Lagi pula dalam alkitab yang disebut “hari bekerja Tuhan”, tidak sama seperti “hari bekerja manusia”. Yang dimaksud dengan “hari bekerjanya Tuhan” yaitu hari-hari ketika Tuhan menciptakan alam semesta, sementara “hari bekerjanya manusia” yaitu hari kerjanya manusia dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, agar dia bisa melangsungkan kehidupan di bumi ini. Aneh!!! Bagaimana mungkin anda bisa menyamakan hari kerja Tuhan dengan hari kerjanya manusia? Dari mana anda mendapatkan dalil seperti itu, sementara dalil dari alkitab anda sendiri sudah sangat jelas ada.
Kristen :
Tentu saja aku percaya kepada kitab suciku alkitab, tetapi pada waktu Tuhan berfirman melalui para nabi, waktu itu kan belum ada nama hari dan penanggalan? Nah orang yahudi baru membuat perhitungan penanggalan setelah mereka menerima wahyu Tuhan. Jadi menurut perhitungan orang yahudi, hari sabat itu jatuhnya pada hari Sabtu. Tetapi, menurut gereja yang dihitung Sabtu adalah enam hari. Jadi hari ketujuh yaitu hari Minggu.
Islam :
Kalau begitu anda bukan mengikuti firman Tuhan tapi kata pemuka gereja. Menurut alkitab hari pertama itu hari minggu, sementara menurut pemuka gereja hari senin. Mengapa anda pilih hari Minggu bukan Sabtu seperti yang Tuhan firmankan?
Kristen :
Menurut saya hari itu tidak penting. Yang penting yaitu dalam tiap minggu harus ada “hari perhentian” yang dikuduskan untuk berbakti atau beribadah kepadaNya. Toh waktu Allah pertama menurunkan wahyu Nya, pada saat itu belum ada penanggalan. Setelah orang Yahudi membuat penanggalan, ternyata hari ketujuh sebagai hari perhentian yang disucikan dan dikuduskan adalah hari Sabtu.
Islam :
Jika anda menganggap bahwa “hari itu tidak penting”, berarti boleh dong jika ada orang Kristen atau salah satu sekte Kristen merayakan hari Sabat kapan saja mereka mau. Nah kalau begitu dimana lagi esensi perintah Allah atas “hari yang harus dikuduskan” itu? Kalau begitu “hari perhentian” itu menjadi tidak jelas dan kacau, karena sudah terserah kepada manusianya, bukan berdasarkan firman Tuhan lagi bukan? Bagaimana jika suatu saat ada orang Kristen merayakan hari Sabat pada hari Selasa, Rabu, Kamis atau Jumat?
Kristen :
Oh tidak boleh, sebab itu tidak masuk di akal dan tidak wajar karena hari-hari tersebut tidak lazim.
Islam :
Lho….. tadi kan anda sendiri yang mengatakan bahwa “hari itu tidak penting”, yang penting anda katakan “dalam seminggu harus ada ‘satu hari perhentian’ atau ‘peristirahatan’ untuk mengkuduskan hari Tuhan”.
Kristen :
Bagaimanapun hal itu tidak mungkin terjadi, sebab hari Minggu sudah merupakan ketentuan Gereja sejak dahulu. Jadi beribadah diluar hari Sabtu dan Minggu itu tidak lazim.
Islam :
Baiklah aku tunjukkan pada anda 6 (enam) bukti menurut kitab suci anda Alkitab bahwa “hari pertama” itu adalah hari Minggu!!!! Bukan Senin, sehingga jatuhnya hari sabat yaitu hari Sabtu, bukan Minggu. Tolong bacakan ayat-ayat berikut ini :
Matius 28:1
Setelah hari Sabat lewat, menjelang menyingsingnya fajar pada hari pertama minggu itu, pergilah Maria Magdalena dan Maria yang lain, menengok kubur itu.
Markus 16:9
Setelah Yesus bangkit pagi-pagi pada hari pertama minggu itu, Ia mula-mula menampakkan diri-Nya kepada Maria Magdalena. Dari padanya Yesus pernah mengusir tujuh setan.
Lukas 24:1
tetapi pagi-pagi benar pada hari pertama minggu itu mereka pergi ke kubur membawa rempah-rempah yang telah disediakan mereka.
Yoh 20:1
Pada hari pertama minggu itu, pagi-pagi benar ketika hari masih gelap, pergilah Maria Magdalena ke kubur itu dan ia melihat bahwa batu telah diambil dari kubur.
Yohanes 20:19
Ketika hari sudah malam pada hari pertama minggu itu berkumpullah murid-murid Yesus di suatu tempat dengan pintu-pintu yang terkunci karena mereka takut kepada orang-orang Yahudi. Pada waktu itu datanglah Yesus dan berdiri di tengah-tengah mereka dan berkata: "Damai sejahtera bagi kamu!"
Apakah ke enam ayat tersebut bukan merupakan bukti bahwa “hari Minggu adalah hari pertama?” sehingga tepat pada hari ketujuh merupakan hari sabtu. Sekarang pertanyaannya, tolong tunjukkan mana dalilnya dalam Alkitab yang mengatakan bahwa hari yang dikuduskan adalah hari Minggu?
Kristen :
Memang tidak ada dalilnya yang tertulis bahwa hari kudus itu hari Minggu. Tapi ada tersirat, bahwa hari Minggu adalah hari yang dikuduskan, yaitu sebagai hari “kebangkitan Yesus”.
Semua umat kristiani yakin dan percaya bahwa Yesus bangkit pada hari Minggu. Nah untuk mengabdikan “hari kebangkitan Yesus”, maka gereja menetapkan hari Minggu sebagai hari yang harus diperingati sebagai hari suci. Sebab pada waktu itulah Yesus bangkit dari kuburnya. Sebab jika dia tidak bangkit, maka sia-sialah kematiannya. Nah kebangkitannya itulah merupakan hari kemenangan dari dosa, dimana yesus telah mati dan bangkit dalam rangka menebus dosa manusia.
Islam :
Memang benar bahwa menurut alkitab yesus bangkit pada hari minggu, tetapi bukan berarti bahwa Tuhan menyuruh mengkuduskan hari tersebut. Jika tuhan menyuruh menghormati dan mengkuduskan hari itu, mana dalilnya dalam alkitab dimana tuhan mengatakan “kuduskanlah hari Minggu”, tidak ada bukan? Yang ada “kuduskanlah hari Sabat”.
Kristen :
Memang tidak ada ayat yang berkata seperti itu, tapi menurut penanggalan Gregorian, Gereja menentukan bahwa, hari Kebangkitan Yesus pada hari Minggu harus dirayakan oleh umat Kristiani, menggantikan hari Sabtu sebagai hari sabat menurut penanggalan orang Yahudi.
Islam :
Baiklah kalau begitu. Sekarang aku bertanya, apakah anda yakin dan percaya bahwa menurut alkitab yesus mati pada hari Jumat dan bangkit pada hari Minggu??
Kristen :
Ya…..tentu saya percaya, karena Alkitab mengatakan seperti itu.
Islam :
Nah kalau begitu mestinya anda juga harus akui bahwa hari Sabat itu jatuh pada hari Sabtu. Coba kita baca kronologi ketika Yesus mati, dikubur dan bangkit dari kuburnya.
Lukas 23:52-54
23:52 Ia pergi menghadap Pilatus dan meminta mayat Yesus.
23:53 Dan sesudah ia menurunkan mayat itu, ia mengapaninya dengan kain lenan, lalu membaringkannya di dalam kubur yang digali di dalam bukit batu, di mana belum pernah dibaringkan mayat.
23:54 Hari itu adalah hari persiapan dan sabat hampir mulai.
Lukas 23:55-56
23:55 Dan perempuan-perempuan yang datang bersama-sama dengan Yesus dari Galilea, ikut serta dan mereka melihat kubur itu dan bagaimana mayat-Nya dibaringkan.
23:56 Dan setelah pulang, mereka menyediakan rempah-rempah dan minyak mur. (23-56b) Dan pada hari Sabat mereka beristirahat menurut hukum Taurat
Matius 28:1
Setelah hari Sabat lewat, menjelang menyingsingnya fajar pada hari pertama minggu itu, pergilah Maria Magdalena dan Maria yang lain, menengok kubur itu.
Ayat ayat tersebut sangat jelas mengatakan bahwa Sabat itu hari Sabtu, bukan Minggu. Tadi anda katakan bahwa anda percaya bahwa Yesus mati hari Jumat dan bangkit hari Minggu. Ini berarti anda harus percaya bahwa antara hari Jumat dan hari Minggu ada satu hari lain, yakni Sabtu. Nah hari Sabtu inilah jatuhnya hari Sabat. Menurut saya, definisi Sabtu itulah hari sesudah Jumat dan sebelum Minggu.
Kristen :
Ya benar, semuanya benar, tetapi sudah saya katakan bahwa “hari itu tidak penting”, yang penting adalah dalam seminggu harus ada hari perhentian yang dikuduskan. Kalau sabat hari Sabtu, itu kan menurut penanggalan yahudi. Kan waktu Allah berfirman menurunkan ayatnya pada waktu itu belum ada penanggalan.
Islam :
Wah anda ini tidak rasional, disatu pihak anda mengatakan bahwa itu menurut penanggalan Yahudi. Tetapi dilain pihak anda yakin dan percaya bahwa Yesus mati pada hari Jumat dan bangkit pada hari Minggu. Padahal itupun menurut penanggalan Yahudi juga. Yang jujur aja dong, jangan akal-akalan.
Apakah menurut penanggalan Gregorian, Yesus bukan mati pada hari Jumat?
Kristen :
Ya…menurut penanggalan Gregorian, Yesus memang mati pada hari Jumat. Makanya disebut “Jumat Agung”. Tetapi oleh Gereja, hari kebangkitan Yesus itu hari Minggu adalah hari yang perlu dikuduskan sebagai pengganti hari Sabat orang Yahudi. Menurut penanggalan Gregorian hari bekerjanya manusia adalah selama enam hari, yaitu Senin sampai Sabtu dan beristirahat pada hari ketujuh, yaitu Minggu.
Islam :
Kalau begitu anda bukan mengikuti kebenaran menurut Firman Tuhan dalam Alkitab, tetapi menurut pemimpin gereja. Padahal dengan tegas dan jelas Tuhan sendiri berfirman bahwa yang harus dikuduskan yaitu hari Sabat yang jatuh pada hari Sabtu. Perhatikan firman Allah dalam kitab anda sendiri, silahkan baca Keluaran 20:8-11.
20:8 Ingatlah dan kuduskanlah hari Sabat:
20:9 enam hari lamanya engkau akan bekerja dan melakukan segala pekerjaanmu,
20:10 tetapi hari ketujuh adalah hari Sabat TUHAN, Allahmu; maka jangan melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan, engkau atau anakmu laki-laki, atau anakmu perempuan, atau hambamu laki-laki, atau hambamu perempuan, atau hewanmu atau orang asing yang di tempat kediamanmu.
20:11 Sebab enam hari lamanya TUHAN menjadikan langit dan bumi, laut dan segala isinya, dan Ia berhenti pada hari ketujuh; itulah sebabnya TUHAN memberkati hari Sabat dan menguduskannya.
Saudaraku, firman Allah itu sangat jelas bahwa Dia menyuruh beristirahat pada hari ketujuh dan mengkuduskan hari Sabat, karena itu adalah hari yang Dia berkati. Seharusnya anda patuh pada perintahNya daripada perintah gereja, bukan? Lagi pula tidak ada satu dalilpun dalam alkitab menyatakan bahwa Tuhan mengkuduskan hari Minggu.
Kristen :
Ya …. Ya….benar, tapi menurut kami, hari Minggu juga hari kudus, sebab hari itu sangat menentukan keselamatan umat manusia. Sebab Tuhan memilih Yesus bangkit pada hari Minggu, berarti juga adalah hari pilihan Tuhan.
Islam :
Wah, ….. saya kagum pada anda, karena anda begitu ngotot membela kesalahan dengan mencari-cari dalil pembenaran atau ketidakrasionalan pendapat anda. Padahal dalam alkitab setebal itu, tidak ada satu ayatpun yang menyuruh mengkuduskan hari Minggu. Bahkan nama hari “minggu” pun tidak disebutkan dalam alkitab, kecuali disebut “hari minggu pertama”. Cobalah berpikir yang sehat, dan renungkan ancaman Tuhan bagi orang yang melanggar perintah Nya pada Keluaran 31:12-18. tolong baca!!
31:12. Berfirmanlah TUHAN kepada Musa:
31:13 "Katakanlah kepada orang Israel, demikian: Akan tetapi hari-hari Sabat-Ku harus kamu pelihara, sebab itulah peringatan antara Aku dan kamu, turun-temurun, sehingga kamu mengetahui, bahwa Akulah TUHAN, yang menguduskan kamu.
31:14 Haruslah kamu pelihara hari Sabat, sebab itulah hari kudus bagimu; siapa yang melanggar kekudusan hari Sabat itu, pastilah ia dihukum mati, sebab setiap orang yang melakukan pekerjaan pada hari itu, orang itu harus dilenyapkan dari antara bangsanya.
31:15 Enam hari lamanya boleh dilakukan pekerjaan, tetapi pada hari yang ketujuh haruslah ada sabat, hari perhentian penuh, hari kudus bagi TUHAN: setiap orang yang melakukan pekerjaan pada hari Sabat, pastilah ia dihukum mati.
31:16 Maka haruslah orang Israel memelihara hari Sabat, dengan merayakan sabat, turun-temurun, menjadi perjanjian kekal.
31:17 Antara Aku dan orang Israel maka inilah suatu peringatan untuk selama-lamanya, sebab enam hari lamanya TUHAN menjadikan langit dan bumi, dan pada hari yang ketujuh Ia berhenti bekerja untuk beristirahat."
31:18 Dan TUHAN memberikan kepada Musa, setelah Ia selesai berbicara dengan dia di gunung Sinai, kedua loh hukum Allah, loh batu, yang ditulisi oleh jari Allah.
Wah ……. aku saja yang bukan orang Kristen, merinding membaca ancaman Allah terhadap orang yang melanggar perintah Allah itu jelas sekali menyuruh memelihara hari Sabat turun temurun. Berarti perintah itu berlaku kekal. Bahkan yang melanggarnya mendapat ancaman hukuman mati. Tapi anda dan orang Katolik serta sekte Kristen lainnya tenang-tenang saja, bahkan sama sekali tidak menggubrisnya.
Anda anggap enteng suatu ketetapan yang begitu penting bahkan saking pentingnya perintah itu, Allah sendiri yang menuliskan dengan jari-jari tanganNya sendiri, kemudian Dia sendiri juga yang menyerahkan kepada nabi Musa untuk disampaikan dan diajarkan kepada manusia? Perhatikan firman Tuhan ini dalam Keluaran 24:12 tolong baca!!!
24:12. TUHAN berfirman kepada Musa: "Naiklah menghadap Aku, ke atas gunung, dan tinggallah di sana, maka Aku akan memberikan kepadamu loh batu, yakni hukum dan perintah, yang telah Kutuliskan untuk diajarkan kepada mereka."
Setelah nabi Musa menerimanya, turun lah Musa dari gunung dengan membawa kedua loh batu tersebut. Perhatikan firman Tuhan pada Kel 32:15-16 ini, tolong dibaca!!!
32:15. Setelah itu berpalinglah Musa, lalu turun dari gunung dengan kedua loh hukum Allah dalam tangannya, loh-loh yang bertulis pada kedua sisinya; bertulis sebelah-menyebelah.
32:16 Kedua loh itu ialah pekerjaan Allah dan tulisan itu ialah tulisan Allah, ditukik pada loh-loh itu.
Nah apakah ayat-ayat tersebut belum cukup meyakinkan anda bahwa sesungguhnya hari Sabat yang semestinya dipelihara, dan dikuduskan serta dipertahankan selama-lamanya adalah hari Sabtu, bukan hari Minggu!!! Dan apakah karya Tuhan yang maha penting dan maha agung bahkan ditulis dengan jari tanganNya sendiri tidak ada harganya???
Pelukis yang menoreh tintanya diatas kanvas atau kertas atau kulit, apalagi dari pelukis kenamaan yang dilukis ratusan tahun lalu, begitu dihargai dan bahkan harganya sangat mahal sampai milyaran rupiah. Kok lukisan langsung dari jari tangan Tuhan sendiri tidak anda jaga, tidak anda hargai dan tidak anda pelihara dan kuduskan???
Bukankah harga lukisan termahal dari tangan manusia hanya sebatas kenikmatan dunia dan tidak menyelamatkan nyawa anda?? Sementara lukisan dan tulisan dengan jari tangan Tuhan menyelamatkan jiwa anda dunia dan akhirat?
Jika anda mengikuti perintah pendeta atau pemimpin gereja berarti sama saja anda lebih menghormati dan lebih menghargai lukisan karya tangan manusia daripada lukisan tangan Tuhan, bukan? Cobalah anda renungkan dan pikirkan dengan hati yang tulus.
Kristen :
Yah…..gimana ya??? Itulah yang diajarkan dan disampaikan selama ini kepada umat Kristen. Biarlah hari Sabtu tetap Sabat bagi orang Yahudi dan bagi kami hari Sabat adalah hari Minggu. Bagi kami hari itu tidak penting, yang penting, inti daripada merayakan hari Sabat yang kami jalankan yaitu dalam seminggu harus ada satu hari yang dikuduskan, dan yang kami kuduskan yaitu Minggu.
Islam :
Saya tidak akan memaksakan anda supaya berbakti pada hari Sabtu sebagaimana umat Advent melakukan dan memelihara serta mengkuduskannya. Cuma yang saya heran dan tak habis pikir, hari Sabat yang jatuhnya jelas pada hari Sabtu dan ancamannya begitu mengerikan, kok seenaknya dilanggar oleh umat Katolik dan Protestan serta sekte-sekte Kristen lainnya, termasuk anda sendiri!! Apalagi tidak ada satu ayatpun dalam alkitab, dimana Allah pernah mengkuduskan hari Minggu, tidak ada samasekali!!!
Kristen :
Kalau begitu mengapa bapak tidak merayakan hari Sabat pada hari Sabtu seperti orang-orang Advent? Kalau bapak yakin bahwa Sabat itu hari Sabtu dan hari itu hari yang dikuduskan Tuhan, mengapa bapak bahkan beribadah pada hari Jumat?
Islam :
Lho kok anda ini tambah ngawur saja. Aku kan beragama Islam. Dalam Islam hari beribadah dalam setiap minggu jatuhnya pada hari Jumat, bukan Sabtu dan bukan Minggu. Pertanyaan anda itu mestinya anda ditujukan kepada sesama orang Protestan atau Katolik atau sekte Kristen lainnya yang mengkuduskan hari Minggu.
Kristen :
Apakah dalam Islam ada anjuran beribadah pada hari Jumat?
Islam :
Tentu saja ada. Karena ada perintah untuk beribadah pada hari Jumat, maka umat Islam setiap minggu juga punya satu hari khusus untuk beribadah secara berjamaah kepadaNya.
Kristen :
Boleh aku tahu umat Islam beribadah pada hari Jumat, di Al Qur’an terdapat dalam surat apa dan bagaimana bunyinya?
Islam :
Sebenarnya tema dialog kita bukan membahas tentang Al Qur’an. Karena anda ingin mengetahuinya, walaupun agak sedikit keluar dari konteks yang kita sepakati, biarlah kutunjukkan pada anda, beribadah pada hari Jumat terdapat dalam Qur’an surat 62 Al Jumuah (Hari Jumat), ayat 9 bunyinya :
“hai orang-orang yang beriman, apabila diseru untuk shalat pada hari Jumat, maka hendaklah kamu bersegera untuk mengingat Allah dan tinggalkanlah jual beli. Demikianlah yang lebih baik bagi kamu, jika kamu mengetahui.”
Kristen :
Kalau tidak salah, aku pernah dengar bahwa di dalam kitab suci Al Qur’an katanya ada berbicara tentang masalah hari Sabat. Apakah itu termasuk hari yang harus disucikan dan dikuduskan juga oleh umat Islam?
Islam :
Memang ada ayat-ayat Al Qur’an yang menceritakan tentang hari Sabat, tetapi ayat itu bukan ditujukan kepada umat Islam, melainkan kepada orang-orang Yahudi yang melanggar hukum Sabat. Mereka tidak mensucikan hari Sabat, bahkan mereka terus saja bekerja pada hari tersebut, sehingga Allah memberikan peringatan bahkan kutukan kepada mereka.
Kristen :
Maaf aku tertarik informasi Qur’an tentang hari Sabat. Boleh kutahu ayat-ayatnya dalam Al Qur’an itu, dan kutukan apa yang Tuhan timpakan bagi mereka yang tidak mengkuduskan hari Sabat?
Islam :
Tentu saja boleh. Kalau tidak salah ada sekitar lima kali kata Sabat atau Sabtu disebutkan dalam Al Qur’an, yaitu surat Al Baqarah 65-66, An Nisa 47 dan 154, Al A’raf 163 dan An Nahl 124. baiklah aku bacakan untuk anda ketahui :
Qs Al Baqarah 65 -66
Dan sesungguhnya telah kamu ketahui orang-orang yang melanggar diantaramu pada hari Sabtu, lalu Kami berfirman kepada mereka: "Jadilah kamu kera yang hina". Maka Kami jadikan yang demikian itu peringatan bagi orang-orang dimasa itu, dan bagi mereka yang datang kemudian, serta menjadi pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa.
An Nisa 47, 154
47. Hai orang-orang yang telah diberi Al Kitab, berimanlah kamu kepada apa yang telah Kami turunkan (Al Qur'an) yang membenarkan Kitab yang ada pada kamu sebelum Kami mengubah muka (mu), lalu Kami putarkan ke belakang atau Kami kutuki mereka sebagaimana Kami telah mengutuki orang-orang (yang berbuat ma'siat) pada hari Sabtu. Dan ketetapan Allah pasti berlaku.
154. Dan telah Kami angkat ke atas (kepala) mereka bukit Thursina untuk (menerima) perjanjian (yang telah Kami ambil dari) mereka. Dan kami perintahkan kepada mereka : "Masuklah pintu gerbang itu sambil bersujud", dan Kami perintahkan (pula) kepada mereka : "Janganlah kamu melanggar peraturan mengenai hari Sabtu", dan Kami telah mengambil dari mereka perjanjian yang kokoh.
Al A’raf 163
Dan tanyakanlah kepada Bani Israil tentang negeri yang terletak di dekat laut ketika mereka melanggar aturan pada hari Sabtu, di waktu datang kepada mereka ikan-ikan (yang berada di sekitar) mereka terapung-apung di permukaan air, dan di hari-hari yang bukan Sabtu, ikan-ikan itu tidak datang kepada mereka. Demikianlah Kami mencoba mereka disebabkan mereka berlaku fasik.
An Nahl 124
Sesungguhnya diwajibkan (menghormati) hari Sabtu atas orang-orang (Yahudi) yang berselisih padanya. Dan sesungguhnya Tuhanmu benar-benar akan memberi putusan di antara mereka di hari kiamat terhadap apa yang telah mereka perselisihkan itu.
Bunyi ayat Al Qur’an tersebut, dapat kita ketahui bahwa pada masa itu pernah Allah buktikan, memberikan kutukan bagi yang melanggar dan tidak mensucikan hari Sabat, yaitu dengan merobah muka merka jadi kera yang hina. Maksud Allah yaitu memberikan pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa agar tetap memelihara hukum-hukumNya, karena bagi yang melanggar pasti ada sangsinya. Sangsi itu jika tidak dibuktikan di dunia, pasti akan dibuktikan di akhirat.
Menurut saya, mestinya umat Katolik, Protestan dan sekte lainnya, jika ingin menjadi pengikut Yesus yang setia dan menjalankan perintah-perintah Tuhan, harus beribadah pada hari Sabtu sebagai hari Sabat yang dikuduskan Tuhan, bukan hari Minggu. Kenapa? Sebab perintah Tuhan itu kekal dan abadi, berlaku terus sampai kiamat dan seumur hidup Yesus tidak sekalipun beribadah pada hari Minggu.
Menurut kamus berbagai bahasa, Sabat itu artinya Sabtu, bukan Minggu. Bahasa Jawa (Sabbat). Makassar (Saba’na). Bugis (Saba’e). Arab (sabt). Greek/Yunani (Sabbaton). Italia (Sabato). Inggris (Sabbath). Polandia (Sobota). Spanyol (Sabado). Dan bahasa Indonesia (sabtu).
Islam :
Sejak kapan Gereja menetapkan hari Minggu sebagai hari istirahat dan hari beribadah?
Kristen :
Wah saya tidak tahu persis hal itu.
Islam :
Perlu anda ketahui, penetapan hari Minggu sebagai hari peristirahatan dan hari ibadah yaitu pada tahun 364 M pada Konsili Laodikea. Pada saat itulah dewan gereja menetapkan, Minggu sebagai hari istirahat dan ibadah bagi umat Kristiani.
Oleh sebab itu beribadah pada hari Minggu, bukan ketentuan dan ketetapan dari Tuhan, tetapi hanya hasil musyawarah para dewan gereja. Makanya tidak terdapat walau satu ayatpun dalam alkitab, dimana Tuhan maupun Yesus yang mengkuduskan dan memberkati hari Minggu. Yang dikuduskan dan diberkati adalah hari Sabat yaitu hari Sabtu!
Dari seluruh alkitab di dunia ini, dalam bahasa apapun, semuanya menunjukkan bahwa hari beribadah yang diperintahkan dan dikuduskan Tuhan, adlaah hari Sabtu, bukan Minggu. Dan Al Qur’an juga mengatakan demikian.
Oleh sebab itu semakin jelaslah bahwa beribadah pada hari Minggu, samasekali tidak ada dasarnya dan dalilnya, baik dalam Alkitab maupun dalam Al Qur’an. Kenapa seperti itu? Sebab beribadah pada hari Minggu hanyalah rekayasa oleh Dewan Gereja pada konsili Laodikea sejak tahun 364 M, tiga abad lebih setelah Yesus meninggal.
Kristen :
Bapak dulunya kan beragama Katolik!! Jika waktu itu bapak belum masuk Islam atau masih beragama Katolik, apakah bapak juga akan turut mengkuduskan Sabat pada hari Sabtu?
Islam :
Seandainya waktu itu aku masih beragama Katolik, jelas aku akan tetapi beribadah menurut ajaran pastur saya, yaitu beribadah dan mengkuduskan hari Minggu. Tetapi jika pemahaman saya tentang Alkitab sudah seperti sekarang ini, aku akan memilih hijrah atau pindah ke Advent, karena walaupun mereka minoritas, tetapi mereka lebih konsekuen dan konsisten dalam memelihara firman-firman Tuhan yang tertulis dalam alkitab. Tetapi rupanya Allah yang Maha Kuasa menghendaki lain, dan menunjukkan aku jalan yang mesti aku tempuh seperti sekarang ini, yaitu beragama Islam.
Kristen :
Terus terang saya masih kurang mendalami alkitab. Rupanya bapak lebih paham dari saya. Kalau begitu biarlah kita berjalan pada jalan masing-masing. Menurut saya kami harus mengkuduskan hari Minggu, sebab hari itu adalah hari pilihan Tuhan dimana Dia membangkitkan Yesus. Kebangkitannya itulah yang merupakan kemenangan atas dosa, dia telah mengalahkan penguasa gelap yaitu setan dan dia telah menebus dosa-dosa manusia. Sebab menurut keimanan kami, jika Yesus tidak bangkit hari ketiga dari kuburnya, maka sia-sialah keimanan kami.
Islam :
Yah….kalau kita berbicara hanya mengedepankan logika, perasaan dan pendapat manusia, maka kita tidak akan pernah mencapai titik temu dan tidak akan menemukan kebenaran yang hakiki. Aku ingin bacakan kepada anda beberapa ayat untuk anda renungkan dan pikirkan, bahwa seumur hidupnya Yesus hanya beribadah pada hari Sabat (Sabtu), bukan hari Minggu. Tolong baca Lukas 4:16, Lukas 4:31, Lukas 6:6, Lukas 13:10, Markus 1:21, Markus 6:2
Ia datang ke Nazaret tempat Ia dibesarkan, dan menurut kebiasaan-Nya pada hari Sabat Ia masuk ke rumah ibadat, lalu berdiri hendak membaca dari Alkitab.
Kemudian Yesus pergi ke Kapernaum, sebuah kota di Galilea, lalu mengajar di situ pada hari-hari Sabat.
Pada suatu hari Sabat lain, Yesus masuk ke rumah ibadat, lalu mengajar. Di situ ada seorang yang mati tangan kanannya.
Pada suatu kali Yesus sedang mengajar dalam salah satu rumah ibadat pada hari Sabat.
Mereka tiba di Kapernaum. Setelah hari Sabat mulai, Yesus segera masuk ke dalam rumah ibadat dan mengajar.
Pada hari Sabat Ia mulai mengajar di rumah ibadat dan jemaat yang besar takjub ketika mendengar Dia dan mereka berkata: "Dari mana diperoleh-Nya semuanya itu? Hikmat apa pulakah yang diberikan kepada-Nya? Dan mujizat-mujizat yang demikian bagaimanakah dapat diadakan oleh tangan-Nya?
Dari ayat-ayat tersebut ternyata seumur hidupnya Yesus mengajar dan beribadah pada hari Sabat yaitu hari sabtu, bukan Minggu. Hitung saja, menurut alkitab, Yesus meninggal pada usia 33 tahun. Ini berarti seumur hidupnya yesus telah mengkuduskan hari Sabat pada hari Sabtu sebanyak lebih kurang 1700 kali.
Tidak pernah satu kalipun yesus beribadah dan mengkuduskan hari Minggu. Terserah anda mau jadi pengikut Yesus atau pengikut ajaran Manusia yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Bukankah yesus panutan anda? Ingat kata Yesus pada hari nanti : Enyahlah kalian pembuat kejahatan, kalian melaksanakan ajaran manusia.!!!!
Jika aku masih beragama Kristen, aku pasti memilih menjadi pengikut Yesus yang setia dengan jalan mengikuti apa yang dia teladani dan contohkan.
Kristen :
Rasanya membahas masalah ini tidak akan habisnya, apakah masih diteruskan atau kita beralih saja pada materi lain???
Islam :
Materi lain sebaiknya kita bicarakan pada kesempatan lain saja. Biarlah kita tuntaskan masalah Sabat ini dulu sampai selesai, sebab bagi saya ini masalah besar, bukan masalah sepele, karena ancamannya begitu mengerikan bagi yang melanggar hukum-hukumNya.
Jika saya yang peringatkan anda mungkin tidak perlu anda gubris, tetapi jika Tuhan yang memperingatkan anda, apalagi melalui FirmanNya dalam kitab suci anda sendiri yaitu alkitab, sebaiknya anda perhitungkan. Biarlah kubacakan untuk anda sebagai bahan renungan untuk anda pikirkan dengan kepala dingin dan hati yang tulus, yaitu Yak 2:10.
Sebab barangsiapa menuruti seluruh hukum itu, tetapi mengabaikan satu bagian dari padanya, ia bersalah terhadap seluruhnya.
Berdasarkan ayat alkitab tersebut, berarti dari Sepuluh Firman Tuhan, jika hanya 9 (sembilan) yang dijalankan tetapi satu diabaikan yaitu melanggar hukum Sabat, maka anda bersalah atas keseluruhan perintah tersebut. Ini berarti sia-sialah iman anda.
Hal ini lebih diperkuat dengan Yakobus 2:14 yang bunyinya sebagai berikut :
Apakah gunanya, saudara-saudaraku, jika seorang mengatakan, bahwa ia mempunyai iman, padahal ia tidak mempunyai perbuatan? Dapatkah iman itu menyelamatkan dia?
Dan dalam Yakobus 2:17 dikatakan :
Demikian juga halnya dengan iman: Jika iman itu tidak disertai perbuatan, maka iman itu pada hakekatnya adalah mati.
Nah berdasarkan ayat-ayat tersebut, karena ada salah satu hukum yang anda langgar yaitu tidak menghormati dan tidak melakukan dengan perbuatan (tidak mengkuduskan hari Sabat), maka sia-sialah iman anda, atau iman anda telah dinyatakan “mati” oleh Tuhan.
Maaf saya tidak punya hak untuk mengatakan dan menyatakan atau memvonis anda bahwa iman anda saat ini sia-sia atau mati, tapi alkitab anda sendiri yang mengatakan demikian, dan saya hanya mengingatkan dan memperlihatkan kebenaran ini pada anda.
Kristen :
Sepertinya saya harus banyak belajar dari bapak. Terus terang saja, selama ini baru kali ini aku merasa paling sulit berdebat dengan seseorang. Dan baru kali ini aku mendapatkan lawan debat yang sangat menguasai persoalan. Dan yang sangat mengagumkan saya, adalah bapak justru beragama Islam. Saya hargai dan salut atas ilmu bapak!!!
Islam :
Terimakasih atas pujian dan penghargaan anda, tetapi seharusnya anda tidak perlu memuji saya berlebihan, sebab ilmu yang kuperoleh juga berasal dari Allah. Oleh sebab itu menurut ajaran saya dalam agama Islam, yang berhak menerima pujian hanyalah Allah Swt.
Sebenarnya banyak sekali yang ingin saya sampaikan, tetapi yang paling penting dan perlu anda renungkan cukup sekitar 7 (aslinya 20) hal, masalah “hari Minggu” sebagai berikut :
• Allah tidak berhenti bekerja pada hari Minggu.
Allah dan Yesus tidak pernah memberkati hari Minggu.
tidak ada hukum yang menyuruh memelihara hari Minggu
Allah dan Yesus tidak pernah mengkuduskan hari Minggu
tidak ada pelanggaran hukum jika bekerja pada hari Minggu
tidak ada berkat yang dijanjikan jika memelihara hari Minggu
Alkitab tidak pernah menyebutkan hari minggu sebagai hari ibadah bagi kristen.
Kristen :
Sekali lagi seperti yang sudah saya katakan bahwa menurut iman kami, “bukan harinya yang penting”, tetapi yang penting dalam seminggu harus ada “satu hari perhentian” yang dikuduskan sebagai hari ibadah. Dan kami menganggap hari Minggu adalah juga hari suci, karena yesus bangkit dari kematiannya pada hari Minggu.
Islam :
Maaf, rasanya tidak perlu lagi saya mengomentari jawaban anda yang bolak balik ke itu-itu. Harapanku jujurlah dalam menanggapi sesuatu, apalagi kita ini sedang membicarakan masalah-masalah firman Tuhan yang dianggap benar datang dari Tuhan. Jika kita membohongi, tapi hati kecil kita katakan itu benar, maka hal itu hanya akan menambah banyaknya rentetan dosa yang akan dipertanggungjawabkan di hadapan Nya nanti. Cobalah renungkan nasihat Yesus seperti ini :
Yohanes :
"Jikalau kamu mengasihi Aku, kamu akan menuruti segala perintah-Ku.
Jikalau kamu menuruti perintah-Ku, kamu akan tinggal di dalam kasih-Ku, seperti Aku menuruti perintah Bapa-Ku dan tinggal di dalam kasih-Nya.
Saya kira sabda Yesus dalam dua ayat itu sangat jelas sekali maknanya. Anak kecilpun paham apa maksud sabda Yesus tersebut yakni jika ingin mencintai dan menjadi pengikutnya yang setia, ikutilah segala perintahnya, agar anda berada dalam kasihnya. Jika anda tidak mengikuti perintahnya, berarti anda tidak mencintai dia.
Kristen :
Saya tetap mencintai Yesus dan menjalankan perintahnya, hanya saja mungkin dengan cara yang berbeda.
Islam :
Justru karena anda jalankan secara berbeda itulah, maka anda menjadi bukan pengikutnya, tetapi pengikut ajaran pendeta atau gereja anda. Apa susahnya anda tinggalkan ajaran manusia dan mengikuti ajaran Yesus? Yang namanya pengikut Yesus, berarti dia harus konsekuen dan konsisten dengan apa yang yesus katakan. Coba anda renungkan sabda yesus ini :
Karena Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya selama belum lenyap langit dan bumi ini, satu iota atau satu titikpun tidak akan ditiadakan dari hukum Taurat, sebelum semuanya terjadi.
Nah ini berarti bahwa seluruh hukum Taurat itu masih berlaku dan harus anda jalankan, termasuk mengkuduskan hari Sabat. Artinya anda harus tinggalkan beribadah hari Minggu dan kembali ke hari Sabtu. Apalagi seumur hidupnya Yesus hanya beribadah dan mengkuduskan hari Sabat, dan tidak sekalipun Yesus beribadah dan mengkuduskan hari Minggu!
Kristen :
Biarlah kita berjalan pada garis masing-masing. Bagi kami, yesus adalah sebagai juruselamat umat manusia. Menurut saya yang penting adalah jaminan keselamatan yang pasti, yaitu bila kita beriman dan percaya kepada Yesus yang telah bangkit pada hari Minggu sebagai hari kemenangannya atas iblis, untuk menebus dosa-dosa manusia.
Islam :
Kalau salah satu jalan keselamatan itu hanya beriman dan percaya kepada yesus, maka semua umat Islam juga beriman dan percaya kepada Yesus yang disebut sebagai nabi Isa As. Menurut saya, keselamatan yang pasti, bukan hanya sekedar beriman dan percaya kepada Yesus, tetapi bagaimana melakukan semua perintahnya dan perintah Tuhannya Yesus yaitu Allah Swt.
Percuma anda hanya beriman dan percaya Yesus, jika semua perintahnya tidak anda lakukan !!!
Yesus beribadah seumur hidupnya pada hari Sabat, anda malah beribadah pada hari Minggu. Bukankah anda telah mengingkari bahkan menghianati beliau? Bukankah apa yang yesus contohkan harus diikuti oleh penganutnya? Coba simak baik – baik sabda Yesus ini :
Bukan setiap orang yang berseru kepada-Ku: Tuhan, Tuhan! akan masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Sorga, melainkan dia yang melakukan kehendak Bapa-Ku yang di sorga.
Saya rasa, ayat ini sangat jelas dan bagus sekali buat anda renungkan, sebab sabda Yesus tersebut jelas sekali dia sendiri yang mengatakan kepada pengikutnya, yang bermakna bahwa keselamatan itu harus melakukan semua kehendak Bapanya yaitu Allah. Jadi pernyataan iman itu harus disertai perbuatan, jika tidak maka sia-sialah iman anda. Kan tadi sudah dibacakan yaitu Yoh 14 :15
Yohanes :
"Jikalau kamu mengasihi Aku, kamu akan menuruti segala perintah-Ku.
Ini bermakna, jika anda benar-benar mengasihi dia, ikutilah apa yang dicontohkan dan diajarkan yesus. Jika anda tidak mengikuti jejak beliau, berarti anda tidak mengasihinya bukan?
Kristen :
Rasanya kita tutup saja masalah Sabat dan bagaimana jika kita beralih ke materi lain?
Islam :
Karena sudah cukup larut malam, materi lain kita bicarakan pada hari berikutnya. Aku mau tuntaskan sekali lagi bahwa masih ada yang perlu anda renungkan untuk dibawa tidur pada malam hari, yaitu bagaimana Allah menganjurkan agar mengikuti Perintah-perintahNya.
"Haruslah engkau mengasihi TUHAN, Allahmu, dan melakukan dengan setia kewajibanmu terhadap Dia dengan senantiasa berpegang pada segala ketetapan-Nya, peraturan-Nya dan perintah-Nya.
1 Raja
dan hendaklah kamu berpaut kepada TUHAN, Allah kita, dengan sepenuh hatimu dan dengan hidup menurut segala ketetapan-Nya dan dengan tetap mengikuti segala perintah-Nya seperti pada hari ini."
Sebab sama seperti langit yang baru dan bumi yang baru yang akan Kujadikan itu, tinggal tetap di hadapan-Ku, demikianlah firman TUHAN, demikianlah keturunanmu dan namamu akan tinggal tetap.
Bulan berganti bulan, dan Sabat berganti Sabat, maka seluruh umat manusia akan datang untuk sujud menyembah di hadapan-Ku, firman TUHAN.
Firman Tuhan seperti itu sudah sangat jelas, tegas dan sangat rasional. Anak kecilpun paham apa yang Tuhan kehendaki dari isi firman Nya itu. Apakah masih perlu aku jelaskan ?
Kristen :
Terimakasih biar nanti akan kupelajari dirumahku lagi.
Islam :
Kalau tadi adalah ayat-ayat anjuran Tuhan agar mengikuti Perintah dan ketetapan serta Peraturan Nya, maka ada juga ayat-ayat yang berisi ancaman bila anda tidak melaksanakannya. Mudah-mudahan dengan adanya ancaman dari Tuhan, anda akan pikirkan lebih serius lagi, sebab ini menyangkut keselamatan abadi di akhirat nanti. Lebih baik kita tidak disukai manusia, asal disukai dan disayangi oleh Tuhan.
"Carilah pengajaran dan kesaksian!" Siapa yang tidak berbicara sesuai dengan perkataan itu, maka baginya tidak terbit fajar.
Sebab barangsiapa menuruti seluruh hukum itu, tetapi mengabaikan satu bagian dari padanya, ia bersalah terhadap seluruhnya.
Apakah gunanya, saudara-saudaraku, jika seorang mengatakan, bahwa ia mempunyai iman, padahal ia tidak mempunyai perbuatan? Dapatkah iman itu menyelamatkan dia?
Demikian juga halnya dengan iman: Jika iman itu tidak disertai perbuatan, maka iman itu pada hakekatnya adalah mati.
Kristen :
Wah….terimakasih….anda begitu menguasai, dan biarlah ini menjadi PR saya. Tetapi kami yakin bahwa kami umat Kristen tetap menghormati dan mengkuduskan Sabat, Cuma harinya saja hari Minggu.
Islam :
Baiklah biarlah semua itu menjadi PR bagi anda. Sekedar renungan, bahwa sebelumnya Tuhan telah informasikan bahwa pada suatu saat nanti hukum-hukumNya serta hari-hari SabatNya akan dibengkokkan orang, dan hal ini telah terbukti hampir semua orang Kristen telah membengkokkannya, termasuk anda sendiri.
Coba anda baca Yehezkiel 22: 26.
Imam-imamnya memperkosa hukum Taurat-Ku dan menajiskan hal-hal yang kudus bagi-Ku, mereka tidak membedakan antara yang kudus dengan yang tidak kudus, tidak mengajarkan perbedaan yang najis dengan yang tahir, mereka menutup mata terhadap hari-hari Sabat-Ku. Demikianlah Aku dinajiskan di tengah-tengah mereka.
Nah, jika anda ingin meluruskan kembali informasi Tuhan tersebut, maka berbuatlah sesuatu untuk membela firman-firman Allah yang benar, dan jangan sampai anda ikut terjerumus seperti mereka-mereka itu.
Mestinya anda harus menjadi pelopor dalam mengembalikan ke 10 firman Tuhan yang telah mereka obah dan langgar. Kristen protestan adalah agama “reformasi” yaitu apa yang dilakukan oleh Martin Luther. Banyak hal yang berhasil Martin Luter protes, sehingga muncullah agama baru yaitu protestan, tetapi sayangnya, salah satu dari beberapa kegagalan Martin Luther adalah masalah penyucian hari Sabat, yang telah dirobah oleh penguasa Katolik menjadi hari Minggu.
Jika anda merasa benar hari Sabat yang jatuh pada hari Sabtu itu sudah dilanggar bahkan dirobah oleh pemimpin Gereja menjadi hari Minggu, berarti anda dan semua umat Kristen dan Katolik telah melanggar salah satu dari Sepuluh Firman Tuhan tersebut, berarti mereka telah berbuat salah atas seluruh hukum itu. Coba renungkan ayat alkitab ini :
Sebab barangsiapa menuruti seluruh hukum itu, tetapi mengabaikan satu bagian dari padanya, ia bersalah terhadap seluruhnya.
Saya kira ayat ini sangat baik sekali. Bahkan rasanya satu ayat ini telah mewakili seluruh isi dari 10 firman Allah. Artinya hanya dengan melanggar salah satu hukum Tuhan, sama saja telah bersalah atas seluruh hukum itu.
Kristen :
Baiklah saya kira cukup diakhiri sampai disini saja, nanti dilanjutkan besok lagi. Anda sangat luar biasa sekali!!! Terang terang saja, baru kali ini aku ketemu dengan orang yang bisa berdialog sedetail ini. Saya mendapatkan banyak ilmu dan pemahaman dari Bapak. Paling tidak aku mendapatkan banyak wawasan ilmu kristologi dari dialog ini. Saya harap dialog seperti ini bisa diteruskan pada hari-hari berikutnya dengan materi yang lain.
Islam :
Sebelum kita akhiri, saya ingin sampaikan, bahwa apabila anda ingin menjadi orang Kristen yang baik, cobalah anda kritisi kandungan kitab suci anda, karena bukan tidak mungkin banyak ajaran-ajaran yang benar telah diselewengkan oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab.
Salah satu bukti otentik, yaitu seperti yang kita bahas yaitu masalah keabsahan hari Sabat dalam 10 firman Tuhan. Ternyata hanya sebagian kecil saja yang masih konsisten dan konsekuen memelihara dan mengkuduskan yaitu dari sekte Advent.
Ini berarti sebagian besar telah melanggar kekudusan hari Sabat, padahal ancaman bagi mereka yang melanggar begitu berat, yaitu dihukum mati. Coba anda renungkan jaminan Allah bagi mereka yang memelihara hukum Sabat Tuhan.
Apabila engkau tidak menginjak-injak hukum Sabat dan tidak melakukan urusanmu pada hari kudus-Ku; apabila engkau menyebutkan hari Sabat "hari kenikmatan", dan hari kudus TUHAN "hari yang mulia"; apabila engkau menghormatinya dengan tidak menjalankan segala acaramu dan dengan tidak mengurus urusanmu atau berkata omong kosong,
maka engkau akan bersenang-senang karena TUHAN, dan Aku akan membuat engkau melintasi puncak bukit-bukit di bumi dengan kendaraan kemenangan; Aku akan memberi makan engkau dari milik pusaka Yakub, bapa leluhurmu, sebab mulut Tuhanlah yang mengatakannya.
Ingat!!! Tuhan tidak mungkin ingkar janji, apa yang keluar dari mulut Nya, pasti akan terjadi. Hal ini sesuai dengan firman-Nya dalam :
(89-35) Aku tidak akan melanggar perjanjian-Ku, dan apa yang keluar dari bibir-Ku tidak akan Kuubah.
Oleh sebab itu janji yang Dia ucapkan dalam Yesaya 58: 13-14 tadi, merupakan sesuatu yang sangat menggembirakan dan menyenangkan. Tidak ada lagi kesenangan yang lebih besar selain kesenangan yang langsung diberikan Tuhan atas janjiNya terhadap mereka yang taat menjalankan hukum-hukum Nya.
Bayangkan saja, janji dan jaminan Nya begitu menggiurkan, begitu menjanjikan kesenangan yang tiada tara hanya karena memelihara salah satu hukumNya saja, yaitu memelihara dan mengkuduskan hari Sabat, apalagi jika anda menjalankan semuanya, sungguh luar biasa!!!
Kristen :
Baiklah. Semoga semua ini menjadi PR bagiku. Sekali lagi saya ucapkan terimakasih atas diskusi kita pada malam hari ini, terimakasih juga telah merepotkan bapak menyediakan minuman dan makanan. Kalau boleh besok kita ganti dengan materi yang lain saja, dan saya kira masalah hari Sabat kita tutup saja sampai disini.
Islam :
Terimakasih kembali. Dan saya mohon maaf jika selama kita berdialog, ada kata-kata yang salah atau menyinggung perasaan anda. Apa yang saya sampaikan itu bukan dari pikiran saya, kemauan dan kehendak saya sendiri, tetapi semua itu berdasarkan dalil-dalil yang saya ambil dari kitab anda sendiri. Saya hanya sekedar menunjukkan apa yang mestinya anda ketahui, anda pelihara dan anda amalkan.
Saya yakin, jika anda benar-benar ingin mencari jalan yang benar, Insya Allah Tuhan akan membimbing anda pada ajaran yang hakiki dan yang diridhoi Nya.
Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
Jumat, 28 November 2008
Selasa, 11 November 2008
Fall the Christian Faith
Christianity believes that God is three in one. But is not clear what the three in that one. If you asked them what the meaning triad, they will answer with a variety of answers that are not known. And asked if the basic-basically in the Bible, then they will refer to verses that do not show the same ketritunggalan once.
Actual triad is the assumption, mirage. Then the phantom of this argument sought in the Bible. If there is a paragraph that can be altered to support this assumption, the paragraph is changed. If there is a paragraph that can be to support the assumption, the paragraph is shown in such a way. This merip with Charles Darwin once said that the man came from monkey. Then he find evidence in the fossil-fossil. When he does not find it, then he and manipulate their fossil-invention is to support the assumption that sesatnya.
Similarly, the Trinitarian Christian community, they rape chastity gospel of the original assumptions to support them astray. They manipulate, edit, mengha-pussy, add, and insert the words sesungguh it is not in the original Gospel. Then they said that it was the word of God.
But the accident besarlah for those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah," (with the intention) to gain a little with the act. But the accident besarlah for them, as a result of what is written by their own hands, and the accident besarlah for them, the consequences of what they do. [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 79]
And whether the revelations that they use to support the theory triumvirate? There are many verses that they use for it. However, all the same paragraph does not mention the triumvirate so clearly, is not the same verses with the firmly stated oneness of God. And with the permission of Allah, we will membahasnya one-rented. However, not all the verses, as there are verses of the same theme. To shorten this paper, we only take a few verses that, according to our important.
Factory 1:26
He said: "Let We made according to the human image and appearance We, so that their power over the fish of the sea and birds in the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and above all reptile that crawled the earth." [Gen.. 1:26]
He mentions his love with the We / Us in many verses in the Bible and also in Al-Qur `an. However, no one said that Al-Qur `an teach the Trinity. Hence Al-Qur `an says that God is One, God does not bear and are not born. Using verses such as this as a basis Trinity is not acceptable at all.
The question then, why God uses the word 'We' or 'We' Up to appoint his own? I will ask it here, why officials speaking in his speech and said: 'We', we are talking to her himself? And why many authors write in their paper: 'We' to refer to himself? Then, of course, you will answer that it is good grammar. And in some cultures, someone calling himself with the word 'we' is to show the majesty and kewibawaannya. It is fair if the mention of God himself with the word 'we' or 'We'. He is the Mahaagung and has authority. If George Bush can call himself with the word 'we' He again deserve more.
We have created you (Adam), then we form body, then we say to angels: "you prostrate (salute) to Adam"; then they kneel except Satan. He did not include those who prostrate. [QS. Al-A'raf (7): 11]
Verses in the Bible Likewise with this paragraph are: Genesis 11:7.
1 John 5:7-8
Because there are three that give testimony [in heaven: the Father, the Word and Holy Spirit; and the third one is. And there are three that give testimony in the earth]: Spirit and water and the blood and is the third one. [1Yoh.5 :7-8]
This paragraph is paragraph Trinity Christian community pride. However, this paragraph it is the most weak. If you would like to consider the brackets [] in that paragraph, then you will understand that the words in brackets are the words of dubious keotentikannya. And if you want to consider the word 'one' in the paragraph, then you will ask questions, what meaning of the word 'one'? What is the one substance, one goal, or a witness? For this paragraph to talk about the testimony. So one witness is more appropriate. Try to compare the paragraph in the New Translation with other versions below:
Old translation (TL): Because of the three witnesses in heaven, and the Word of the Father and Rohulkudus, the third-His into one, and there are three witness in the earth, the Spirit and water and blood, then the third goal is to become one .
English Day (BIS): There are three witnesses: * There are three witnesses: In the script there are some additional: Witnesses who is the Father in heaven, and the sayings of the Spirit of God, all three are one. Witnesses who on earth is ... * Spirit of God, water and blood-all three to give the same testimony.
King James Version (KJV): For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
So, three in one here is not one of three actors in the Godhead, but three different private one in the same testimony, in one agreement, seiya-one; not one substance, not a deity, or any related doctrine of the Trinity. This paragraph does not show the same doctrine of the Trinity. But like Darwin, they manipulate this paragraph to support the concept of the Trinity.
Try to compare with paragraph Al-Qur `an the following:" God's testimony stated that there is no God (who is) but He, who uphold justice. The angels and those who berilmu (also stated that). There is no God (who is) but Him, the Almighty, Wise. "[QS. Ali Imran: 18]
So that they all become one, as Thou, Father, yes, in the I and I in Thee, that they were also in the We, that the world believe that You have sent me. And I have to give them dignity, that you gave to me, so that they become one, as we are one. [John 17:21-22]
This also describes the paragraph as if Jesus and God are one substance. But try again note the words that we Underline. Do the people of Israel is expected to become a substance? No, but that they will become a 'union', seiya-one, keep each other, one goal, one that testimony that God sent Jesus. If one here means a substance, not the triad again, but 'more in one'. For the disciples of Jesus also took part in the alliance.
Then what the meaning of A in the B and B in the A? This is a metaphor that has some meaning.
1. When someone says, "I am in you and you in me." This could mean that I was you, and you is I; who hurt you mean I have been hurt, who has contemptuous means I have been mocking you; is penderitaanmu penderitaanku, kebahagiaanmu is kebahagiaanku.
From Nu'man ibn Basyir pleased he said: The Messenger of Allah saaw said: "Perumpama an believers in the learner-I-love and mutual love-love is like one body. When one of its members in pain, then the entire body of the other members also felt sick. "[HR. Bukhori, Muslim, Ahmad ibn Hanbal]
The Messenger of Allah had said in the second Baiat Aqabah: "Darahku blood is you. And blood for you is darahku. I am of you, you and me. Kuperangi who will you perangi. And I will be at peace with who you know, peace. "Does this mean that the Messenger of one substance with the shahabat from nomadic tribe khazraj? Of course not, but 'the same boat and sepenanggungan'.
2. When Jesus said, "To have them also in us." This can mean that Jesus expects them to testify that God is One, and that Jesus is the servant and messenger of God.
"This is eternal life, that they know Thee, the only true God, Jesus Christ and know that you have sent." [John 17:3]
Look how God is not Jesus. God is the One god, and Jesus Christ is His messenger. There is no god except Allah, the truth and Jesus Christ is the messenger of Allah. That sentence is cooling off (the witness) at the time.
And if we see the next paragraph, namely: I in them and Thou in Me, so that they become a perfect one, so that the world know that you have sent me and that you love them, as I love you. [Jn. 17:23] So here can be seen that Jesus hope that God loves them as God loves Jesus. Love God and how to Jesus? His love of Jesus is love like a father to his children the only puppet. In Jn. 1:14 Bible translations written duration: So the Word became human and lived among us (and we have to play his glory, the glory of children as a single father), full of grace and truth.
So the words in verses such as this are full of metaphor. To be able to understand, we need to understand the culture, style and language and sciences, which grew during the period.
Factory 6:7
Then Angel LORD menjumpainya near a water spring in the desert, which is near the water on the road to the suggestion. [Genesis 16:7]
Christians believe that the encounter Hajar, the wife of Prophet Abraham as is God. Then they write the word 'angel' mengkapitalisasi with the letter 'm' to 'Angel'. And this they made the proposition that God can be seen in the human world, if this form of angels. Even that came to Black is not God, but the angels of God, with the letter 'm' small. Capitalization is based on the assumption that the views of the Hajar is God. Why do they assume that the views that God is? For the Gen.. 16:13 written: Then Hagar has been named the LORD said to him that with the designation: "Thou art the El-Roi." Because, he said: "Is not here kulihat He has seen me?"
But in the Old translations paragraph is written: So called Hagar will be the name of God that has been said to him is: God inspector; because the word Hagar: I see the strengthening of God here, the future will have me?
This paragraph can not be used as the basis Trinity's it. Because we also have to mempertimbang things other matters.
1. Hajar is to meet the angel of the Lord saith the Lord. But Black does not care to convey a word of it. But he was' forced 'to God who has spoken to him through his angel.
2. See God in the world can not mean it literally. When you see a house of worship that are being built by the carpenters building, and you say, "God is building his house." Does this mean that the fortune-building is God? Does God really need a house to live? Of course not. But you believe that God has built his temple through the fortune-building, where it is later in the temple of God exalted. When you see a miracle of nature, for example, when you see a doctor has successfully menyembuh was the chronic cancer pain. Then you said, "I have seen the Lord." Is the doctor is God? Not that you see here is not God, but you have been 'see' The power of God.
3. God may not be seen in the world in general. For the natural world God created this situation in the transitory. Which may be the world that can be perishable He holds the Eternal.
But God wanted it dwelt on the earth? Indeed, the heavens, even the heavens that all is not heaven you can load, especially the houses that kudirikan this. [1 RAJ. 8:27]
So obvious that the Lord may not be dpat world, either in the form of an angel or a human child.
God is not human, so he is not on the human children, so that he repent. He said cooking and do not do this, or speak and not menepatinya? [Numbers 23:19]
Factory 18:1-2
Then the Lord appeared to Abraham near the tree tarbantin in Mamre, while he sat in the door kemahnya time sweltering day. When he faces up, he saw three people standing in front of it. After seen them, he ran from door to welcome them kemahnya, and sujudlah it to the ground. [Genesis 18:1-2]
God appeared to Abraham, this can not be understood literally. God showed the existence of evidence, though, this new understandable. Who are three people that? Of course, the angels who came to report the news and happy news frightening. Are the three people that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit? That is incompetent. If the three can be seen Abraham, and why it is said that God was not known and that there has never been seen, and that is known, then send him to introduce the Lord Jesus to the world? Did Abraham have to see and know God? It is obvious that God can be 'known' and 'see' the view and think of His creation.
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for men of understanding, (is) the people who remember God while standing or sitting or lie in the circumstances and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth ( saying): "Our Lord, You have not created this in vain. Glory to Thee, then us from the torment of hell. [QS. Ali Imran (3): 190-191]
And the messengers We (angels) came to Abraham with glad tidings, they say: "on a" (Welcome). He said: "Salamun" (Selamatlah), then not long after Ibrahim presenting a veal roasted. And when they do not see the hand of menjamahnya, Abraham looked strange act them, and they feel fear. Angel said: "Do not you worry, we are (angels) who was sent to the people of Lot." And his wife (Sarah) stand (behind the curtains), and he smiled. We gladly submit to him the news about (birth) of Isaac and Isaac (her sons will be born) Jacob. [QS. Hood 11:69-71]
So obvious that Abraham found that the aalah angels, messengers of God, and they are not God.
He can not be achieved by the sight of the eye, while he can see all the vision and is the Most Subtle Knower. [QS. Al-An'am (6): 103]
Trinity in the Bible
Actual teachings of unity of god or unitary faith is so clearly in the Old Testament. Israel is always true that God is one. Similarly, Jesus, he came to teach academic unity of god. There are many verses in the Old Testament and New Testament that describe the oneness of God. However, in the New Testament, the oneness of God often disamarkan by the Gospel writers. They alter what was Jesus, and they write, and they say that it is the Gospel, the Word of God. But nearer to them.
Deuteronomy 6:4
Listen, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one! [Deut. 6:4]
Paragraph is not written: 'God is triune God, the LORD, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three in one' this Article states that God is one. And how they interpret a 'three in one'? Obvious, they interpret culture is not based on the people of Israel and the unity of god confidence of the people of Israel. They interpret based on carnality people of Rome and Greece who worship idols. But they also strayed from the straight path.
And We have sent down to bring the Koran with truth, confirming what previously, namely the Book (which revealed earlier) and touchstone of the Book of the other; the putuskanlah of them according to what Allah sent down, and do not carnality to leave them with the truth that has come to. To each of you people, we provide rules and the way that light. If Allah willed, you will be His people, one (only), but God wanted you to test-giving unto Him, the race-lombalah good. Only Allah to you all again, and notified him to what you have perselisihkan it. [QS. Al-Maidah: 48]
Say: O People of the Book, do not exaggerate (exceeds) the correct way is not in the religion. And do not follow the carnality of those who have gone astray was (before the advent of Muhammad) and they have led many (men), and they strayed from the straight path. "Past dilaknati unbelievers from the Children of Israel with the tongue of David and Jesus the son of Mary. That is because they disobeyed and exceeded the limit. [QS. Al-Maidah (5): 77]
How can the confidence of the people by the Greek? They believe that Baachus, their God, is the daughter of Demeter virgin, born on December 25, Jupiter Gods children. Based on the data that they menyifati Jesus. Even Jesus was born in the month Ilul, in the summer. If Jesus was born in the month of December, in the winter, and why the kambingnya herd graze at night and can see the stars at the birth of Jesus? The herd their goats graze at night because when it is Ilul month, summer. So that is not too hot, they graze their goats in the evening.
In areas that are shepherds who live in the cattle herd to keep them in the night. [Luke 2:8]
And the Old Bible translations, this verse written: the listen, O Israel! Hua indeed, our God, is one of Hua.
'God' in the Bible comes from the Hebrew word Yahweh or Yahua. And in Arabic, 'huwa' he means. It is interesting when in the Bible that many called Hua Eloah Ehad, and in the Al-Quran Allah said that even the Prophet Muhammad saaw said Sunday Huwa God; He Allah, the One.
Malachi 2:15
Is not the One God that made them flesh and spirit? And whether the desired unity is? Descendants of the divine! So keep yourself! And let's not faithful to the wife of the read. [Malachi 2:15]
In this paragraph said the One God, not the triune God. Triune God term never appears in the Bible. Even in the Bible dictionary.
Deuteronomy 4:35
You see it given to know that God is HUA, there is no other except him. [Deuteronomy 4:35]
Say that He is God, there is no god except He is correct. He does not depend on anything, even things kepda He depend. He no litter, nor diperanakkan. No equivalent with him. That's the nature of God in the Al-Qur `an, terutamadalam Al-Ikhlash, also found in several verses in the Bible. Signs that the teronggok is a pearl in piles of garbage.
No one is equal to God, O Yesyurun! [Deuteronomy 33:26]
Remember all the things that will advance from the early period, that I am God; no more God or something equivalent to me. [Isaiah 46:9]
Matthew 4:9-10
And said to him: "All that I give to thy, if you worship me." Then Jesus said to him: "begone, Satan! Because there is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and He alone is only to serve you! "[Matthew 4:9-10]
In this paragraph is clearly seen that Jesus was not God and never admitted as a God or god. If Jesus was God, so why Satan dare to tell Jesus to worship him. And in this paragraph is clearly seen that Jesus refused to worship Satan, as Jesus would worship the only true God, the God who created himself. If Jesus was God, and why he worship God? God worship God? Thin orange drink orange?
Indeed, Satan is always trying to mislead people worship the false god-god. Likewise Paul, the child of Satan, he always tried to lead people to worship the god-human false god. Paul then says that Jesus is God. Even God has warned not to worship except Him Up.
LORD thy God, you must follow, you should fear him, you must hold on His command, His voice should you listen to, to Him, you must serve and cohesive. [Deuteronomy 13:4]
If your brother men, children your mother or your son or your daughter or wife or friends own karibmu tempt you wordless, he said: Let's kind to the other side is not known, or by the fathers, one of the nation gods -nation much time, both close to or far from you, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the earth, then do not give in to him and not listen to him. Do not feel pity on him, do not pity him, and not a cover, but kill him! First hands are moving to kill him, then all the people. [Deut. 13:6-9]
And if they (the mother-fathers) your associate with something that I no knowledge, then do not follow them, and pergaulilah both in the world with good, and follow the road back to me, and then only to Kulah return, the Ku-tell thee what thou has done. [QS. Lilly (31): 15]
Only, do it with a very loyal and the law, which ordered to by Moses, the servant of the Lord, namely, to love the Lord your God, live according to all the roads shown, though, still follow His command, His hold on and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul. "[Joshua 22:5]
God has a covenant with them and give commands to them: "Do not kind to other gods, do not worship him, do not give it to him and not sacrifice him. [2 Kings 17:35]
And (remember) when We take the promise of the Children of Israel (is): Do not worship other than Allah, and goodbye to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, and poor people, and speak words of good to the people, your prayers and pay Zakat. Then you do not fulfill the promise that, except for a small part of you, and you always turned away. [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 83]
But this is a slave to confess that Mr. according to the way that their religion is a sect that says, the servant of such worship of Allah, the Lord slave ancestors, and believe everything will be as implied in the law and the prophets. [Acts. 24:14 Old translations]
Indeed, I must admit to Mr. God that I worship our ancestors, according to the teachings of Jesus, which they consider wrong. But I still believe that everything will be written in the Book of Moses in the Book and prophets. [Acts. BIS 24:14]
So obvious that what Jesus taught in the Torah, the teachings of the unity of god.
YOHANES 17:3-8
This is the life that is eternal, that they know Thee, the only true God, Jesus Christ and know that you have sent. I have memper-muliakan you in the earth by completing the work that you gave to me to do so. Therefore, my Father, I permuliakanlah on thy own glory with the Kumiliki in thy presence there before the world. I have stated the name of thy to all people, that you gave to me from the world. They owned-and Mu You have to give them to me and they have to obey the word of thy. Now they know that all that you gave to me that comes from on-Mu. For every word that you submit to me has been Kusampaikan to them and they have permission. They know really, that I come from on-thy, and they believe that You have sent me. [John 17:3-8]
In the verses of the above described so clearly that the One God, and Jesus is the messenger of God who carries the task to deliver the word of God. What was Jesus is not based on the carnality of Jesus, but based on the word that comes from God. As prove the prophets, Jesus is only to convey what is revealed to him. Jews are not percata that Jesus is Lord. For that Jesus never claimed himself as God, Jesus is claiming himself as the messenger of God. But many people in Israel when it does not believe. Then Jesus in this paragraph states that now have them believe that there is only one God, and Jesus is the true messenger of God. Only one God, no son of God, not God the Holy Spirit. God that there is only one correct, as god-god that there are many false. But only one true god, the god who is Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus and Muhammad.
Say: "... I did not, except what is revealed to me. [QS. Al-An'am (6): 50]
Say: "Verily, I am only a man like you, which is revealed to me:" That is indeed your Lord is One God. " Anyone who expect meeting with his Lord, then let him work righteous deeds, and not he make one in the worship of his Lord. " [QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 110]
Jesus answered: "What is the reason you ask me about what is good? One only good. But if you want to enter into life, turutilah all the commandments of God. "[Matthew 19:17]
Jesus said to him: "... I will go to the Father and the Father, to God and God." [John 20:17]
Look how Jesus tells about who worship him, his God, the Father and God of Israel. If Jesus was God, why he worship God? Thin orange drink orange?
(Jesus said:) "Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore worship Him. This is a straight path. "[QS. Ali Imran (3): 51]
The kafirlah those who say: "Allah is the son of Mary," in the Al (own) said: "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord," Surely those who associate (with something) Allah surely Allah forbid him the Garden, and the place is hell, is not there for those who do wrong is also a helper. [QS. Al-Maidah (5): 72]
Jesus answered: "Law, especially that is: listen, Israel, the Lord our God, God is one." [Mark 12:29]
In Mark 12:29, as Moses, Jesus has said that Hua is God and the God of Israel. He did not say that Hua is God, but he said, "Hua our God."
MARKUS 10:18
Jesus answered: "Why I kaukatakan good? I feel good apart from God alone. [Mark 10:18]
In this paragraph, called Jesus rejected for good. Why? Because the only one, namely God. while Jesus is not God, then he called to reject the good. So, God is only one, not two, not three, only one. Nothing can rival his, that there is no equivalent to him.
1 Timothy 1:17
Respect and dignity for all long for the days of King, the eternal God, that is not visible, that one! Amen. [1 Timothy 1:17]
God is one God, that is not visible eyes, the eternal, He that is the King of all the ages, and not Jesus. Jesus is visible by the eye.
1 Timothy 2:5
Because God is one and one that he also became mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. [1 Timothy 2:5]
Even Paul understand that God is one, and Paul has to distinguish between the God of Jesus. Jesus only mediator. He is caretaker mission to deliver the word of God to men. And Jesus is merely human.
Jude 1:25
To the only wise God, our Savior, be glory and majesty, strength and power, now and for ever. Amen. [Jude 1:25 KJV]
God is one God that is the Savior. In the other version explained that God saves mankind through the intercession of Jesus. The sense of God save the human Jesus, that Jesus menyampai was the word of God and teach them about the straight path, the only worship the one God, and to guide them on the road is straight, as he has been guiding the Israelites out of Egypt through a straight road in the middle of the ocean so that they are safe from Satan's team pursuit.
Indeed, Thou God that hide themselves, the God of Israel, the Savior. [Isaiah 45:15]
I am, I am the LORD, and there is no savior beside me. [Isaiah 43:11]
Say: "He is Allah, the One God, God is the God who depend on Him all things. He was no litter and no diperanakkan also, and there is none equal to Him. " [QS. Al-Ikhlash]
Ways to Show What He is single. God Almighty-rich, Mahamandiri, does not need another. He does not need to reproduce, because God is not dead, God is eternal, He does not need to preserve the love-him with the birth. He does not diperanakkan, even with God all things to be there. He differs with his creatures, there is no equal to Him, the Almighty.
Akulah The Beginning and the End Akulah, there is no God other than me. [Isaiah 44: 6]
Kautahu not, and not kaudengar? LORD is the everlasting God created the earth from end to end; He did not become tired and did not wilt, an unexpected understanding of Him. [Isaiah 40:28]
Who I like? [Isaiah 44:7]
Jesus said, "especially the law is' listen O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. '" [Mark 12: 29]
God, that there is no god but He is the Living lasting longer continue to manage (His creatures); not sleepy and do not sleep. His what is in the heavens and the earth. Nothing can give intercession with Allah without His permission. God knows what in front of them and behind them, and they do not know any of the knowledge of God, but what He will. He chairs include the heavens and the earth. And God does not feel the weight maintain them, and Allah Most High, Most Great. [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 255]
Trinitarian Christianity believes that Jesus is God, that is. They say that Jesus is the Son of God, second person in the Trinity. But this has not been shown clearly in the Bible. The divinity of Jesus is the assumption, the assumption that by then defend those pagan and look-basic principle in the Bible. When SEEING EVIDENCE found it difficult, they alter the Bible in such a way so that tersamar of purpose indeed. There are many verses, which they claim as their basic beliefs. But in this book are only a few verses that we, as many of the revelations that have the same meaning. And discuss with some of the verses that, our perspective is enough to cancel their confidence against the Godhead of Jesus. May Allah open their hearts and to enable them to accept Islam as their religion.
Jesus said to them: "I say to you, before Abraham indeed so, I have been there." [John 8:58]
Christendom use this paragraph to show the pre-existence of Jesus. And when Jesus said, 'Ego Eimi' (I, the akulah him, I am, I am Rockets), Christian people believe that Jesus is Lord.
Actual style of many of Israel language that we need to understand before we can understand the Bible well. One is that this word in the language Yunaninya is' Ego Eimi '. With say 'Ego Eimi' does not make someone a god. Many people use the expression in such a culture of Israel. There are more than a hundred verses in the Bible, which contains expression such as this, among other 2 Sam. 7:18; 2Taw. 2:6; Ps 88:14, 119:125; Jer. 26: 14; Gal. 5:11; Eph. 3:1; Cabbage. 1:23.
This is why I, Paul, who is jailed because of Jesus Christ for you people who do not know God. [Ephesians 3:1]
That's the style of language of the people of Israel, and God is using this language in the style of his word to the nation of Israel. Style of language such as this is also used by Arab nations. He even uses this style of language in the Al-Qur `an while telling the dialogue between him with the holy Moses.
Indeed, I am, Akulah God, there is no god other than that I am correct, then I worship and pray to remember me. [QS. BACK Ha (20): 14]
And remember when Abraham said to his father and his people: "I am not responsible for what you worship. [QS. Az-Zukhruf: 26]
Who better than accelerate the call to Allah, work righteous deeds, and said: "I am including those who surrender." [QS. Fushshilat: 33]
I am, sent for from him as the bearer of warning and glad tidings. [QS. Hood: 2]
Say: "I have ditunjuki by the Lord to the straight path, (is) the religious right; the religion of Abraham, the upright, and Abraham is not among the idolaters." [QS. Al-An'am: 161]
The word that before the birth of Abraham, Jesus was there, this proposition can not be pre-existence of Jesus. For in fact, Jesus, physically, there is after Abraham. And Jesus spoke like this when he was aged thirties years (John 8:57), while Abraham was not before he was born. But in the context of this paragraph, it is apparent that the existence of Jesus is God in Science. That he has been in the plan of God, not literally exist. If we see paragraph 56, then we will understand that Jesus' has no 'in God's plan.
Father Abraham that he will rejoice to see my day, and he has seen and he rejoice. [Jn. 8:56]
How Abraham saw the day when Jesus appears to convey the word of God and lead Israel to the straight path, while at the time of Jesus not appear to convey the word of God? Abraham saw the 'appearance'. God has' memperlihat-I 'or may simply provide news about the event. It is common when someone read the history books, and then he said, "I see in this paragraph that Jesus run duty as God's messenger." Did he see Jesus with the eyes of his head? Of course not.
Because of the faith, then Noah, with God's instructions about something that is not visible, with the observance of preparing the ship to save his family; ... Because he (Abraham) waiting-looking city that has a base, which planned and built by God. [Hebrews 11:7,10]
With what Noah and Abraham to see that there is something in the future? With faith. And Jesus is God's plan to save Israel. Of course, when Abraham delighted 'to see' this.
LORD said to me: "Before I formed you in the womb of your mother, I know you, and before you exit from the womb, I have sanctify you, I've set you a prophet to the nations." [Jeremiah 1:4-5]
Is Jeremiah has been in existence of yore? Yes, but in God's plan, not as human beings.
God created me as the beginning of his job, his act as the first of yore. Already at the time immemorial I formed, the first beginning, the earth was. [Proverbs 8:22-23]
Solomon (Solomon) bin Daud established at the time immemorial, even said that God has created. However, in the plan of God.
Where are you, when I put the basic earth? Ceritakanlah, if you have! ... Of course, knowing you, because when you have been born, and the number of day-to-day life has been a lot! [Job 38:4,21]
Is Job has been in existence before the earth was created? Yes, Job has been in existence in God's plan.
John 1:1
In the beginning there is the Word, Word with God and the Word was God. [John 1:1 TB2]
Trinitarian Christianity believe that is the 'Word' is Jesus. In the dictionary which will never interpret the Word as Jesus.
WORDS / Logos / time, it has a meaning that is quite broad. Logos / Kalam can mean expression or expression, the reason (Acts 10:29), commands (QS. 2:124; Gal. 5:14; Gen.. 2:16), immutability (QS. 3:64; Kel. 12: 24), word (Rom. 15:18; QS. 4:46; QS. 5:13), speaking (QS. 4:164; Ex. 19:9; QS. 7:143), answer (Ex. 19 : 19), the plan, the promise / agreement (QS. 6:34; QS. 7:137), the message (Lk. 4:32), Book (QS. 7:158), news, confession, testimony, teaching, etc. . Logic comes from the word logos. But not in the dictionary, which means that the Logos Jesus.
But in the paragraph above should not be defined: "In the beginning there is Jesus." However: "In the beginning there is the Word." And the word here could mean the plan or the command of God to create something that He will. If we see the Book of Genesis chapter 1, we will see that God created all things with His Word: Be. Likewise, if we see in the Al-Quran, said in that if God intends to create something, it suffices He said: Be.
He said: "Be bright." And so the light. [Genesis 1:3]
Indeed, His command, when He just said something to him: "Be!" It. [QS. Yes Sin (36): 82]
Indeed, for instance (creation) Jesus, Allah, as is the (creation) Adam. God created Adam from the land, then God said to him: "Be (a man)," so he (a man). [QS. Ali Imran (3): 59]
In the Old Testament, we can see that the Jewish people familiar with the idea of 'the Word of God,' which refers to the actions and policies Him. It is important to note that the Jewish embrace Ketuhan the god, and does not believe the "Triune God." They are familiar with the idiom of their own language, and understand that the power of God wisdom and realize the 'Word'.
And the Word of God accompany him [Genesis. 39:2]
Then Moses came and called the elders of the nation and bring them to the front of all the word of the LORD. [Exodus. 19:17]
Word of God and receive the face of Job [Job 42:9]
Word of God and to humiliate them laugh [Ps. 2:4]
They believe in the name of his word [Ps. 106:12]
If you're a painter, pematung, or poet, you will express / reveal yourself through painting, sculpture, or a lyric. Through paintings, sculptures, or versification, other people will be able to know who your true self. That God, through his time as the universe, the Prophet, also the Book He has introduced him to love us.
Disciples of Jesus once asked Jesus, "What is God?" Jesus replied, "If you have seen me, means you have to see God."
Shahabat the Prophet Muhammad had also asked, "What is God?" Prophet Muhammad also said, "If I see you have, then you have to see God." In the history of other said that the Prophet said, "Do not you think God, because you do not snggup will, but fikirkanlah His creation. "Yes, His creation, His time, not written.
Logo / Kalam is the expression of God, and Personal Communication is His, as a "word" is an expression of the thinking out of someone. The expression of God that this has now been in existence for His servant, and with that, then perfectly understandable why Jesus called "Logos / time." Jesus is an expression that exit from the policy, objectives and plan of God. For the same reason, we call revelation as "a word from God" and the Bible or the Al-Quran is the "Word of God."
If we understand that the logo / time-is the expression of God's plan, purpose, reason and wisdom of God, then it is obvious that all of strikes "in the beginning." Kebijak Bible says that God is sanaan-"from the beginning" (Proverbs 8: 23). That is the Hebrew writing that is very common to realize a concept such as policy. No Jewish past that read Proverbs will be thinking that God is the personal discretion of a separate, although depicted in one of the verses in Proverbs 8:29 and 30: "... when he set the foundations of the earth, I [policy] is favored in the side ".
Already at the time immemorial I formed, the first beginning, the earth was. [Proverbs 8:23]
Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and Omega," the Word of God, "that is, and the existing, and that will come, the Almighty." [Revelation 1:8]
These words refer to God, not Jesus. That one, "that is, and existing and future" with a clearly recognizable from the context. Revelation 1:4 and 5 read: "Grace and peace to you from there, and who have, and that will come, and from the seven spirits in front of tahtanya, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness," The separation between the there is, the tools, and that will come "and Christ can be clearly seen. The one "that is, and existing and future" is God; not Jesus.
This paragraph made little rancu in the KJV of the word "God" removed, the Greek text of the KJV there has been translated. However, modern textual research indicates the need to ensure that it is included, and include modern versions of the word "God".
"I am the first and the last," says the Lord God Almighty, who is, I, and who is to come. [Rev. TEV 1:8]
LAI verses in the Bible is written: "I am the Alpha and Omega, saith the Lord God, that is, and the existing, and that will come, the Almighty." Even supposing we want to see the Acts. 7:7, then we will see that this paragraph should be written: "I am the Alpha and Omega," says the Lord God, "There is, and the existing, and that will come, the Almighty." Or, more convenience: God He said: 'I am the Alpha and Omega, existing and already there, and that will come, the Almighty' (The Lord God said: 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the one who is and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty ')
And the duration of written translations so: "I am and this is the Alif Yes, saith the Lord God, that there is, and the already existing, and that will come later, the Almighty. [Revelation 1:8]
"Akulah the first and the last," said Lord God, that is, is there, and the next, the Almighty. [Revelation 1:8 BIS]
"I lan public Alpha Omega" mengkono pangandikané girl God, sing saiki ana, ana biyèn lan sing, sing sarta candidate rawuh ngasta Pangwasa. [Revelation 1:8 Java]
So that is said God, not Jesus who is admitted as the word of God or even as the Alpha and Omega. He never admitted as the true God.
Tomas He said: "My Lord and my God!" [John 20:28]
Jesus did not appoint himself as "God" in the sense of the absolute, and what lessons can be made from the actions of Thomas calling Jesus "God"? Using Greek words theos, ( "God" or "gods") with a broader purpose than today. In the Greek language and culture, "GOD" (all of the initial manuscript Bible was written in all capital letters) is a descriptive designation applies to areas of authority / power, including the Governor of Rome (Acts 12:22), and even Satan (2 choir. 4:4), and Moses (Exodus 7:1). The word was used someone with divine authority. That is not limited to the understanding of kemutlakannya as a personal name for God the Highest, as we use today.
And the people cheer reply: "This is not the voice side and the human voice!" [Acts 12:22]
Those who do not believe, that has dibutakan living god by the time of this, so they do not see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the picture of God. [2 choir. 4:4]
LORD said to Moses: "See, I take you as a God for the Pharaoh, and Aaron, abangmu, will be nabimu. [Exodus 7:1]
With dimasanya language, the phrase used by Thomas certainly understandable. On the other hand, to make Tomas said that Jesus is "God," as 1 / 3 of the triune God, starkly absurd.
Too difficult for the students of knowledge, and we do not have the knowledge that they recognize the divine nature of Christ before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This expression is a designation only "someone that I respect"; because the word 'God' is not always used in connection with the unequivocal doctrine.
Remember, it is common at that time to mention the representatives of God as "Allah," and the Old Testament have many examples for that. When Jacob's struggle with "God," is a clear fact that he wrestled with an angel (Hosea 12:4).
There are many experts acknowledge that Trinity is no knowledge of the Doctrine of Trinity when Tomas speak like that. For example, if students believe that Jesus is "God" in the understanding that many Christians do, they will not "escape" a few days before he was arrested. Recognition of two students running Emmaus to show the thoughts of Jesus at the time. They say Jesus "is a prophet, powerful in the work and words in the face of God ... and they crucify him, but we have hope that he is who will redeem Israel" (Luke 24:19-21). The Bible says so clearly that the students think that this Jesus was a "prophet." While the Christians say that Jesus Christ is, they know that according to the Old Testament, Christ, the Lord's anointed, is a human. There is no evidence, according to the Gospel in which the disciples of Jesus believed that he is God, and Tomas, did not raise a new Theological.
The context of this verse indicates that Jesus was alive. Only three paragraphs earlier, Thomas has ignored the testimony of witnesses other students when they told him that they see God. Jesus keep such contentious doctrine that Thomas does not believe that (other students also do not), and with such events would have caused crucifixion Thomas doubted that Jesus is who he called the Messiah. Thomas believes that Jesus is crucified and dead. So, he was surprised when he saw, and has been faced by the self-Jesus. Tomas, when faced by the living Christ, immediately believe that God has the human Jesus, God and the use of the standard in the culture as to the authority of God, must be considered that Thomas will proclaim, "My Lord and my God." No relation to the Trinity in this context, and there no reason to believe that the students had such a doctrine. Thomas spoke what he would have known that the human Jesus who he thought was already dead, was alive and has a divine authority. Finally, they grow confident that Jesus is the messenger of God, and God's messengers, like the prophets of God, of course, has a divine authority.
"I and the Father are one." [John 10:30]
There is no reason to take this paragraph to understand that Christ is said that he and Father prepare "the one God." Expression of public, and even today if someone uses it, people will know what part it up, he and his father very much similarity. When Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church about kependetaannya there, he said that he had planted the seed and Apolos the flood. Then he said, "Now that he planteth and that he watereth are one" (He is to plant and irrigate a) [1Cor.. 3:8 - KJV]. In the Greek text, Paul wording is the same as in John 10:30, but no one recognizes that Paul and Apollos establish "the existence of one." Moreover, the NIV translate 1Cor.. 3:8 as "he who planted the flood and that he has one goal." Why is the phrase that translates as "the one" in one place, but as "one goal" in other places? In this case, the phrase translates the same in two different road obscure the clear meaning of the statement of Jesus in John 10:30. Jesus always do the will of the Father; he and God has a purpose. "
Christ uses the concept of "becoming one" in other places, and from there one can see that "one goal" is what is meant. John 11:52 says Jesus died for all children of God to become "one." In John 17:11,21 and 22, Jesus prayed to God that our followers will become "one" as he and God were "one. "We gather that Jesus did not pray to all the followers will be one or the existence of" elements "as he and the Father are one, or the existence of" elements. "We believe Jesus was meant to pray so that all the followers become one goal as he and God is the one goal, a prayer that it is not.
The context of John 10:30 with a convincing show that Jesus was referring to the fact that he has the same goal with God. He is to discuss their ability to maintain the "sheep" who believe, that came to him. He said that no one can take them out of hand and that no one can take them to the outside of the hands of the Father. Then he said that he and the Father is "one," the goal-to-maintain and protect the sheep.
John 5:18
But also because he says that God is Father, His own, and therefore equate Himself with God. [John 5:18]
Israel at that time and also the culture they know that children often bring family authority. For example, the son of a king has the authority. When Christ said that God is Father, the Pharisees with the right interprets that means that he has the authority of God on earth.
This paragraph does not support the Trinity. With carefully archived on Jesus is said that God is Father, that he alone is not God, not that he is the "son of God." It was clear that the authority came from the Father, Jesus, this is the fact that he is not God themselves.
The concept of people as the "same" was found in several places in the Bible. For example, when Joseph is controlled under the Pharaoh of Egypt, Judah said to him, "You together with the Pharaoh" (Gen. 44:18). Paul writing about people who want to be considered "together with us" (2 choir. 11:12). No Christian who believes that Joseph and Pharaoh, or Paul, and their is a "one substance," and establish "a dzat" only because they called "the same." We believe that John 5:18 should be treated like other verses that mention equality (Equal ). Jesus uses the power and authority of God on earth, so that "together" with God the same way as Joseph, the first to use the authority and power of Pharaoh, the same as the Pharaoh.
Matthew 28:18
"Ye have been given all power in heaven and on earth." [Matthew 28:18]
Be careful in reading a paragraph is a way to start interpreting the paragraph is correct. In this case, it is clear that the power of Christ is. Many of the book that says the same thing: 'God has made Jesus Christ and become Mr.' [Acts. 2:36]. God 'put' all things under his feet and the 'points' as the head of the Church [Ephesians 1:22]. If Christ is truly God, and co-Equal and co-Eternal Father, with as taught in the Trinity, it is not reasonable, logical, not to say Christ has been given power. God, by definition, have the power. The power of the Jesus is submitted and obtained from God, this is not the nature of divinity. Words in Scripture is, in fact, refutation Trinity. Jesus is the man that God gave him 'all power'.
Matthew 1:23
Indeed, children will contain the virgin birth and a son, and they call him Immanuel, which means that God accompany us. [Matthew 1:23]
Immanuel can be interpreted as' God with us' or 'God accompany us'. We know that God accompany the man through Jesus, and Jesus said that their own who see him, meaning he has seen God. This can not be accepted literally. However, those who see Jesus and perbuatannya, then someone will see how the Almighty God gave Jesus and all the signs of civilized behavior again full of love. If we want to know how the love of God, then see how the love of Jesus, then we will know that God Mahakasih, for Jesus, His servants just so thankful, let alone God. Similarly to know the nature of God the other, and see how nature kemulyaan Jesus. The nature of the weakness of Jesus, then it is not describe the nature and the image of God, but it is human nature of Jesus.
Essentially, the name is symbolic. God with us, not literally, but through His servants, as in 2 choir. 5:19, which states: "That God reconciled the world to himself through Christ." Symbols such as this is not special for Jesus. Many of those who were given names that will cause big problems if diimani verbatim. Are we convinced that Eliyah is "Yahweh God" or that Bithiah (Bica, Mered wife), daughter of Pharaoh, is Saudari because the name of Jesus is the 'daughter of Yahweh'? Do we believe that Dibri, not Jesus, is the 'promise Yahweh', or that Eliab is the Messiah indeed because the name means' God [is] father [it]? "Of course not. Is a big mistake to acknowledge that the meaning of the name literally prove the truth. We know that the name of Jesus is very meaningful, that is to convey the message that as a child of God and the God-image as a God accompany the people of Israel through Jesus, but the name does not make Jesus as God.
Islam believes that humanity is a servant of Jesus, the prophet and messenger of God. Islamic reject human divinity of Jesus. Because it's written in the Al-Qur `an and the Bible. When someone kneel and pray to something, then helaslah that he is a servant of the things. And he is not God or Allah. And as Jesus is the servant of God, a man who worship the Lord of the Worlds.
Jesus as a prophet is a duty to convey news from the heavens. He was a messenger of God, and not God himself. What was only the word of God. When someone what was to follow, it means people have to follow the word of God, it means he has to comply with God.
If a king speak, and this titahnya brought out by a courier to complain in front of the public. But surely the audience to listen to the courier with full respect, with regard to the king who speak, even though the king is also not present in the place. And when someone said that the courier is a word that the king, it means people have to comply with the king word, it means he has to comply with the king. And not be called as a courier is king. Courier was only the messenger of the king. Who is to respect the courier he is the king who has respect mengutusnya.
Matthew 12:18
"Look, this is my servant who Kupilih, which Kukasihi, which to him with my life; I will put my spirit to the top, and he will promulgate the law of nations." [Matthew 12:18]
A servant is not possible with the master. Jesus is the servant of God, as we are the servants of God. Servants of God are not equal with God. Jesus as God is not a fundamental assumption. So capitalization hurf 'h' in the word 'slave' and 'n' in the 'top' is also the assumption that no fundamental. So in writing the paragraph, we use the letter 'p' and 'n' not 'H' or 'N'. From this verse can be understood that Jesus is the servant of God that option, as Moses, Muhammad, and all the prophets is the servant of God that option. A special servant of God, that if we use the term Israel, they, the prophets is the Son of God or Freedom sometimes also called as the eldest son of God.
However, the author of the Gospel of John of culture Greek-Roman did not seem to understand the meaning of the word 'single child' in Jewish culture, so he berasum-the single child that is in the literal sense of the word. The 'single child' is a metaphor for someone special. As in Indonesia, we usually use the word 'golden child' or children 'only puppet' to describe the distinctive sese people. For example, we say that somebody has become the golden child director. We may not assume that somebody has a child made of gold.
"I will devote spirit and experience the spirit of the application of the family of David and for the people of Jerusalem, and they will look to him that they have pierced and will mourn him as people mourn the single child, and will mourn him with grievous as people mourn eldest son. "[Zechariah 12:10]
In the Bible many people as the eldest child of God, but there is not even a Jew who consider them as God, humankind, nor Christian.
For I have been the father of Israel, Ephraim is my firstborn child. [Jeremiah 31:9]
He (Melchizedek) berbapa not, do not tell, do not bersilsilah, the day did not start his life and not interminable, and because he made with the Son of God, he remains a priest for ever. [Hebrews 7:1-3]
Look how saktinya Melkise-deck. But does the Christian God as he mentions, as a fourth person may be? Melkise fact-deck but Melchizedek, although he praised the title of the various high as those who do not berbapa, do not tell, do not bersilsilah, the day did not start his life and not interminable, and because he made with the Son of God. With a title so high, why not Melchizedek as god? The assumption is not fair is not it? What is less of Melchizedek? Terms of what he has not been fulfilled? But I will not prosecute people for the Christian Melchizedek as god. I only want to show that the adoption of Jesus as God is just based on sheer carnality paganis. They see things that are in Jesus, and they ignore the things that are on other people. Then, with the things that they take Jesus as Lord. Even things that can not make other people become God. If things they can not make other people into God, the things that also can not make Jesus to be God.
Jesus is only a servant, the slave option, Al-Mushthofa, as the prophets is the servant of the options.
And not to any detest the religion of Abraham, but people who make a fool of himself, and indeed we chose in the world and the Hereafter he is among the righteous. [QS. Al-Baqarah: 130]
Allah has chosen Adam, Noah, Abraham, family and the family `Imran exceed all the people (at the time they each). [QS. Ali Imran: 33]
He said: "O Moses, surely I choose (a romance) you from other people (in masamu) to bring my message." [QS. Al-A'raf: 144]
Say: "Praise be to Allah and the welfare of the servants of His chosen him. Is God better, or what they associate with Him? "[QS. An-Naml: 59]
If God wanted to take the child, He will choose what you want him in the creation-creation that has been created He. Glory to God. He is Allah, the god-Forgiving defeat. [QS. Az-Zumar: 4]
Mahabenar God for all His Word. Mahasuci take the child from God. Mahasuci God from what they associate. Mahasuci God from all that they tuduhkan.
LUKAS 13:33
But today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I must continue my journey, not necessarily as a prophet, if not killed in Jerusalem. [Luke 13:33]
Look how Jesus mentions himself as a prophet. Is God a prophet of God? And see how he mentions Israel as a prophet.
Answer them: "What happens with people of Jesus Nazareth. He is a prophet, powerful in the work and word before God and in front of our entire nation. [Luke 24:19]
For Jesus himself had witnessed, that a prophet is not respected in his own. [John 4:44]
Matthew 10:40
Anyone welcome you, he welcomed me, and I welcome anyone, he welcomed him that sent me. [Matthew 10:40]
This has been described previously that we who welcomed courier, meaning that the king was welcomed mengutusnya. And Jesus is the messenger of Allah, the messenger of Allah. Not the messenger of Allah may Allah. Jesus is not God. Jesus is the messenger of Allah. Do you want to say that God sent His own Self and said: I have sent me?
This is the life that is eternal, that they know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus the Messiah know that Thou hast sent. [John 17:3]
This is the straight way, namely testify that there is no god except the true God, and that Al-Isa is the messenger of God remains. That's the Jesus that try to say to the people of Israel.
(Jesus said:) "Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore worship Him. This is a straight path. "[QS. Ali Imran: 51]
Jesus said to him: "... I will go to the Father and the Father, to God and God." [John 20:17]
The kafirlah those who say: "Allah is the son of Mary, Al," in the Al (own) said: "O Banu Israil, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord," Surely those who associate (with something) God, then surely God forbid him the Garden, and the place is hell, is not there for people wrong is a helper. [QS. Al-Maidah: 72]
Jesus PROPHET Israel
Christianity believes that Yesusadalah Savior of the world. In many verses in the Bible where Jesus said that he sent only for Israel, not for the universe. Even in the Gospel of Barnabas there said:
Jesus said: Verily I say unto you, that if every prophet was born and came to a nation, only foreshadow the mercy of God. Thus, propaganda, propaganda they are not dilated, except to the nation which they have been sent. But the messenger of Allah, when he will come, God will give him as if the light from his hand, that he will eventually bring salvation and mercy to all nations in this world who would like to receive the teachings-teachings. He will come with a defeat to misuse the power of God belief, and will destroy the worship idols, that he will ultimately make the most of Satan, such as God's promise to Abraham, said, 'Remember in benihmu I will give mercy of all nations on earth, and as you solve the idols in pieces, o Abraham, so also benihmu will do. '[the Gospel of Barnabas Article 38]
Matthew 10:5-6
The student was sent by Jesus and he wanted them: "Do not wander to other nations or roads into the city of the Samaritans, but go to the sheep is missing from Israel. [Matthew 10:5]
Look how Jesus wanted to 12 primary students who come from 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus is from Israel, pointing to 12 students responsible for the spread of the Word of God to 12 tribes of Israel. And he did not refer to the student-13 for the Gentile (non-Jews). As for Paul, he is not a disciple of Jesus, and not the messenger of Jesus. He only liar. How can the truth from falsehood born? How can the holy birth of the unclean? That is impossible.
Matthew 7:6
"Do not you give the goods to the holy dog and you do not throw mutiaramu to pigs, lest diinjak-injaknya with his feet, then turn it pick you." [Matthew 7:6]
Look how Jesus mentions people in the surrounding Gentile with a dog and pig. And see how Jesus prohibit the Word of God to the Gentile nations. For those not in Jesus sent. Then, to whom Jesus sent in?
Matthew 15:24
Jesus answered: "I only sent to the sheep that disappeared from Israel." [Matthew 15:24]
In fact, Jesus is a messenger of God, and not gods themselves. Jesus was sent only to the people of Israel, and not to all nations in the world. Then how can he become the Savior of all nations in the world while he is the messenger of God for all the people of Israel? Is it true that Jesus was the Savior for Israel alone?
Acts 13:23
And from keturunannyalah, in accordance with the already promised him, God has awaken the people of Israel for the Savior, Jesus. [Acts. 13:23]
Look, how the Bible states that Jesus was the Savior for Israel alone. Jesus is not the Savior of the nations of Europe, not for the nation, not for the Asian nation, not for African nations; only for the nation of Israel.
Crucifixion Jesus damnation
Christianity believes that Jesus was crucified was sent for to remove the sins of all mankind. This is sheer lie. On the one hand, Jesus was not sent for all mankind. On the other hand the crucifixion of Jesus never happened. That is what is said Al-Qur `an and the Bible.
And because of their speech: "We have killed Still, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah", although they are not killed and do not (also) menyalibnya, but (they are killed) who diserupakan with Jesus for them. Those who disagree understand about the (murder) Jesus, truly in skepticism about the killed. They do not have confidence about who is killed, except the mere suspicion, they do not (also) believe that they killed Jesus, that is. [QS. An-Nisa: 157]
LUKAS 22:67-69
He said: "If you are the Messiah, say to us." Answer Jesus: "Even if I said to you, but you will not believe, and even if I ask something to you, but you will not answer. From now on the Son of man is sitting in the right hand of God Almighty. "[Luke 22:67-69]
In the paragraph above told that the priests asked a Jewish person who is arrested, we call it OYD. Jewish priests words, "Are you the Messiah?" Jews do not ask the priest if he is God, but they ask whether he is the Messiah. Then OYD said, "If I say to you that actually, that I am not the Messiah, you certainly will not believe. Free argue with you. If I ask you to debate you, you certainly do not want to serve the question-was. I tell you, indeed, Jesus, the son of man, has been appointed to the night sky, and now is in Allah Almighty. "OYD distinguish between God the Almighty with Jesus. Clearly, that Jesus is not God, and God is not Jesus.
LUKAS 22:70-71
All their words: "If so, this Thy Son of God?" Answer Jesus: "You yourself said, that Akulah the Son of God." Then they said: "For what we need to witness again? We have heard this from his own mouth. "[Luke 22:70-71]
In this paragraph told that the Jewish priests still OYD forced to admit they tuduhkan. As a policy, they will not want it to respond to the testimony of a thief. The police would continue to submit their accusations-accusations against the thief, albeit a thief does not want to admit it, even if it needs to beat the thief. The word police, "You thief, right?! Ngaku you is that I escaped! Pake ngaku think again. "Word of the skeleton," Sir, my 'when I have repeatedly, this is not my master. I think the father believes, so the father. "Word of the police," get 'a drama, you thief. Ngaku funny! You have never kelilipan handle the gun! "Says the thief," That 'I said that my father escaped this. "Word of the police," Oh, so you are not escaped. But you steal, right? "Word of the skeleton, or the respondent as a thief," It is the father of reasons, fathers' that's when I was the thief. So if I said that I was not a thief, the father I also believe pointing. "Finally, the police said," to get the 'I ngaku. I pack, we penjarain's ex. Why do-asked question again. I Nyusahin people. "
This means that the words OYD can not be interpreted as recognition that he is Jesus who is charged as the Son of God. Please note that the accused confess that Jesus is the Son of God of the Jews. And the author of the Gospel of John, so that affected the Greek-Roman culture, consider that Jesus was the Son of God as the literal means. Jesus never mentions himself as the Son of God, in the literal means. Jesus himself with his usual 'children anusia'.
LUKAS 23:1-4
Arise and the entire council and Jesus brought facing Pilate. Where they begin accuse him, he said: "Past exposure by us, that person is misleading our nation, and prohibits pay taxes to Caesar, and about Himself He said, that he is Christ, the King." Pilate asked to Him: "Engkaukah king of the Jews?" Jesus' answer: "You own it." Words Pilate to the priests and all the heads of many people is: "I do not find any errors on this person." [Luke 23:1-4 ]
In the verses, clearly visible above that OYD accuse Jews as Jesus, and accuse Jesus as Christ, the King, King of the Jews. But Pilate of Jesus checking. However OYD does not recognize the accusations that get-incrimination. OYD not admitted as Jesus, nor admitted that he is the king of Israel, nor admit that Jesus is the King of the Jews. OYD said, "That is all that you own it. That is not the pengakuanku, is not he. That 'I katamu. Not said. "So Pilate release any OYD, as accusations-accusations are not true. Pilate knew that the person is not Jesus. If he believes that Jesus is OYD, where he may release it?
LUKAS 23:5-7
But they urged stronger, he said: "It provoke people with his teachings at all Judah, he started in Galilee and up to here." When Pilate heard that he asked whether the person is a Galilee. And when he knew that Jesus from a Herod region, he sends him facing Herod, who at the time was also in Jerusalem. [Luke 23: 5-7]
Jewish priests did not agree with the decision of Pilate. Then they start hurl accusations-incrimination for handicap OYD. Pilate and Herod send OYD kepda. Disidang to return. But OYD was only in the trial. He can not say words. It is hopelessness. Theirs is free to defend themselves. Because there is no trust that will accelerate. But Herod also check OYD bored. So he sent the children to punish fruit and humiliate OYD. Then Herod OYD send back to Pilate.
LUKAS 23:13-15
Then Pilate gather priests and the heads of leaders and people, and said to them: "You have to bring this person to me as a misleading people. You see yourself that I have to check him, and from the mistakes that you tuduhkan to him that there is no kudapati on him. And Herod are not, as he sends him back to us. Indeed, no one made any of his kind with the death penalty. "[Luke 23:13-15]
Proved that OYD not guilty, he does not like to be by the Jewish priests. But Pilate release OYD. Pilate and made the feast day as the reason. For each day on the highway, Pilate ordinary people to free one prisoner. So if OYD considered prisoners by the Jewish priests, then Pilate will be exempt OYD on the feast day. But the Jewish priests did not want it. They even choose to exempt Jesus Barabbas. Jesus Barabbas is a few days earlier had led the attack against the city Roman army.
OYD identity is a mystery that is very large. Nay, who is the person who is arrested? Is Jude, or Barabbas, or other people?
Why do we suspect Barabbas? For the name of Jesus, Jesus Barabbas. What this means Barabbas? Bar means children, Abbas means father. Barabbas means father children. Jesus and Barabbas is this that has led to a group of Israeli colonists against the Romans, so he is considered as the king of Israel. Is it possible that he was arrested?
Is OYD is Judas Iscariot? Why? For based on the Bible, Judas is already willing to let hiding Jesus and the disciples. Tempted Judas with 30 pieces of silver that is promised for those who can tell where Jesus was hiding. Then he makes a plan, that is who he soon smell it, then that he was Jesus.
Jesus is still time to speak came serombongan people, is a student of his named Jude, a twelfth of the students, running in front of them. Judas kissed Jesus to approach him. [Luke 22:47]
However, the plan is step one. From a distance terlihatlah are two Jews embrace. But that Judas Iscariot arrested. And he also crucified. And he also ditombak stomach. Then Jude corpse stolen by the Jewish priests. Jewish priests take 30 pieces of silver Judas to buy a plot. Then they throw corpses in the plot of Judas is.
But one of the soldiers was cutting his stomach with a spear, and immediately flow out of blood and water. [John 19:34]
After they negotiate with the money to buy land that is called the Land Transportation pots to be a sanctuary where the foreigners. [Matthew 27:7]
Jude, this plot has been purchased by kejahatannya wage, and he fall on one's face, stomach and split so that all the stomach contents to spill outside. It is known by all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the land they call in their own language "Hakal-Dama", meaning blood-Land. [Acts. 1:18-19]
It is not possible if Judas who buy the land and then hanging himself, but then fall on one's face is found in soil with the contents of the stomach terburai. How do people who may have been dead hanging themselves can walk and find the land purchased by the Jewish priest. For the actual purchase of land that is priests Semite, not Judas, only they use the money to buy Jude land. From where Judas know that it is the land that he is in there after hanging himself, and he died. Do the dead hanging oneself is a torn stomach? Clearly, this is a pengelabuan. Jewish priests want to wash the hands of the evil plans of their birth from their hatred against Jesus. They then dump it to Judas extenuation.
There is a possibility that the Jewish priests and students have to know that the arrested is not Jesus. That's why Peter deny that he knows who was arrested. And the Jewish priests, if they know that the arrested was Jude, surely they pleased, because they will be freed from the vengeance of the students. They said that living that Jesus is Judas, not them. And they delighted if crucified and Judas died. If not, Jude can tell their secrets. They believe that although Jesus is still alive, he will not dare to expose himself in public after this event. And eventually the audience will believe that Jesus was crucified.
However, people will ask questions about Judas. But the Jewish priests weave stories that Judas was hanging himself. To prove it, their corpses Judas and steal mencampakkannya in the plot, which they buy with the money of Judas.
And hatred to cover their kepda Jesus, they send their agents named Paul to spread false dogma, and says that Jesus was sent to the crucified. The crucifixion of Jesus is not the desire, but it is the evil plans of the Jewish priests.
He indeed knows, that the priests have delivered the head of Jesus as malicious. [Mark 15:10]
And Paul also spread dogma sin heir to support the dogma was false. When there is no sin that heirs. That is all lie on the lie. That's the Christian teachings, full of lies, and distributed by lie. Sometimes they claim has been successfully mengkristenkan figures of Islam, that is hogwash. How can the truth from falsehood born?
How can from the filth that comes clean, and how it can be born from the truth lie? [Sirakh 34:4]
Even OYD condemn the Jewish priests to say: "Woe to those who will he be?"
Indeed, Jesus, the son of man, will be appointed by the survivors with God to heaven. However, those who want the crucifixion of Jesus and cheer on the crucifixion of Jesus is the people who cursed. Those who rejoice with the crucifixion of Jesus is the wretched. Are people who cheer on the crucifixion of Jesus? Those Christian is delighted with the crucifixion of Jesus. Because they believe the dogma that the false Paul crucifixion of Jesus, their sins will be removed. The crucifixion of Jesus is the plan envious Jewish priests. No one even Jews who currently believe that the crucifixion of Jesus is to remove their sins. Because they know that the crucifixion of Jesus is the Jewish priests plan at that time. Christianity is the wretched people, because they are happy with the crucifixion of Jesus.
And because of their greeting: "Sesung-guhnya We have killed Still, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah", although they are not killed and do not (also) menyalibnya, but (they are killed) who diserupakan with Jesus, for their . Those who disagree understand about the (murder) Jesus, truly in skepticism about the killed. They do not have confidence about who is killed, except the mere suspicion, they do not (also) believe that they killed Jesus, that is. [QS. An-Nisa: 157]
In the Gospel of Barnabas 215 articles we can see that it is the crucified Judas. In the night before Jude came with the army, were Jesus Gabriel, Michael, Rafael, and Uriel. They take Jesus to heaven. Then when Judas Iscariot in, God change the face and voice of Judas, so it is very similar to Jesus. Jude see Jesus' disciples are still sleeping. Dibangunkanlah Then they asked, "Where is the teacher?". Disciples of Jesus are confused. Because they believe that the person who asked it is Jesus. Then they said, "Did you teachers?" Then Judas, who is with Jesus diserupakan also arrested and crucified.
Miracles Jesus
Jesus as a prophet and messenger, the messenger of Allah, bring about the sign from God as evidence kenabiannya. He also has shown as it extraordinary that a provision of God. As Moses, David, Zakariya, Yahya, and the other prophets, Jesus also has the miracles that come from God. Once again we emphasize, that the miracles that Jesus is shown comes from God, miracles, as the prophet of God.
And (as) the messenger to the Banu Israil (who said to them): "I have come to bring something with the sign (your` jizat) from your Lord, that I make to you from a bird-shaped land; then I meniupnya, he became animal bird with the permission of Allah, and I heal the blind since birth and who particularly hairpiece, and I turn people off with the permission of Allah, and I tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses. Verily in this is a sign of (the truth kerasulanku) for you, if you seriously believe. "[QS. Ali Imran: 49]
From the above paragraph is obvious that Jesus (Isa) as a prophet who do things outside the normal permission of Allah. With the power of God. Not with their own will and power.
Then Jesus entrance to the Temple of God, and when he taught there, the head priests and elders of the Jews to Him, and ask: "With the power Which do you think that? And who is to give power-Mu? "Jesus answer to them:" I will also submit a question to you and if you give answer to me, I will also say to you with the power which I do it. Which of the baptism of John? From heaven or from men? "They memperbincang-kannya between them, and said:" If we say: From heaven, he will say to us: If so, are you not believe him? But if we say: From the man, we fear the people, of all people consider this the prophet John. "Then Jesus answered them:" We do not know. "And Jesus said to them is:" If so, I also did not say to you with the power which I do it. "[Matthew 21:23-27]
In the verses of the above described how Jesus shows that he is a prophet as well as John (John), and the miracles that he show is derived from God, as John also has a miracle from God. Jesus is the messenger of God. Jesus is not God themselves.
PROOF OF about miracles
Miracles are a proof of knowledge. Indeed, ordinary people can not do what Jesus. But Jesus, like other men, also can not do anything without the permission of Allah. Are there other people who can do extraordinary? With God's permission, of course there is. In the Bible message many miracles of the prophets. And the miracles they do not make them a god.
LORD listen to the request of Elijah, and the child's home life in his body, so he lives again. [I Kings 17:22]
With the permission of Allah, not only Jesus can bring people dead, Elijah also. Even bone-bone Elisha, with the permission of Allah, can turn people off.
At a time people are bury corpses. When they see the crowds come, they want it to the corpse in the grave, Elisha, and go. And the corpse is subject to the bone-bone Elisha, then rather than return it and stand up. [2 Kings 13:21]
Blind Man
Elisha and pray: "O LORD: Look kindly eyes, that he saw." Then the Lord opened the eyes of lackey, so he saw. [2 RAJ. 6:17]
In fact, not only Jesus can cure the blind with the power of God. Elisha can cure the blind with the power of God.
Elisha told a messenger to him said: "Go shower seven times in the Jordan river, the body will be restored, so you become clean." [2 RAJ. 5:10]
At that time, people particularly leprosy is considered unclean, if it is healed, then he is considered a holy return (thahir). With word of Elisha, the Jordan river has changed a healer. Who is Elisha so that the words can change the Jordan river to become effective? Is he God? Neither. He is the prophet of God. As a prophet Elisha, Jesus is only a messenger of God's prophets. With the power of God that Jesus heals people particularly leprosy.
Sharia Jesus
Sharia Jesus is not much different from the Sharia prophets before. He also woods, prayer, alms, and also struggled in the way of Allah.
Jesus said: "I am the servant of God, He was given the Book (the Gospel) and He made me a prophet, and He made me a blessed wheresoever I be, and ordered him to me, (establish) prayer and (fulfill) charity I live for, and kind to my mother, and He is not just a doggone proud again. "[QS. Marayam: 33]
He then advanced slightly, and bow down and pray, he said: "Yes, My Father, if, if possible, and let this cup from me, but not as Kukehendaki, but as you will." [Matthew 26: 39]
Prayers according to the language means to pray. And according to the terms of worship that is already known tatacaranya, beginning with the takwir and ended with one. In the prayer movement, such as some standing, basil, prostration and sitting. Therefore prayer, besides called directly with the prayer, prayer (aqimush shalah), stand to pray / prayer (qum ilash shalah), often also called his part-part course, for example, pray (Pray), prostration, and basil ` .
In the above paragraph saying that Jesus bow down, which means that the prayer of Jesus. And when prostration in shalatnya it, Jesus prayed, because when a servant of God to kneel, then when is the time in which the slave is close to the Lord. It is recommended for those who bow down to pray. This also indicates that Jesus is the servant of God, not God himself.
From Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah saaw said, "But when prostration, the conscientious-harm in prayer." [HR. Muslim]
Only to Allah prostrate (comply) all that in the heavens and the earth, both with their own will or were forced (and prostration) to do their shadows in the morning and evening. [QS. Ar-Ra'd: 15]
And (see also) perobahan consumed in the movement between those who prostrate. [QS. Ash-Syu'ara: 219]
O Mary, ta `atlah to your Lord, prostrate and basil together is the` people `basil. [QS. Ali Imran: 43]
In the verses, clearly visible on how the prayer also called the prostration or basil.
"And if you stand to pray, forgive first, if there is something good in the hearts of seseo-draft, so also the Father in heaven forgive an error-kesalahanmu." [Mark 11:25]
In the paragraph that told how Jesus taught the culture before prayers. He said, "Before you establish the prayer, maafkanlah your brother first, that God is willing to Mengampunimu."
'And if you stand to pray' is actually in the Arabic language is' The idza qumtum ilash shalah, 'which means' and if you want to stand for prayer'. So before the prayer, other than we should PURIFICATION / bertahir with water, we must also mensuci was our hearts to forgive revenge from the mistakes our brothers, I wish to God to forgive our mistakes.
O those who believe, if you want to stand for prayers, then Wash hands and face up to the elbow, and head and sapulah (flush) feet until the second leg eyes, and if you junub even then, and if you get sick or the return journey from the place or dispose of water (toilet) or touching women, and you do not get water, the learner-tayamumlah with good soil (net); sapulah face and hands with the land. He does not want to complicate you, but He would clean and you are going menyempurna-mate `Him for you, that ye may be grateful. [QS. Al-Maidah: 6]
People who are not in a situation junub, he was interested enough to PURIFICATION before prayers.
Junub is a situation in which a screw has, or has issued a seminal / discharge, which haidh women, or women who are childbed, namely after the birth. So he must be bathed in the Sharia Muhammad. As in the Sharia that are listed in the Book of Leviticus is as follows:
LORD said to Moses and Aaron: "Speak to the people of Israel and say to them: If the genitals of a male dismisses Area, discharge, then she shall be unclean because it lelehannya. Thus kenajisannya with lelehannya is: when the discharge auratnya let it flow, or when auratnya his arrest, so no discharge, then it is kenajisannya. [Leviticus 15:1-3]
When a woman mengeluar-going discharge, and it is lelehannya blood from auratnya, it must be seven days in the lower garment pollutants, and each person got to him, to be unclean until sunset. [Leviticus 15:19]
LORD said to Moses: "Command to the people of Israel, so that all the sick people leprosy, all the people who discharge, and all those who defiled the corpses was to leave the camp; both men and women must go kausuruh; to a place outside the camp kausuruh they should go, so they do not desecrate a campsite where I dwell in their midst. "[Numbers 5:1-3]
In the above paragraph explained that the junub prohibited to enter the house of worship. As in any such Sharia Muhammad.
O those who believe, not prayer, you are in a pickle, until you understand what you say, do not ALL of the mosque are you in junub, with the exception of just passed it, until you bathe. And if you are sick or in a traveler returning from the place or defecate or you have touched women, then you do not get water, then you bertayamumlah with good soil (holy); sapulah face and hands. Allah is Pema `af Forgiving. [QS. An-Nisa: 43]
"Do not drink wine or liquor, you and your children, when you get into the tent of meeting, lest ye die. That is a proviso to you forever for generations. "[Leviticus 10:9]
In the Al-Qur `an and Leviticus explained that someone does not get into the house of worship when he was drunk or after drinking wine (alcoholic beverages). Moreover, if the wine is made in the house of worship, it clearly can not. That is the act of the devil. The obvious that the teachings of wine in the house of worship is the teachings of Satan, not God's teachings.
ZAKAH / charity
But if you give charity, do not know what kirimu hand is your right hand. [Matthew 6:3]
That Jesus taught to give in-ikhlashan. And in the Christian charity is still running. That the church fathers, about the prayers they lose, but if the money sepersepuluhan, they define.
Take alms of their wealth in part, the charity that you member-sihkan and mensucikan them, and mendoalah for them. Indeed, prayer is you (a) peace for their souls. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing. [QS. At-Taubah: 103]
From Kareena pleased said: saaw Prophet said, "There are seven groups who will man whom Allah would give naunganNya below. Today there is no shade except the auspices of God. The group is ... to give a handout but he merahsia-kannya as if the left hand does not know what the right hand by ... [HR. Bukhori and Muslim]
Zakah is an obligation that has been set. And whoever melanggarnya and does not feel obliged to obey the law of God, then later in the Hereafter he will have big difficulties.
"Once again I say unto you, more easily prefer a camel through the pit entrance on a needle from the rich to enter the kingdom of God." [Matthew 19: 24]
Those who deny Our signs and treat them with arrogance, never will be opened for them the gates of heaven, and not (also) they go to Heaven, until the camel into the eye of the needle. Thus we give retaliation to those who do evil. [QS. Al-A'raf. 40]
On the day of heated gold-silver in the hell is like, and then burned them with the forehead, stomach and back them (and said) to them: "This is the property bendamu that you keep to yourself, then taste now (the result of) what you save it ". [QS. At-Taubah: 35]
Circumcision / SUNAT AND AQIQAH
And when the whole eight days and he should be circumcised, he was given the name of Jesus, the name called by the angel before he dikandung his mother. ... And to sacrifice the menu-Ruth said that the law of God ... [Luke 2: 21.24]
Easier sky and disappeared from the earth at a point of law invalidated. [Luke 16:17]
Not that I came to the law or the prophets. I come not to destroy, but to menggenapinya. Therefore ... who negate one of the law, even the most minor, and teaches that to other people, he will occupy the lowest place in the kingdom of heaven; but who perform and teach all the commandments of the law, it will occupy a high place in the kingdom of heaven. [Matthew 5:17,19]
Jesus was born as a caretaker Sharia Prophet Moses. He was not sent to alter or cancel the Sharia Prophet Moses, he even came to align the Prophet Moses, the Sharia is disimpangkan by Israel. He is mushad-diqan, pengkoreksi, namely the right way to worship in accordance with the law of the original. But who says that circumcision is not a physical need, he is a contemptible person in the sight of Allah. Even Jesus was circumcised in a physical, and the law says that someone dikhitan on the eighth day as a sign of agreement between him and God. Whoever does not do so, then there is no promise of salvation for him. That said, the law, and it's that Jesus taught. As he did not cancel the law. He was not taught that circumcision is circumcision in bathin only. But he taught that circumcision is circumcision of birth and bathin.
More word of God to Abraham: "From pihakmu, you have to hold my agreement, you and several generations. This is my covenant, which you should hold, the agreement between me and thee and thy seed, which is every male among you be circumcised; to be dikerat skin khatanmu and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and you. Children must be circumcised eight days, ie, every male among you, heredity: both born in the house, or purchased with money from a foreign, but not including descendants. Persons born in the house, and who you buy with the money must be circumcised; dagingmulah in my agreement to become a lasting agreement. And people who are not circumcised, that is, men who do not dikerat skin khatannya, he should be removed from the people working: it has been that my agreement. "[Genesis 17:9-14]
From here obvious that the letters of Paul had to cancel a law and contrary to the teachings of Jesus. So obvious that Paul is a liar, bidat people, children of Satan. Paul's teachings are false teachings. Kedu-dukannya is in place the most contemptible and low, namely the Fire.
Some believe that Christianity is the Dec. 25 date of birth of Jesus. Therefore they celebrate Christmas, the day the birth of Jesus, on December 25 each year, the snow season.
But based on the research, Jesus was not born on December 25. Instead of a day in the month of Elul, sixth month, around July-August, in the summer. Season in which the herd of cattle graze in the evening to avoid the sun teriknya.
If Jesus was born in the snow season, why is there a rancher, herd cattle that graze in the evening?
In areas that are shepherds who live in the cattle herd to keep them in the night. [Luke 2:8]
And from which the conviction that Jesus was born on December 25? That confidence is the Greek-Roman deity who believe that their god of the sun, born on 25 December.
Islamic community use qomariyah catch-galan, which starts from month to month of Muharram Dhul-Hijjah, in determining the day-to-day worship or day-to-day feast. Israel, using the catch-galan the start of the month of Nisan to Adar month. But the Christian community to use the Roman calendar to determine the date of birth of Jesus. This is strange.
Indonesia's Islamic community, although their use in the Roman calendar, what keeps the dismantling qamariyah to determine the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad said. But the Christian community using the Roman calendar. Jesus was born in the month of Elul in the summer, but why the Christian community celebrates Christmas on December 25?
Obvious that the Christian teachings of Jesus that is not true. However, the teachings are polluted Greek-Roman paganism.
DOSA heir
In Christian teachings, Adam is different from others because he is the man who became the first source (origin) all mankind. Therefore, what happened to Adam will affect all mankind. God did not create the millions of people to meet the earth. He was only indict one man only, namely Adam. From then, all human beings originated. Therefore, God saw all mankind as those who are 'in Adam'. All that was born into the human family is' in Adam '. What is the purpose of flying in the Adam? Located in the Adam means taking part in all the presence of Adam and all the things that do. There are some facts that really happened in each person. The facts that prove that we are in Adam, namely:
1. He has a separate life from God.
2. He is in the kingdom of darkness.
3. He is the guilty.
4. He is under the power of sin.
5. He was under heavy punishment.
That said Christian teachings. But if all human beings are in part inherited Adam and Adam's sin, so it is in these circumstances five, so it means Jesus. For Jesus also descendants of Adam. If we read Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38, then we will find genealogy of Jesus up to Adam. Jesus also means that in Adam and has been separate from the life of God, are in the kingdom of darkness, sinner, under the power of sin, and under the weight of law. If this is rejected, the original sin should also be rejected. The doctrine of original sin is the only coral-be.
Christian teachings say that sin separates man from God. When Adam sinned, he was separated from the life of God. Separate from the life of God means spiritually dead. Adam's sin that caused the death of the spiritual is not only overwrite it himself but also the entire mankind. All human life has been separated from God. Because all men are 'in Adam'.
Even Jesus himself is often mentioned with human children. He is also human, Jesus is also in Adam, then Jesus is also separate from the living God. Jesus is the people who are spiritually dead. The doctrine of sin must be denied inheritance. For the doctrine of sin heirs, it also will affect the every man, including Jesus.
Christian teachings say that when Adam rebelled against God, he moves to Satan, the first constitution. He has entered into the kingdom of darkness, which is Satan governments. Therefore, Adam was under the power of Satan. Because Adam is the head of mankind, he has brought to all mankind in the kingdom of darkness. So all the human descendants of Adam in the kingdom of darkness.
Christians reject the Trinitarian certainly acknowledge that Jesus is in the kingdom of darkness. Even Jesus is also human, descendants of Adam, he also means that in Adam, and of course, has been in the kingdom of darkness. Sin heir has been harassing Jesus, the prophets, and all mankind. Paul with arogannya said that all men are guilty and evil and outcast since birth. No human right. Even babies are born and die on the first day, that he has been considered to be the followers of Satan and are in the kingdom of darkness. Indeed the doctrine that cutthroat.
Christian teachings say that when God created Adam first, Adam is the man to the Lord. He wants to do God and His. God is the king of the throne in the heart. However, when Adam sinned, changes occur in the heart. It is now more mengu-tamakan and the will to make himself accessible from, and do God's will. God is no longer memerin-tah as the King in the heart. Adam now has a sin nature.
The nature of sin and selfish attitude is then downloaded to their children. The Bible says that Adam has a son "and apparently the image" (Gen. 5:3). Adam was created according to their own image and appearance of God, but he has delivered the child to obey the picture and it seems that sin. Killings carried out cloth (Qabil) to Her younger sister (Abel / Habil) indicates that the nature of sin has been on the descendants of Adam and Eve. Or due to the influence of Adam's sin is not only apply to the children of Adam alone. Adam is to all mankind. He has been down nature of sin is to all mankind. Adam disobedience has caused all human beings sin. Romans 5:19 says: "disobedience by a people, all people have a sin."
Please note that Jesus is a descendant of Adam, means he is also an image of the sin of Adam. He also sinners, according to the doctrine of sin heirs. Indeed the doctrine that must be rejected by those who thought tact. Does your new baby is born babies who have sin? This is a big lie. A lie to cover malice of those who want top of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Christian teachings say that because people have sinned, then they are under the power of sin. John 8:34 says: "Everyone is sin, sin is a slave." In the kingdom of darkness, sin reign as king and all the people in it are under the power of sin.
This academic year, as saying that Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Joseph, David, and Jesus is the people who are in the power of sin. Because they have also inherit Adam's sin. This is a very large harassment in the Lord.
Christian teachings say that sin into the world through one person, namely Adam and deaths occur as a result of sin. The Bible says:
Therefore, the same as the sin into the world through one person, and also by sin death, so death was crawling to everyone, because everyone has sinned. [Romans 5:12]
After the death penalty will come. Anyone who has not saved will be judged sins. The Bible says, "And as people set to die only once and only after that are judged." [Hebrews 9:27]
Anyone who 'are in Adam' is guilty before God. Some people think that they will be accepted by God as their circumstances. God does not mind that. God says otherwise. He knows the contents of the human heart. About all the human descendants of Adam, God said in FirmanNya:
"No truth, no one. No one minded that tact, no one is looking for God. All people have been violated, they all are not useful. No good, not one. Because all people have sinned and have lost the glory of God. "[Romans 3:10-12, 23]
Now we know why the Bible says, "Ye must be born again ...." Why every person must be born again? Because each person has been born as a man of sin and punishment are under God.
That says to Christian teachings. The doctrine of sin heir has put all the people, including Jesus, as accursed people, inmate, who since birth has been unlucky, who is not correct, godless people, who are not useful. You might mention how sacred the new baby was born as a person that is not true, and disobeyed God? This doctrine was never taught by Jesus. This is just something that be-reef by the evil to deceive and mislead people. The evil that confiscate the Gospel and distort the word of God.
This doctrine, so vile, has put Adam as the person who so humiliated. This doctrine does not see the devotion of Adam at all. This doctrine only teach people to 'negative thinking' of Adam and all mankind. This doctrine only to see Adam and all mankind as a sinner, lawlessness, etc.. This doctrine is not at all appreciate how Adam was sorry and repent. This doctrine is not at all appreciate how the prophets and believers have been felt in penderitan obey God. This doctrine makes people forget how Noah was willing advantage for the nation to teach straights. This doctrine has been to make people forget how Abraham was willing to face his father and his people for the Allah, and has been willing to give up the child audiences, Ismael, in order to meet the Lord. This doctrine has been to make people forget how he was willing for the Pharaoh, faced with the command of God. This doctrine has been close eye on the human menghadapai patience of Job in the trial. Is that all acts are not true? Is not all that useful? Is that all acts of lawlessness?
And (remember) when we take the agreement of the prophets, and from you (O Muhammad own), from Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus son of Mary, and we have taken from their agreement that firmly, to ask him to the people who is the truth about them, and He provides for the unbelievers a grievous punishment. [QS. Al-Ahzab: 8]
Those who say that in Adam, there is no truth, and every person in that Adam is guilty before God, actually they are the children of Satan.
Iblislah Father, and you want to make a wish-you-wish father. He is a murderer, and since people do not live in the truth, because in truth he was not there. When he said lie, he said on His will alone, because he is a liar and the father of all lies. [John 8: 44]
It is no sin heir
In the Old Testament is not known what is called sin heirs or the original sin. For each man win gung-sin itself.
At that time, people will not say again: Father, father eat raw fruit, and children's teeth to be smart, but: Every person will die because of the error itself; every human being who eat raw fruit, teeth become their own pain. [Jeremiah 31:29-30]
What's with you, so you say the word satire in this land of Israel: Father, father eat raw fruits and dental children to be smart? [Ezekiel 18:2]
Incompetent if the father is a sin, but children who bear the consequences; as the father who may not eat raw fruit, but the children's teeth feel pain.
Each person should be sentenced to death because of sin itself. [Deuteronomy 24:16]
Man must live in the land and manage the earth because it is God's plan, created to manage the human and earth worship Him in the righteous. Adam lowered to the earth, not as punishment, but with a down to earth that Adam can serve to redeem the error. While the descendants of Adam living human on earth is not caused by sin of Adam, except that it's God's plan. He created man with the image of His love to be his deputy in managing the earth, not to inherit the sin of Adam. So people living on earth, not because he still inherit the sin of Adam, but because it's really God's plan. He created man to manage the earth. If humans live on earth because of Adam's sin, then why are Christians still on earth at this time, whereas according to the Christian faith have their sins forgiven with the crucifixion of Jesus. Are safety caused by crucifixion of Jesus is lying? Is it because of sin heir lying? Is it not because Jesus crucified? Or escape with the crucifixion of Jesus is lying, lying is a sin heirs, and Jesus is not in the cross? If the true heir of sin, salvation with the crucifixion of Jesus is correct, and that Jesus was crucified, then they should have been separated from the heirs of sin, then why are they still in the earth?
The Bible is considered as Scripture by the Christian community, namely the Book of the sacred words of men, which only contains the word of God. Even if we use our sense, not only of the Book may contain the word of God that will contain an objection. For God is not like that wishy-washy.
But if they do not memperhati was it? Had it not from the hand of God, would not get an objection-ka-contradiction in it. [QS. An-Nisa: 82]
In the paragraph above God teach us how to prove that a holy Scripture or not. Namely learn with verses in it. Are there in the Scripture verses are contradictory? If there is, then it is not the Book of Scripture. Book, as it should be abandoned, as can lead to error. With the way that we will test the Bible. Is he the Scriptures, or the Book of the already polluted?
If we examined the Old Testament and New Testament, then we can find many contradictions. This shows that the Bible is not the Scriptures. Here we will study some verses that contradict one another.
2 Samuel 24:1 VS 1 Chronicles 21:1
Satan's rise against Israel, and he tempt David to calculate the people of Israel. [1 Chronicles 21:1]
Knowing the wrath of God against Israel; He bolster them against David, his word: "Go, hitunglah the people of Israel and Judah." [2 Samuel 24:1]
Who is David provoke? Satan or God? Is the Lord and Satan to tempt David alliances? Is Satan with the Lord? Is Satan is God and God is Satan? Does God is Satan? How to reconcile the second paragraph of this? In religion, which the LORD synonym with Satan?
2 Samuel 24:13
So Gad came to David, diberinya him know that word, and he said: Would you back a famine seven years in negerimu valid? Would you flee or three months from the enemy before, that will repel them? Would you or a plague troops in three days negerimu? Now you must think and consider carefully, what answer will return to kubawa He has menyuruhkan me. [2 Samuel 24:13 (TL)]
Then came to David Gad, and he said to him: "Thus saith the LORD: Must be you choose: three years of hunger or three months before the escape from lawanmu, are you overtake the enemy sword, sword or three days the LORD, namely, disease plague, there in this country, the angel of the Lord and bring havoc in the entire region of Israel. And now, weigh what responsibility should kusampaikan to send me. "[1 Chronicles 21:11-12]
Which is correct and which one? Or perhaps both are wrong? They may not care. What is 3 years, 7 years, 3 years old or 7? 7 whether the same with 3? If they say 7 with the same 3, Devil with the Lord, we now understand why they say the same 3 with 1 and with the God of Jesus. In fact, they have the brain can not function properly. Syukurlah but they will not acknowledge that the 7 with the same 3, so that eventually the New translations, they change it into verse:
Then came Gad to David, tell him to say to him: "Will you overwrite datangkah three years of hunger in negerimu? Would you or fled from three months before lawanmu, they are chasing you? Or, there will be three days of plague in negerimu? And now, and weigh Think, what responsibility should kusampaikan to send me. "[2 Samuel 24:13 (TB)]
That is proof that there is an objection and changes in the Bible. Is that like the Book is still referred to as the Scriptures and the Word of God? The correct course!
2 Chronicles 36:9 KJV VS LAI
Yoyakhin age of eighteen years old at the time he became king three months and ten days he reigned in Jerusalem. He did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. [2 Chronicles 36:9 LAI]
Jehoiachin was Eight years old when he drive to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the Sight of the Lord. [2 Chronicles 36:9 KJV]
Rev. ... which is true? LAI version or King James? LAI is eighteen, but the King James says eight. Oh, probably because RAJ 2. 24:8 says this:
Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he drive to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. His mother's name was Nehushta, the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem. [2 RAJ. 24:8 (KJV)]
Yoyakhin age of eighteen years old at the time he became king and three months he reigned in Jerusalem. Is the name of his mother Nehusta bint Elnatan, from Jerusalem. [2 RAJ. 24:8]
Eight years more reasonable, so change the course to eighteen years old. Let WELL! So proven that it is not the word of God. Bible paper was merely human. Mahasuci God of miscalculation. He impossible miscalculation. Or they may think God is great miscalculation as he is to be human?
Matthew 20:29 VS MARKUS 10:46
And when Jesus and the disciples His exit from Jericho, many, many people throng to him. There are two blind people who sit on the edge of the road to hear, that through Jesus, and they cried: "Lord, the Son of David, have mercy on us!" [Matthew 20:29]
Then tibalah Jesus and his disciples in his Jericho. And when Jesus out of Jericho, along with his disciples and Him that many people-crowd, there is a blind beggar, named Bartimeus, Timeus children, sitting at the roadside. [Mark 10:46]
Does God miscalculation, one see, or forget? Or is not the God who said such, but people are not separated from the one and forget? For God is impossible to see one, miscalculation, let alone forget. But if God in their views, I do not know whether he is able to forget, miscalculation, or see one? What is clear, in view of our Lord, it is impossible miscalculation, one look, forget, sleep, hunger, let alone a human being. Very impossible!
MARKUS 15:25 VS YOHANES 19:14-15
But at nine am He disalibkannya. [Mark 15:25 (TL)]
On the day Inventories Pasah, approximately twelve o'clock noon. But Pilate said to the Jews, "center, king!" But I cried them, he said, "Dispose, remove him! He Salibkanlah! "So Pilate said to them," the king Shall I Crucify? "Then all respond the head priest," is not on our king other than for the Emperor. "[John 19:14-15 (TL)]
How many hours OYD crucified? Hours after nine or twelve o'clock? What is God who said this? Of course not. Or, God is not impossible for the wishy-washy? He said Cook, "OYD is crucified on the nine hours. Garnish ... not! Twelve o'clock he just has not been crucified. "
LUKAS VS 3:31 Matthew 1:6
"Melea children, Mina, children, children Matata, Nathan children, children David," [Luke 3:31]
"Jesse bear king David. David Solomon reproduce the wife of Uria, "[Matthew 1:6]
Jesus is the descendant of David, from Nathan or from Solomon? Or Nathan Solomon and the two in one? Duumvirate?
It proved that the Bible is doubtful. So, select the only sure-sure, namely Al-Qur `an!
Book, the Koran is no doubt; instructions for those who are cautious, [QS. Al-Baqarah: 2]
But if they do not memperhati was it? Had it not from the hand of God, would not get an objection-ka-contradiction in it. [QS. An-Nisa: 82]
And when it is said to them: "Believe to the Al-Qur'an that Allah revealed", they said: "We only believe what is revealed to us." And they disbelieve in the Al-Koran down afterwards, while it is (the Book) the rights that justify (and correct / right) what is in them. Say: "Why do you kill the first prophets of Allah, if you correct those who believe?" [QS. Al-Baqarah: 91]
Say: "He is Allah, the Most-one, God is a God-Tung bergan to Him all things. He was no litter and no-diperanak also going, and there is none equal to Him. " [QS. Al-Ikhlash]
Mahasuci God from all that they tuduhkan. Surely God is One. Him all things depend. He does not have children, nor diperanakkan. No one is equal to him.
Trinity Christian teachings is a misguided teachings that do not have the basic right of logic or kitabiah. He is the assumption on assumption. Teachings about the divinity of Jesus, the angel-malikat, and so are the teachings that diada forged by the followers of Satan and his. Likewise, about sin and the heir to the safety, such as the crucifixion, defamation of Adam, it is all engineering mislead Satan to mankind. Not in the Bible that Jesus never told that talked about the rescue with the crucifixion. Hence Jesus give-Press that the crucifixion is the engineering of the evil Jew who malign Priest. Accursed be that they have a plan, crucifixion, and cursed them over the festive plans.
O mankind, eat of the what is in the earth, and do not follow the steps devil; because sesung-guhnya Satan is the real enemy is. [QS. Al-Baqarah: 168]
He (Satan) is a murderer, and since people do not live in the truth, he is a liar ... and the father of all lies. [John 8: 44]
Bible, which is currently held by the Christian community, not the Scriptures. Kesuciannya have collapsed by the pollution that is done by hands dirty human. He can no longer be alive grip. Only Al-Qur `an, and the Book of kesuciannya still guarded by God.
Indeed, we know that we declined it, and we really take care of. [QS. Al-Hijr (15): 9]
No Book, which can be used as guidelines except Al-Qur `an. And there are no words that can be used as a guide except the word of Muhammad Al-Amin saaw.
Book is no doubt; instructions for those who are cautious. [QS. Al-Baqarah: 2]
May Allah protect us from classified to the people who go astray and from classified to the people that his doors. And it mengam-puni us and we both parents. Amen.
You only to our menyem-flood and only to please help us and you. Show us the straight path, the path of those who have been bestowed Thy ni'mat to them, not their way of the doors and not also the way they are misguided. [QS. Al-Fatihah: 5-7]
Christianity believes that God is three in one. But is not clear what the three in that one. If you asked them what the meaning triad, they will answer with a variety of answers that are not known. And asked if the basic-basically in the Bible, then they will refer to verses that do not show the same ketritunggalan once.
Actual triad is the assumption, mirage. Then the phantom of this argument sought in the Bible. If there is a paragraph that can be altered to support this assumption, the paragraph is changed. If there is a paragraph that can be to support the assumption, the paragraph is shown in such a way. This merip with Charles Darwin once said that the man came from monkey. Then he find evidence in the fossil-fossil. When he does not find it, then he and manipulate their fossil-invention is to support the assumption that sesatnya.
Similarly, the Trinitarian Christian community, they rape chastity gospel of the original assumptions to support them astray. They manipulate, edit, mengha-pussy, add, and insert the words sesungguh it is not in the original Gospel. Then they said that it was the word of God.
But the accident besarlah for those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah," (with the intention) to gain a little with the act. But the accident besarlah for them, as a result of what is written by their own hands, and the accident besarlah for them, the consequences of what they do. [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 79]
And whether the revelations that they use to support the theory triumvirate? There are many verses that they use for it. However, all the same paragraph does not mention the triumvirate so clearly, is not the same verses with the firmly stated oneness of God. And with the permission of Allah, we will membahasnya one-rented. However, not all the verses, as there are verses of the same theme. To shorten this paper, we only take a few verses that, according to our important.
Factory 1:26
He said: "Let We made according to the human image and appearance We, so that their power over the fish of the sea and birds in the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and above all reptile that crawled the earth." [Gen.. 1:26]
He mentions his love with the We / Us in many verses in the Bible and also in Al-Qur `an. However, no one said that Al-Qur `an teach the Trinity. Hence Al-Qur `an says that God is One, God does not bear and are not born. Using verses such as this as a basis Trinity is not acceptable at all.
The question then, why God uses the word 'We' or 'We' Up to appoint his own? I will ask it here, why officials speaking in his speech and said: 'We', we are talking to her himself? And why many authors write in their paper: 'We' to refer to himself? Then, of course, you will answer that it is good grammar. And in some cultures, someone calling himself with the word 'we' is to show the majesty and kewibawaannya. It is fair if the mention of God himself with the word 'we' or 'We'. He is the Mahaagung and has authority. If George Bush can call himself with the word 'we' He again deserve more.
We have created you (Adam), then we form body, then we say to angels: "you prostrate (salute) to Adam"; then they kneel except Satan. He did not include those who prostrate. [QS. Al-A'raf (7): 11]
Verses in the Bible Likewise with this paragraph are: Genesis 11:7.
1 John 5:7-8
Because there are three that give testimony [in heaven: the Father, the Word and Holy Spirit; and the third one is. And there are three that give testimony in the earth]: Spirit and water and the blood and is the third one. [1Yoh.5 :7-8]
This paragraph is paragraph Trinity Christian community pride. However, this paragraph it is the most weak. If you would like to consider the brackets [] in that paragraph, then you will understand that the words in brackets are the words of dubious keotentikannya. And if you want to consider the word 'one' in the paragraph, then you will ask questions, what meaning of the word 'one'? What is the one substance, one goal, or a witness? For this paragraph to talk about the testimony. So one witness is more appropriate. Try to compare the paragraph in the New Translation with other versions below:
Old translation (TL): Because of the three witnesses in heaven, and the Word of the Father and Rohulkudus, the third-His into one, and there are three witness in the earth, the Spirit and water and blood, then the third goal is to become one .
English Day (BIS): There are three witnesses: * There are three witnesses: In the script there are some additional: Witnesses who is the Father in heaven, and the sayings of the Spirit of God, all three are one. Witnesses who on earth is ... * Spirit of God, water and blood-all three to give the same testimony.
King James Version (KJV): For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
So, three in one here is not one of three actors in the Godhead, but three different private one in the same testimony, in one agreement, seiya-one; not one substance, not a deity, or any related doctrine of the Trinity. This paragraph does not show the same doctrine of the Trinity. But like Darwin, they manipulate this paragraph to support the concept of the Trinity.
Try to compare with paragraph Al-Qur `an the following:" God's testimony stated that there is no God (who is) but He, who uphold justice. The angels and those who berilmu (also stated that). There is no God (who is) but Him, the Almighty, Wise. "[QS. Ali Imran: 18]
So that they all become one, as Thou, Father, yes, in the I and I in Thee, that they were also in the We, that the world believe that You have sent me. And I have to give them dignity, that you gave to me, so that they become one, as we are one. [John 17:21-22]
This also describes the paragraph as if Jesus and God are one substance. But try again note the words that we Underline. Do the people of Israel is expected to become a substance? No, but that they will become a 'union', seiya-one, keep each other, one goal, one that testimony that God sent Jesus. If one here means a substance, not the triad again, but 'more in one'. For the disciples of Jesus also took part in the alliance.
Then what the meaning of A in the B and B in the A? This is a metaphor that has some meaning.
1. When someone says, "I am in you and you in me." This could mean that I was you, and you is I; who hurt you mean I have been hurt, who has contemptuous means I have been mocking you; is penderitaanmu penderitaanku, kebahagiaanmu is kebahagiaanku.
From Nu'man ibn Basyir pleased he said: The Messenger of Allah saaw said: "Perumpama an believers in the learner-I-love and mutual love-love is like one body. When one of its members in pain, then the entire body of the other members also felt sick. "[HR. Bukhori, Muslim, Ahmad ibn Hanbal]
The Messenger of Allah had said in the second Baiat Aqabah: "Darahku blood is you. And blood for you is darahku. I am of you, you and me. Kuperangi who will you perangi. And I will be at peace with who you know, peace. "Does this mean that the Messenger of one substance with the shahabat from nomadic tribe khazraj? Of course not, but 'the same boat and sepenanggungan'.
2. When Jesus said, "To have them also in us." This can mean that Jesus expects them to testify that God is One, and that Jesus is the servant and messenger of God.
"This is eternal life, that they know Thee, the only true God, Jesus Christ and know that you have sent." [John 17:3]
Look how God is not Jesus. God is the One god, and Jesus Christ is His messenger. There is no god except Allah, the truth and Jesus Christ is the messenger of Allah. That sentence is cooling off (the witness) at the time.
And if we see the next paragraph, namely: I in them and Thou in Me, so that they become a perfect one, so that the world know that you have sent me and that you love them, as I love you. [Jn. 17:23] So here can be seen that Jesus hope that God loves them as God loves Jesus. Love God and how to Jesus? His love of Jesus is love like a father to his children the only puppet. In Jn. 1:14 Bible translations written duration: So the Word became human and lived among us (and we have to play his glory, the glory of children as a single father), full of grace and truth.
So the words in verses such as this are full of metaphor. To be able to understand, we need to understand the culture, style and language and sciences, which grew during the period.
Factory 6:7
Then Angel LORD menjumpainya near a water spring in the desert, which is near the water on the road to the suggestion. [Genesis 16:7]
Christians believe that the encounter Hajar, the wife of Prophet Abraham as is God. Then they write the word 'angel' mengkapitalisasi with the letter 'm' to 'Angel'. And this they made the proposition that God can be seen in the human world, if this form of angels. Even that came to Black is not God, but the angels of God, with the letter 'm' small. Capitalization is based on the assumption that the views of the Hajar is God. Why do they assume that the views that God is? For the Gen.. 16:13 written: Then Hagar has been named the LORD said to him that with the designation: "Thou art the El-Roi." Because, he said: "Is not here kulihat He has seen me?"
But in the Old translations paragraph is written: So called Hagar will be the name of God that has been said to him is: God inspector; because the word Hagar: I see the strengthening of God here, the future will have me?
This paragraph can not be used as the basis Trinity's it. Because we also have to mempertimbang things other matters.
1. Hajar is to meet the angel of the Lord saith the Lord. But Black does not care to convey a word of it. But he was' forced 'to God who has spoken to him through his angel.
2. See God in the world can not mean it literally. When you see a house of worship that are being built by the carpenters building, and you say, "God is building his house." Does this mean that the fortune-building is God? Does God really need a house to live? Of course not. But you believe that God has built his temple through the fortune-building, where it is later in the temple of God exalted. When you see a miracle of nature, for example, when you see a doctor has successfully menyembuh was the chronic cancer pain. Then you said, "I have seen the Lord." Is the doctor is God? Not that you see here is not God, but you have been 'see' The power of God.
3. God may not be seen in the world in general. For the natural world God created this situation in the transitory. Which may be the world that can be perishable He holds the Eternal.
But God wanted it dwelt on the earth? Indeed, the heavens, even the heavens that all is not heaven you can load, especially the houses that kudirikan this. [1 RAJ. 8:27]
So obvious that the Lord may not be dpat world, either in the form of an angel or a human child.
God is not human, so he is not on the human children, so that he repent. He said cooking and do not do this, or speak and not menepatinya? [Numbers 23:19]
Factory 18:1-2
Then the Lord appeared to Abraham near the tree tarbantin in Mamre, while he sat in the door kemahnya time sweltering day. When he faces up, he saw three people standing in front of it. After seen them, he ran from door to welcome them kemahnya, and sujudlah it to the ground. [Genesis 18:1-2]
God appeared to Abraham, this can not be understood literally. God showed the existence of evidence, though, this new understandable. Who are three people that? Of course, the angels who came to report the news and happy news frightening. Are the three people that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit? That is incompetent. If the three can be seen Abraham, and why it is said that God was not known and that there has never been seen, and that is known, then send him to introduce the Lord Jesus to the world? Did Abraham have to see and know God? It is obvious that God can be 'known' and 'see' the view and think of His creation.
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for men of understanding, (is) the people who remember God while standing or sitting or lie in the circumstances and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth ( saying): "Our Lord, You have not created this in vain. Glory to Thee, then us from the torment of hell. [QS. Ali Imran (3): 190-191]
And the messengers We (angels) came to Abraham with glad tidings, they say: "on a" (Welcome). He said: "Salamun" (Selamatlah), then not long after Ibrahim presenting a veal roasted. And when they do not see the hand of menjamahnya, Abraham looked strange act them, and they feel fear. Angel said: "Do not you worry, we are (angels) who was sent to the people of Lot." And his wife (Sarah) stand (behind the curtains), and he smiled. We gladly submit to him the news about (birth) of Isaac and Isaac (her sons will be born) Jacob. [QS. Hood 11:69-71]
So obvious that Abraham found that the aalah angels, messengers of God, and they are not God.
He can not be achieved by the sight of the eye, while he can see all the vision and is the Most Subtle Knower. [QS. Al-An'am (6): 103]
Trinity in the Bible
Actual teachings of unity of god or unitary faith is so clearly in the Old Testament. Israel is always true that God is one. Similarly, Jesus, he came to teach academic unity of god. There are many verses in the Old Testament and New Testament that describe the oneness of God. However, in the New Testament, the oneness of God often disamarkan by the Gospel writers. They alter what was Jesus, and they write, and they say that it is the Gospel, the Word of God. But nearer to them.
Deuteronomy 6:4
Listen, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one! [Deut. 6:4]
Paragraph is not written: 'God is triune God, the LORD, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three in one' this Article states that God is one. And how they interpret a 'three in one'? Obvious, they interpret culture is not based on the people of Israel and the unity of god confidence of the people of Israel. They interpret based on carnality people of Rome and Greece who worship idols. But they also strayed from the straight path.
And We have sent down to bring the Koran with truth, confirming what previously, namely the Book (which revealed earlier) and touchstone of the Book of the other; the putuskanlah of them according to what Allah sent down, and do not carnality to leave them with the truth that has come to. To each of you people, we provide rules and the way that light. If Allah willed, you will be His people, one (only), but God wanted you to test-giving unto Him, the race-lombalah good. Only Allah to you all again, and notified him to what you have perselisihkan it. [QS. Al-Maidah: 48]
Say: O People of the Book, do not exaggerate (exceeds) the correct way is not in the religion. And do not follow the carnality of those who have gone astray was (before the advent of Muhammad) and they have led many (men), and they strayed from the straight path. "Past dilaknati unbelievers from the Children of Israel with the tongue of David and Jesus the son of Mary. That is because they disobeyed and exceeded the limit. [QS. Al-Maidah (5): 77]
How can the confidence of the people by the Greek? They believe that Baachus, their God, is the daughter of Demeter virgin, born on December 25, Jupiter Gods children. Based on the data that they menyifati Jesus. Even Jesus was born in the month Ilul, in the summer. If Jesus was born in the month of December, in the winter, and why the kambingnya herd graze at night and can see the stars at the birth of Jesus? The herd their goats graze at night because when it is Ilul month, summer. So that is not too hot, they graze their goats in the evening.
In areas that are shepherds who live in the cattle herd to keep them in the night. [Luke 2:8]
And the Old Bible translations, this verse written: the listen, O Israel! Hua indeed, our God, is one of Hua.
'God' in the Bible comes from the Hebrew word Yahweh or Yahua. And in Arabic, 'huwa' he means. It is interesting when in the Bible that many called Hua Eloah Ehad, and in the Al-Quran Allah said that even the Prophet Muhammad saaw said Sunday Huwa God; He Allah, the One.
Malachi 2:15
Is not the One God that made them flesh and spirit? And whether the desired unity is? Descendants of the divine! So keep yourself! And let's not faithful to the wife of the read. [Malachi 2:15]
In this paragraph said the One God, not the triune God. Triune God term never appears in the Bible. Even in the Bible dictionary.
Deuteronomy 4:35
You see it given to know that God is HUA, there is no other except him. [Deuteronomy 4:35]
Say that He is God, there is no god except He is correct. He does not depend on anything, even things kepda He depend. He no litter, nor diperanakkan. No equivalent with him. That's the nature of God in the Al-Qur `an, terutamadalam Al-Ikhlash, also found in several verses in the Bible. Signs that the teronggok is a pearl in piles of garbage.
No one is equal to God, O Yesyurun! [Deuteronomy 33:26]
Remember all the things that will advance from the early period, that I am God; no more God or something equivalent to me. [Isaiah 46:9]
Matthew 4:9-10
And said to him: "All that I give to thy, if you worship me." Then Jesus said to him: "begone, Satan! Because there is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and He alone is only to serve you! "[Matthew 4:9-10]
In this paragraph is clearly seen that Jesus was not God and never admitted as a God or god. If Jesus was God, so why Satan dare to tell Jesus to worship him. And in this paragraph is clearly seen that Jesus refused to worship Satan, as Jesus would worship the only true God, the God who created himself. If Jesus was God, and why he worship God? God worship God? Thin orange drink orange?
Indeed, Satan is always trying to mislead people worship the false god-god. Likewise Paul, the child of Satan, he always tried to lead people to worship the god-human false god. Paul then says that Jesus is God. Even God has warned not to worship except Him Up.
LORD thy God, you must follow, you should fear him, you must hold on His command, His voice should you listen to, to Him, you must serve and cohesive. [Deuteronomy 13:4]
If your brother men, children your mother or your son or your daughter or wife or friends own karibmu tempt you wordless, he said: Let's kind to the other side is not known, or by the fathers, one of the nation gods -nation much time, both close to or far from you, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the earth, then do not give in to him and not listen to him. Do not feel pity on him, do not pity him, and not a cover, but kill him! First hands are moving to kill him, then all the people. [Deut. 13:6-9]
And if they (the mother-fathers) your associate with something that I no knowledge, then do not follow them, and pergaulilah both in the world with good, and follow the road back to me, and then only to Kulah return, the Ku-tell thee what thou has done. [QS. Lilly (31): 15]
Only, do it with a very loyal and the law, which ordered to by Moses, the servant of the Lord, namely, to love the Lord your God, live according to all the roads shown, though, still follow His command, His hold on and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul. "[Joshua 22:5]
God has a covenant with them and give commands to them: "Do not kind to other gods, do not worship him, do not give it to him and not sacrifice him. [2 Kings 17:35]
And (remember) when We take the promise of the Children of Israel (is): Do not worship other than Allah, and goodbye to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, and poor people, and speak words of good to the people, your prayers and pay Zakat. Then you do not fulfill the promise that, except for a small part of you, and you always turned away. [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 83]
But this is a slave to confess that Mr. according to the way that their religion is a sect that says, the servant of such worship of Allah, the Lord slave ancestors, and believe everything will be as implied in the law and the prophets. [Acts. 24:14 Old translations]
Indeed, I must admit to Mr. God that I worship our ancestors, according to the teachings of Jesus, which they consider wrong. But I still believe that everything will be written in the Book of Moses in the Book and prophets. [Acts. BIS 24:14]
So obvious that what Jesus taught in the Torah, the teachings of the unity of god.
YOHANES 17:3-8
This is the life that is eternal, that they know Thee, the only true God, Jesus Christ and know that you have sent. I have memper-muliakan you in the earth by completing the work that you gave to me to do so. Therefore, my Father, I permuliakanlah on thy own glory with the Kumiliki in thy presence there before the world. I have stated the name of thy to all people, that you gave to me from the world. They owned-and Mu You have to give them to me and they have to obey the word of thy. Now they know that all that you gave to me that comes from on-Mu. For every word that you submit to me has been Kusampaikan to them and they have permission. They know really, that I come from on-thy, and they believe that You have sent me. [John 17:3-8]
In the verses of the above described so clearly that the One God, and Jesus is the messenger of God who carries the task to deliver the word of God. What was Jesus is not based on the carnality of Jesus, but based on the word that comes from God. As prove the prophets, Jesus is only to convey what is revealed to him. Jews are not percata that Jesus is Lord. For that Jesus never claimed himself as God, Jesus is claiming himself as the messenger of God. But many people in Israel when it does not believe. Then Jesus in this paragraph states that now have them believe that there is only one God, and Jesus is the true messenger of God. Only one God, no son of God, not God the Holy Spirit. God that there is only one correct, as god-god that there are many false. But only one true god, the god who is Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus and Muhammad.
Say: "... I did not, except what is revealed to me. [QS. Al-An'am (6): 50]
Say: "Verily, I am only a man like you, which is revealed to me:" That is indeed your Lord is One God. " Anyone who expect meeting with his Lord, then let him work righteous deeds, and not he make one in the worship of his Lord. " [QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 110]
Jesus answered: "What is the reason you ask me about what is good? One only good. But if you want to enter into life, turutilah all the commandments of God. "[Matthew 19:17]
Jesus said to him: "... I will go to the Father and the Father, to God and God." [John 20:17]
Look how Jesus tells about who worship him, his God, the Father and God of Israel. If Jesus was God, why he worship God? Thin orange drink orange?
(Jesus said:) "Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore worship Him. This is a straight path. "[QS. Ali Imran (3): 51]
The kafirlah those who say: "Allah is the son of Mary," in the Al (own) said: "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord," Surely those who associate (with something) Allah surely Allah forbid him the Garden, and the place is hell, is not there for those who do wrong is also a helper. [QS. Al-Maidah (5): 72]
Jesus answered: "Law, especially that is: listen, Israel, the Lord our God, God is one." [Mark 12:29]
In Mark 12:29, as Moses, Jesus has said that Hua is God and the God of Israel. He did not say that Hua is God, but he said, "Hua our God."
MARKUS 10:18
Jesus answered: "Why I kaukatakan good? I feel good apart from God alone. [Mark 10:18]
In this paragraph, called Jesus rejected for good. Why? Because the only one, namely God. while Jesus is not God, then he called to reject the good. So, God is only one, not two, not three, only one. Nothing can rival his, that there is no equivalent to him.
1 Timothy 1:17
Respect and dignity for all long for the days of King, the eternal God, that is not visible, that one! Amen. [1 Timothy 1:17]
God is one God, that is not visible eyes, the eternal, He that is the King of all the ages, and not Jesus. Jesus is visible by the eye.
1 Timothy 2:5
Because God is one and one that he also became mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. [1 Timothy 2:5]
Even Paul understand that God is one, and Paul has to distinguish between the God of Jesus. Jesus only mediator. He is caretaker mission to deliver the word of God to men. And Jesus is merely human.
Jude 1:25
To the only wise God, our Savior, be glory and majesty, strength and power, now and for ever. Amen. [Jude 1:25 KJV]
God is one God that is the Savior. In the other version explained that God saves mankind through the intercession of Jesus. The sense of God save the human Jesus, that Jesus menyampai was the word of God and teach them about the straight path, the only worship the one God, and to guide them on the road is straight, as he has been guiding the Israelites out of Egypt through a straight road in the middle of the ocean so that they are safe from Satan's team pursuit.
Indeed, Thou God that hide themselves, the God of Israel, the Savior. [Isaiah 45:15]
I am, I am the LORD, and there is no savior beside me. [Isaiah 43:11]
Say: "He is Allah, the One God, God is the God who depend on Him all things. He was no litter and no diperanakkan also, and there is none equal to Him. " [QS. Al-Ikhlash]
Ways to Show What He is single. God Almighty-rich, Mahamandiri, does not need another. He does not need to reproduce, because God is not dead, God is eternal, He does not need to preserve the love-him with the birth. He does not diperanakkan, even with God all things to be there. He differs with his creatures, there is no equal to Him, the Almighty.
Akulah The Beginning and the End Akulah, there is no God other than me. [Isaiah 44: 6]
Kautahu not, and not kaudengar? LORD is the everlasting God created the earth from end to end; He did not become tired and did not wilt, an unexpected understanding of Him. [Isaiah 40:28]
Who I like? [Isaiah 44:7]
Jesus said, "especially the law is' listen O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. '" [Mark 12: 29]
God, that there is no god but He is the Living lasting longer continue to manage (His creatures); not sleepy and do not sleep. His what is in the heavens and the earth. Nothing can give intercession with Allah without His permission. God knows what in front of them and behind them, and they do not know any of the knowledge of God, but what He will. He chairs include the heavens and the earth. And God does not feel the weight maintain them, and Allah Most High, Most Great. [QS. Al-Baqarah (2): 255]
Trinitarian Christianity believes that Jesus is God, that is. They say that Jesus is the Son of God, second person in the Trinity. But this has not been shown clearly in the Bible. The divinity of Jesus is the assumption, the assumption that by then defend those pagan and look-basic principle in the Bible. When SEEING EVIDENCE found it difficult, they alter the Bible in such a way so that tersamar of purpose indeed. There are many verses, which they claim as their basic beliefs. But in this book are only a few verses that we, as many of the revelations that have the same meaning. And discuss with some of the verses that, our perspective is enough to cancel their confidence against the Godhead of Jesus. May Allah open their hearts and to enable them to accept Islam as their religion.
Jesus said to them: "I say to you, before Abraham indeed so, I have been there." [John 8:58]
Christendom use this paragraph to show the pre-existence of Jesus. And when Jesus said, 'Ego Eimi' (I, the akulah him, I am, I am Rockets), Christian people believe that Jesus is Lord.
Actual style of many of Israel language that we need to understand before we can understand the Bible well. One is that this word in the language Yunaninya is' Ego Eimi '. With say 'Ego Eimi' does not make someone a god. Many people use the expression in such a culture of Israel. There are more than a hundred verses in the Bible, which contains expression such as this, among other 2 Sam. 7:18; 2Taw. 2:6; Ps 88:14, 119:125; Jer. 26: 14; Gal. 5:11; Eph. 3:1; Cabbage. 1:23.
This is why I, Paul, who is jailed because of Jesus Christ for you people who do not know God. [Ephesians 3:1]
That's the style of language of the people of Israel, and God is using this language in the style of his word to the nation of Israel. Style of language such as this is also used by Arab nations. He even uses this style of language in the Al-Qur `an while telling the dialogue between him with the holy Moses.
Indeed, I am, Akulah God, there is no god other than that I am correct, then I worship and pray to remember me. [QS. BACK Ha (20): 14]
And remember when Abraham said to his father and his people: "I am not responsible for what you worship. [QS. Az-Zukhruf: 26]
Who better than accelerate the call to Allah, work righteous deeds, and said: "I am including those who surrender." [QS. Fushshilat: 33]
I am, sent for from him as the bearer of warning and glad tidings. [QS. Hood: 2]
Say: "I have ditunjuki by the Lord to the straight path, (is) the religious right; the religion of Abraham, the upright, and Abraham is not among the idolaters." [QS. Al-An'am: 161]
The word that before the birth of Abraham, Jesus was there, this proposition can not be pre-existence of Jesus. For in fact, Jesus, physically, there is after Abraham. And Jesus spoke like this when he was aged thirties years (John 8:57), while Abraham was not before he was born. But in the context of this paragraph, it is apparent that the existence of Jesus is God in Science. That he has been in the plan of God, not literally exist. If we see paragraph 56, then we will understand that Jesus' has no 'in God's plan.
Father Abraham that he will rejoice to see my day, and he has seen and he rejoice. [Jn. 8:56]
How Abraham saw the day when Jesus appears to convey the word of God and lead Israel to the straight path, while at the time of Jesus not appear to convey the word of God? Abraham saw the 'appearance'. God has' memperlihat-I 'or may simply provide news about the event. It is common when someone read the history books, and then he said, "I see in this paragraph that Jesus run duty as God's messenger." Did he see Jesus with the eyes of his head? Of course not.
Because of the faith, then Noah, with God's instructions about something that is not visible, with the observance of preparing the ship to save his family; ... Because he (Abraham) waiting-looking city that has a base, which planned and built by God. [Hebrews 11:7,10]
With what Noah and Abraham to see that there is something in the future? With faith. And Jesus is God's plan to save Israel. Of course, when Abraham delighted 'to see' this.
LORD said to me: "Before I formed you in the womb of your mother, I know you, and before you exit from the womb, I have sanctify you, I've set you a prophet to the nations." [Jeremiah 1:4-5]
Is Jeremiah has been in existence of yore? Yes, but in God's plan, not as human beings.
God created me as the beginning of his job, his act as the first of yore. Already at the time immemorial I formed, the first beginning, the earth was. [Proverbs 8:22-23]
Solomon (Solomon) bin Daud established at the time immemorial, even said that God has created. However, in the plan of God.
Where are you, when I put the basic earth? Ceritakanlah, if you have! ... Of course, knowing you, because when you have been born, and the number of day-to-day life has been a lot! [Job 38:4,21]
Is Job has been in existence before the earth was created? Yes, Job has been in existence in God's plan.
John 1:1
In the beginning there is the Word, Word with God and the Word was God. [John 1:1 TB2]
Trinitarian Christianity believe that is the 'Word' is Jesus. In the dictionary which will never interpret the Word as Jesus.
WORDS / Logos / time, it has a meaning that is quite broad. Logos / Kalam can mean expression or expression, the reason (Acts 10:29), commands (QS. 2:124; Gal. 5:14; Gen.. 2:16), immutability (QS. 3:64; Kel. 12: 24), word (Rom. 15:18; QS. 4:46; QS. 5:13), speaking (QS. 4:164; Ex. 19:9; QS. 7:143), answer (Ex. 19 : 19), the plan, the promise / agreement (QS. 6:34; QS. 7:137), the message (Lk. 4:32), Book (QS. 7:158), news, confession, testimony, teaching, etc. . Logic comes from the word logos. But not in the dictionary, which means that the Logos Jesus.
But in the paragraph above should not be defined: "In the beginning there is Jesus." However: "In the beginning there is the Word." And the word here could mean the plan or the command of God to create something that He will. If we see the Book of Genesis chapter 1, we will see that God created all things with His Word: Be. Likewise, if we see in the Al-Quran, said in that if God intends to create something, it suffices He said: Be.
He said: "Be bright." And so the light. [Genesis 1:3]
Indeed, His command, when He just said something to him: "Be!" It. [QS. Yes Sin (36): 82]
Indeed, for instance (creation) Jesus, Allah, as is the (creation) Adam. God created Adam from the land, then God said to him: "Be (a man)," so he (a man). [QS. Ali Imran (3): 59]
In the Old Testament, we can see that the Jewish people familiar with the idea of 'the Word of God,' which refers to the actions and policies Him. It is important to note that the Jewish embrace Ketuhan the god, and does not believe the "Triune God." They are familiar with the idiom of their own language, and understand that the power of God wisdom and realize the 'Word'.
And the Word of God accompany him [Genesis. 39:2]
Then Moses came and called the elders of the nation and bring them to the front of all the word of the LORD. [Exodus. 19:17]
Word of God and receive the face of Job [Job 42:9]
Word of God and to humiliate them laugh [Ps. 2:4]
They believe in the name of his word [Ps. 106:12]
If you're a painter, pematung, or poet, you will express / reveal yourself through painting, sculpture, or a lyric. Through paintings, sculptures, or versification, other people will be able to know who your true self. That God, through his time as the universe, the Prophet, also the Book He has introduced him to love us.
Disciples of Jesus once asked Jesus, "What is God?" Jesus replied, "If you have seen me, means you have to see God."
Shahabat the Prophet Muhammad had also asked, "What is God?" Prophet Muhammad also said, "If I see you have, then you have to see God." In the history of other said that the Prophet said, "Do not you think God, because you do not snggup will, but fikirkanlah His creation. "Yes, His creation, His time, not written.
Logo / Kalam is the expression of God, and Personal Communication is His, as a "word" is an expression of the thinking out of someone. The expression of God that this has now been in existence for His servant, and with that, then perfectly understandable why Jesus called "Logos / time." Jesus is an expression that exit from the policy, objectives and plan of God. For the same reason, we call revelation as "a word from God" and the Bible or the Al-Quran is the "Word of God."
If we understand that the logo / time-is the expression of God's plan, purpose, reason and wisdom of God, then it is obvious that all of strikes "in the beginning." Kebijak Bible says that God is sanaan-"from the beginning" (Proverbs 8: 23). That is the Hebrew writing that is very common to realize a concept such as policy. No Jewish past that read Proverbs will be thinking that God is the personal discretion of a separate, although depicted in one of the verses in Proverbs 8:29 and 30: "... when he set the foundations of the earth, I [policy] is favored in the side ".
Already at the time immemorial I formed, the first beginning, the earth was. [Proverbs 8:23]
Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and Omega," the Word of God, "that is, and the existing, and that will come, the Almighty." [Revelation 1:8]
These words refer to God, not Jesus. That one, "that is, and existing and future" with a clearly recognizable from the context. Revelation 1:4 and 5 read: "Grace and peace to you from there, and who have, and that will come, and from the seven spirits in front of tahtanya, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness," The separation between the there is, the tools, and that will come "and Christ can be clearly seen. The one "that is, and existing and future" is God; not Jesus.
This paragraph made little rancu in the KJV of the word "God" removed, the Greek text of the KJV there has been translated. However, modern textual research indicates the need to ensure that it is included, and include modern versions of the word "God".
"I am the first and the last," says the Lord God Almighty, who is, I, and who is to come. [Rev. TEV 1:8]
LAI verses in the Bible is written: "I am the Alpha and Omega, saith the Lord God, that is, and the existing, and that will come, the Almighty." Even supposing we want to see the Acts. 7:7, then we will see that this paragraph should be written: "I am the Alpha and Omega," says the Lord God, "There is, and the existing, and that will come, the Almighty." Or, more convenience: God He said: 'I am the Alpha and Omega, existing and already there, and that will come, the Almighty' (The Lord God said: 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the one who is and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty ')
And the duration of written translations so: "I am and this is the Alif Yes, saith the Lord God, that there is, and the already existing, and that will come later, the Almighty. [Revelation 1:8]
"Akulah the first and the last," said Lord God, that is, is there, and the next, the Almighty. [Revelation 1:8 BIS]
"I lan public Alpha Omega" mengkono pangandikané girl God, sing saiki ana, ana biyèn lan sing, sing sarta candidate rawuh ngasta Pangwasa. [Revelation 1:8 Java]
So that is said God, not Jesus who is admitted as the word of God or even as the Alpha and Omega. He never admitted as the true God.
Tomas He said: "My Lord and my God!" [John 20:28]
Jesus did not appoint himself as "God" in the sense of the absolute, and what lessons can be made from the actions of Thomas calling Jesus "God"? Using Greek words theos, ( "God" or "gods") with a broader purpose than today. In the Greek language and culture, "GOD" (all of the initial manuscript Bible was written in all capital letters) is a descriptive designation applies to areas of authority / power, including the Governor of Rome (Acts 12:22), and even Satan (2 choir. 4:4), and Moses (Exodus 7:1). The word was used someone with divine authority. That is not limited to the understanding of kemutlakannya as a personal name for God the Highest, as we use today.
And the people cheer reply: "This is not the voice side and the human voice!" [Acts 12:22]
Those who do not believe, that has dibutakan living god by the time of this, so they do not see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the picture of God. [2 choir. 4:4]
LORD said to Moses: "See, I take you as a God for the Pharaoh, and Aaron, abangmu, will be nabimu. [Exodus 7:1]
With dimasanya language, the phrase used by Thomas certainly understandable. On the other hand, to make Tomas said that Jesus is "God," as 1 / 3 of the triune God, starkly absurd.
Too difficult for the students of knowledge, and we do not have the knowledge that they recognize the divine nature of Christ before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This expression is a designation only "someone that I respect"; because the word 'God' is not always used in connection with the unequivocal doctrine.
Remember, it is common at that time to mention the representatives of God as "Allah," and the Old Testament have many examples for that. When Jacob's struggle with "God," is a clear fact that he wrestled with an angel (Hosea 12:4).
There are many experts acknowledge that Trinity is no knowledge of the Doctrine of Trinity when Tomas speak like that. For example, if students believe that Jesus is "God" in the understanding that many Christians do, they will not "escape" a few days before he was arrested. Recognition of two students running Emmaus to show the thoughts of Jesus at the time. They say Jesus "is a prophet, powerful in the work and words in the face of God ... and they crucify him, but we have hope that he is who will redeem Israel" (Luke 24:19-21). The Bible says so clearly that the students think that this Jesus was a "prophet." While the Christians say that Jesus Christ is, they know that according to the Old Testament, Christ, the Lord's anointed, is a human. There is no evidence, according to the Gospel in which the disciples of Jesus believed that he is God, and Tomas, did not raise a new Theological.
The context of this verse indicates that Jesus was alive. Only three paragraphs earlier, Thomas has ignored the testimony of witnesses other students when they told him that they see God. Jesus keep such contentious doctrine that Thomas does not believe that (other students also do not), and with such events would have caused crucifixion Thomas doubted that Jesus is who he called the Messiah. Thomas believes that Jesus is crucified and dead. So, he was surprised when he saw, and has been faced by the self-Jesus. Tomas, when faced by the living Christ, immediately believe that God has the human Jesus, God and the use of the standard in the culture as to the authority of God, must be considered that Thomas will proclaim, "My Lord and my God." No relation to the Trinity in this context, and there no reason to believe that the students had such a doctrine. Thomas spoke what he would have known that the human Jesus who he thought was already dead, was alive and has a divine authority. Finally, they grow confident that Jesus is the messenger of God, and God's messengers, like the prophets of God, of course, has a divine authority.
"I and the Father are one." [John 10:30]
There is no reason to take this paragraph to understand that Christ is said that he and Father prepare "the one God." Expression of public, and even today if someone uses it, people will know what part it up, he and his father very much similarity. When Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church about kependetaannya there, he said that he had planted the seed and Apolos the flood. Then he said, "Now that he planteth and that he watereth are one" (He is to plant and irrigate a) [1Cor.. 3:8 - KJV]. In the Greek text, Paul wording is the same as in John 10:30, but no one recognizes that Paul and Apollos establish "the existence of one." Moreover, the NIV translate 1Cor.. 3:8 as "he who planted the flood and that he has one goal." Why is the phrase that translates as "the one" in one place, but as "one goal" in other places? In this case, the phrase translates the same in two different road obscure the clear meaning of the statement of Jesus in John 10:30. Jesus always do the will of the Father; he and God has a purpose. "
Christ uses the concept of "becoming one" in other places, and from there one can see that "one goal" is what is meant. John 11:52 says Jesus died for all children of God to become "one." In John 17:11,21 and 22, Jesus prayed to God that our followers will become "one" as he and God were "one. "We gather that Jesus did not pray to all the followers will be one or the existence of" elements "as he and the Father are one, or the existence of" elements. "We believe Jesus was meant to pray so that all the followers become one goal as he and God is the one goal, a prayer that it is not.
The context of John 10:30 with a convincing show that Jesus was referring to the fact that he has the same goal with God. He is to discuss their ability to maintain the "sheep" who believe, that came to him. He said that no one can take them out of hand and that no one can take them to the outside of the hands of the Father. Then he said that he and the Father is "one," the goal-to-maintain and protect the sheep.
John 5:18
But also because he says that God is Father, His own, and therefore equate Himself with God. [John 5:18]
Israel at that time and also the culture they know that children often bring family authority. For example, the son of a king has the authority. When Christ said that God is Father, the Pharisees with the right interprets that means that he has the authority of God on earth.
This paragraph does not support the Trinity. With carefully archived on Jesus is said that God is Father, that he alone is not God, not that he is the "son of God." It was clear that the authority came from the Father, Jesus, this is the fact that he is not God themselves.
The concept of people as the "same" was found in several places in the Bible. For example, when Joseph is controlled under the Pharaoh of Egypt, Judah said to him, "You together with the Pharaoh" (Gen. 44:18). Paul writing about people who want to be considered "together with us" (2 choir. 11:12). No Christian who believes that Joseph and Pharaoh, or Paul, and their is a "one substance," and establish "a dzat" only because they called "the same." We believe that John 5:18 should be treated like other verses that mention equality (Equal ). Jesus uses the power and authority of God on earth, so that "together" with God the same way as Joseph, the first to use the authority and power of Pharaoh, the same as the Pharaoh.
Matthew 28:18
"Ye have been given all power in heaven and on earth." [Matthew 28:18]
Be careful in reading a paragraph is a way to start interpreting the paragraph is correct. In this case, it is clear that the power of Christ is. Many of the book that says the same thing: 'God has made Jesus Christ and become Mr.' [Acts. 2:36]. God 'put' all things under his feet and the 'points' as the head of the Church [Ephesians 1:22]. If Christ is truly God, and co-Equal and co-Eternal Father, with as taught in the Trinity, it is not reasonable, logical, not to say Christ has been given power. God, by definition, have the power. The power of the Jesus is submitted and obtained from God, this is not the nature of divinity. Words in Scripture is, in fact, refutation Trinity. Jesus is the man that God gave him 'all power'.
Matthew 1:23
Indeed, children will contain the virgin birth and a son, and they call him Immanuel, which means that God accompany us. [Matthew 1:23]
Immanuel can be interpreted as' God with us' or 'God accompany us'. We know that God accompany the man through Jesus, and Jesus said that their own who see him, meaning he has seen God. This can not be accepted literally. However, those who see Jesus and perbuatannya, then someone will see how the Almighty God gave Jesus and all the signs of civilized behavior again full of love. If we want to know how the love of God, then see how the love of Jesus, then we will know that God Mahakasih, for Jesus, His servants just so thankful, let alone God. Similarly to know the nature of God the other, and see how nature kemulyaan Jesus. The nature of the weakness of Jesus, then it is not describe the nature and the image of God, but it is human nature of Jesus.
Essentially, the name is symbolic. God with us, not literally, but through His servants, as in 2 choir. 5:19, which states: "That God reconciled the world to himself through Christ." Symbols such as this is not special for Jesus. Many of those who were given names that will cause big problems if diimani verbatim. Are we convinced that Eliyah is "Yahweh God" or that Bithiah (Bica, Mered wife), daughter of Pharaoh, is Saudari because the name of Jesus is the 'daughter of Yahweh'? Do we believe that Dibri, not Jesus, is the 'promise Yahweh', or that Eliab is the Messiah indeed because the name means' God [is] father [it]? "Of course not. Is a big mistake to acknowledge that the meaning of the name literally prove the truth. We know that the name of Jesus is very meaningful, that is to convey the message that as a child of God and the God-image as a God accompany the people of Israel through Jesus, but the name does not make Jesus as God.
Islam believes that humanity is a servant of Jesus, the prophet and messenger of God. Islamic reject human divinity of Jesus. Because it's written in the Al-Qur `an and the Bible. When someone kneel and pray to something, then helaslah that he is a servant of the things. And he is not God or Allah. And as Jesus is the servant of God, a man who worship the Lord of the Worlds.
Jesus as a prophet is a duty to convey news from the heavens. He was a messenger of God, and not God himself. What was only the word of God. When someone what was to follow, it means people have to follow the word of God, it means he has to comply with God.
If a king speak, and this titahnya brought out by a courier to complain in front of the public. But surely the audience to listen to the courier with full respect, with regard to the king who speak, even though the king is also not present in the place. And when someone said that the courier is a word that the king, it means people have to comply with the king word, it means he has to comply with the king. And not be called as a courier is king. Courier was only the messenger of the king. Who is to respect the courier he is the king who has respect mengutusnya.
Matthew 12:18
"Look, this is my servant who Kupilih, which Kukasihi, which to him with my life; I will put my spirit to the top, and he will promulgate the law of nations." [Matthew 12:18]
A servant is not possible with the master. Jesus is the servant of God, as we are the servants of God. Servants of God are not equal with God. Jesus as God is not a fundamental assumption. So capitalization hurf 'h' in the word 'slave' and 'n' in the 'top' is also the assumption that no fundamental. So in writing the paragraph, we use the letter 'p' and 'n' not 'H' or 'N'. From this verse can be understood that Jesus is the servant of God that option, as Moses, Muhammad, and all the prophets is the servant of God that option. A special servant of God, that if we use the term Israel, they, the prophets is the Son of God or Freedom sometimes also called as the eldest son of God.
However, the author of the Gospel of John of culture Greek-Roman did not seem to understand the meaning of the word 'single child' in Jewish culture, so he berasum-the single child that is in the literal sense of the word. The 'single child' is a metaphor for someone special. As in Indonesia, we usually use the word 'golden child' or children 'only puppet' to describe the distinctive sese people. For example, we say that somebody has become the golden child director. We may not assume that somebody has a child made of gold.
"I will devote spirit and experience the spirit of the application of the family of David and for the people of Jerusalem, and they will look to him that they have pierced and will mourn him as people mourn the single child, and will mourn him with grievous as people mourn eldest son. "[Zechariah 12:10]
In the Bible many people as the eldest child of God, but there is not even a Jew who consider them as God, humankind, nor Christian.
For I have been the father of Israel, Ephraim is my firstborn child. [Jeremiah 31:9]
He (Melchizedek) berbapa not, do not tell, do not bersilsilah, the day did not start his life and not interminable, and because he made with the Son of God, he remains a priest for ever. [Hebrews 7:1-3]
Look how saktinya Melkise-deck. But does the Christian God as he mentions, as a fourth person may be? Melkise fact-deck but Melchizedek, although he praised the title of the various high as those who do not berbapa, do not tell, do not bersilsilah, the day did not start his life and not interminable, and because he made with the Son of God. With a title so high, why not Melchizedek as god? The assumption is not fair is not it? What is less of Melchizedek? Terms of what he has not been fulfilled? But I will not prosecute people for the Christian Melchizedek as god. I only want to show that the adoption of Jesus as God is just based on sheer carnality paganis. They see things that are in Jesus, and they ignore the things that are on other people. Then, with the things that they take Jesus as Lord. Even things that can not make other people become God. If things they can not make other people into God, the things that also can not make Jesus to be God.
Jesus is only a servant, the slave option, Al-Mushthofa, as the prophets is the servant of the options.
And not to any detest the religion of Abraham, but people who make a fool of himself, and indeed we chose in the world and the Hereafter he is among the righteous. [QS. Al-Baqarah: 130]
Allah has chosen Adam, Noah, Abraham, family and the family `Imran exceed all the people (at the time they each). [QS. Ali Imran: 33]
He said: "O Moses, surely I choose (a romance) you from other people (in masamu) to bring my message." [QS. Al-A'raf: 144]
Say: "Praise be to Allah and the welfare of the servants of His chosen him. Is God better, or what they associate with Him? "[QS. An-Naml: 59]
If God wanted to take the child, He will choose what you want him in the creation-creation that has been created He. Glory to God. He is Allah, the god-Forgiving defeat. [QS. Az-Zumar: 4]
Mahabenar God for all His Word. Mahasuci take the child from God. Mahasuci God from what they associate. Mahasuci God from all that they tuduhkan.
LUKAS 13:33
But today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I must continue my journey, not necessarily as a prophet, if not killed in Jerusalem. [Luke 13:33]
Look how Jesus mentions himself as a prophet. Is God a prophet of God? And see how he mentions Israel as a prophet.
Answer them: "What happens with people of Jesus Nazareth. He is a prophet, powerful in the work and word before God and in front of our entire nation. [Luke 24:19]
For Jesus himself had witnessed, that a prophet is not respected in his own. [John 4:44]
Matthew 10:40
Anyone welcome you, he welcomed me, and I welcome anyone, he welcomed him that sent me. [Matthew 10:40]
This has been described previously that we who welcomed courier, meaning that the king was welcomed mengutusnya. And Jesus is the messenger of Allah, the messenger of Allah. Not the messenger of Allah may Allah. Jesus is not God. Jesus is the messenger of Allah. Do you want to say that God sent His own Self and said: I have sent me?
This is the life that is eternal, that they know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus the Messiah know that Thou hast sent. [John 17:3]
This is the straight way, namely testify that there is no god except the true God, and that Al-Isa is the messenger of God remains. That's the Jesus that try to say to the people of Israel.
(Jesus said:) "Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore worship Him. This is a straight path. "[QS. Ali Imran: 51]
Jesus said to him: "... I will go to the Father and the Father, to God and God." [John 20:17]
The kafirlah those who say: "Allah is the son of Mary, Al," in the Al (own) said: "O Banu Israil, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord," Surely those who associate (with something) God, then surely God forbid him the Garden, and the place is hell, is not there for people wrong is a helper. [QS. Al-Maidah: 72]
Jesus PROPHET Israel
Christianity believes that Yesusadalah Savior of the world. In many verses in the Bible where Jesus said that he sent only for Israel, not for the universe. Even in the Gospel of Barnabas there said:
Jesus said: Verily I say unto you, that if every prophet was born and came to a nation, only foreshadow the mercy of God. Thus, propaganda, propaganda they are not dilated, except to the nation which they have been sent. But the messenger of Allah, when he will come, God will give him as if the light from his hand, that he will eventually bring salvation and mercy to all nations in this world who would like to receive the teachings-teachings. He will come with a defeat to misuse the power of God belief, and will destroy the worship idols, that he will ultimately make the most of Satan, such as God's promise to Abraham, said, 'Remember in benihmu I will give mercy of all nations on earth, and as you solve the idols in pieces, o Abraham, so also benihmu will do. '[the Gospel of Barnabas Article 38]
Matthew 10:5-6
The student was sent by Jesus and he wanted them: "Do not wander to other nations or roads into the city of the Samaritans, but go to the sheep is missing from Israel. [Matthew 10:5]
Look how Jesus wanted to 12 primary students who come from 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus is from Israel, pointing to 12 students responsible for the spread of the Word of God to 12 tribes of Israel. And he did not refer to the student-13 for the Gentile (non-Jews). As for Paul, he is not a disciple of Jesus, and not the messenger of Jesus. He only liar. How can the truth from falsehood born? How can the holy birth of the unclean? That is impossible.
Matthew 7:6
"Do not you give the goods to the holy dog and you do not throw mutiaramu to pigs, lest diinjak-injaknya with his feet, then turn it pick you." [Matthew 7:6]
Look how Jesus mentions people in the surrounding Gentile with a dog and pig. And see how Jesus prohibit the Word of God to the Gentile nations. For those not in Jesus sent. Then, to whom Jesus sent in?
Matthew 15:24
Jesus answered: "I only sent to the sheep that disappeared from Israel." [Matthew 15:24]
In fact, Jesus is a messenger of God, and not gods themselves. Jesus was sent only to the people of Israel, and not to all nations in the world. Then how can he become the Savior of all nations in the world while he is the messenger of God for all the people of Israel? Is it true that Jesus was the Savior for Israel alone?
Acts 13:23
And from keturunannyalah, in accordance with the already promised him, God has awaken the people of Israel for the Savior, Jesus. [Acts. 13:23]
Look, how the Bible states that Jesus was the Savior for Israel alone. Jesus is not the Savior of the nations of Europe, not for the nation, not for the Asian nation, not for African nations; only for the nation of Israel.
Crucifixion Jesus damnation
Christianity believes that Jesus was crucified was sent for to remove the sins of all mankind. This is sheer lie. On the one hand, Jesus was not sent for all mankind. On the other hand the crucifixion of Jesus never happened. That is what is said Al-Qur `an and the Bible.
And because of their speech: "We have killed Still, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah", although they are not killed and do not (also) menyalibnya, but (they are killed) who diserupakan with Jesus for them. Those who disagree understand about the (murder) Jesus, truly in skepticism about the killed. They do not have confidence about who is killed, except the mere suspicion, they do not (also) believe that they killed Jesus, that is. [QS. An-Nisa: 157]
LUKAS 22:67-69
He said: "If you are the Messiah, say to us." Answer Jesus: "Even if I said to you, but you will not believe, and even if I ask something to you, but you will not answer. From now on the Son of man is sitting in the right hand of God Almighty. "[Luke 22:67-69]
In the paragraph above told that the priests asked a Jewish person who is arrested, we call it OYD. Jewish priests words, "Are you the Messiah?" Jews do not ask the priest if he is God, but they ask whether he is the Messiah. Then OYD said, "If I say to you that actually, that I am not the Messiah, you certainly will not believe. Free argue with you. If I ask you to debate you, you certainly do not want to serve the question-was. I tell you, indeed, Jesus, the son of man, has been appointed to the night sky, and now is in Allah Almighty. "OYD distinguish between God the Almighty with Jesus. Clearly, that Jesus is not God, and God is not Jesus.
LUKAS 22:70-71
All their words: "If so, this Thy Son of God?" Answer Jesus: "You yourself said, that Akulah the Son of God." Then they said: "For what we need to witness again? We have heard this from his own mouth. "[Luke 22:70-71]
In this paragraph told that the Jewish priests still OYD forced to admit they tuduhkan. As a policy, they will not want it to respond to the testimony of a thief. The police would continue to submit their accusations-accusations against the thief, albeit a thief does not want to admit it, even if it needs to beat the thief. The word police, "You thief, right?! Ngaku you is that I escaped! Pake ngaku think again. "Word of the skeleton," Sir, my 'when I have repeatedly, this is not my master. I think the father believes, so the father. "Word of the police," get 'a drama, you thief. Ngaku funny! You have never kelilipan handle the gun! "Says the thief," That 'I said that my father escaped this. "Word of the police," Oh, so you are not escaped. But you steal, right? "Word of the skeleton, or the respondent as a thief," It is the father of reasons, fathers' that's when I was the thief. So if I said that I was not a thief, the father I also believe pointing. "Finally, the police said," to get the 'I ngaku. I pack, we penjarain's ex. Why do-asked question again. I Nyusahin people. "
This means that the words OYD can not be interpreted as recognition that he is Jesus who is charged as the Son of God. Please note that the accused confess that Jesus is the Son of God of the Jews. And the author of the Gospel of John, so that affected the Greek-Roman culture, consider that Jesus was the Son of God as the literal means. Jesus never mentions himself as the Son of God, in the literal means. Jesus himself with his usual 'children anusia'.
LUKAS 23:1-4
Arise and the entire council and Jesus brought facing Pilate. Where they begin accuse him, he said: "Past exposure by us, that person is misleading our nation, and prohibits pay taxes to Caesar, and about Himself He said, that he is Christ, the King." Pilate asked to Him: "Engkaukah king of the Jews?" Jesus' answer: "You own it." Words Pilate to the priests and all the heads of many people is: "I do not find any errors on this person." [Luke 23:1-4 ]
In the verses, clearly visible above that OYD accuse Jews as Jesus, and accuse Jesus as Christ, the King, King of the Jews. But Pilate of Jesus checking. However OYD does not recognize the accusations that get-incrimination. OYD not admitted as Jesus, nor admitted that he is the king of Israel, nor admit that Jesus is the King of the Jews. OYD said, "That is all that you own it. That is not the pengakuanku, is not he. That 'I katamu. Not said. "So Pilate release any OYD, as accusations-accusations are not true. Pilate knew that the person is not Jesus. If he believes that Jesus is OYD, where he may release it?
LUKAS 23:5-7
But they urged stronger, he said: "It provoke people with his teachings at all Judah, he started in Galilee and up to here." When Pilate heard that he asked whether the person is a Galilee. And when he knew that Jesus from a Herod region, he sends him facing Herod, who at the time was also in Jerusalem. [Luke 23: 5-7]
Jewish priests did not agree with the decision of Pilate. Then they start hurl accusations-incrimination for handicap OYD. Pilate and Herod send OYD kepda. Disidang to return. But OYD was only in the trial. He can not say words. It is hopelessness. Theirs is free to defend themselves. Because there is no trust that will accelerate. But Herod also check OYD bored. So he sent the children to punish fruit and humiliate OYD. Then Herod OYD send back to Pilate.
LUKAS 23:13-15
Then Pilate gather priests and the heads of leaders and people, and said to them: "You have to bring this person to me as a misleading people. You see yourself that I have to check him, and from the mistakes that you tuduhkan to him that there is no kudapati on him. And Herod are not, as he sends him back to us. Indeed, no one made any of his kind with the death penalty. "[Luke 23:13-15]
Proved that OYD not guilty, he does not like to be by the Jewish priests. But Pilate release OYD. Pilate and made the feast day as the reason. For each day on the highway, Pilate ordinary people to free one prisoner. So if OYD considered prisoners by the Jewish priests, then Pilate will be exempt OYD on the feast day. But the Jewish priests did not want it. They even choose to exempt Jesus Barabbas. Jesus Barabbas is a few days earlier had led the attack against the city Roman army.
OYD identity is a mystery that is very large. Nay, who is the person who is arrested? Is Jude, or Barabbas, or other people?
Why do we suspect Barabbas? For the name of Jesus, Jesus Barabbas. What this means Barabbas? Bar means children, Abbas means father. Barabbas means father children. Jesus and Barabbas is this that has led to a group of Israeli colonists against the Romans, so he is considered as the king of Israel. Is it possible that he was arrested?
Is OYD is Judas Iscariot? Why? For based on the Bible, Judas is already willing to let hiding Jesus and the disciples. Tempted Judas with 30 pieces of silver that is promised for those who can tell where Jesus was hiding. Then he makes a plan, that is who he soon smell it, then that he was Jesus.
Jesus is still time to speak came serombongan people, is a student of his named Jude, a twelfth of the students, running in front of them. Judas kissed Jesus to approach him. [Luke 22:47]
However, the plan is step one. From a distance terlihatlah are two Jews embrace. But that Judas Iscariot arrested. And he also crucified. And he also ditombak stomach. Then Jude corpse stolen by the Jewish priests. Jewish priests take 30 pieces of silver Judas to buy a plot. Then they throw corpses in the plot of Judas is.
But one of the soldiers was cutting his stomach with a spear, and immediately flow out of blood and water. [John 19:34]
After they negotiate with the money to buy land that is called the Land Transportation pots to be a sanctuary where the foreigners. [Matthew 27:7]
Jude, this plot has been purchased by kejahatannya wage, and he fall on one's face, stomach and split so that all the stomach contents to spill outside. It is known by all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the land they call in their own language "Hakal-Dama", meaning blood-Land. [Acts. 1:18-19]
It is not possible if Judas who buy the land and then hanging himself, but then fall on one's face is found in soil with the contents of the stomach terburai. How do people who may have been dead hanging themselves can walk and find the land purchased by the Jewish priest. For the actual purchase of land that is priests Semite, not Judas, only they use the money to buy Jude land. From where Judas know that it is the land that he is in there after hanging himself, and he died. Do the dead hanging oneself is a torn stomach? Clearly, this is a pengelabuan. Jewish priests want to wash the hands of the evil plans of their birth from their hatred against Jesus. They then dump it to Judas extenuation.
There is a possibility that the Jewish priests and students have to know that the arrested is not Jesus. That's why Peter deny that he knows who was arrested. And the Jewish priests, if they know that the arrested was Jude, surely they pleased, because they will be freed from the vengeance of the students. They said that living that Jesus is Judas, not them. And they delighted if crucified and Judas died. If not, Jude can tell their secrets. They believe that although Jesus is still alive, he will not dare to expose himself in public after this event. And eventually the audience will believe that Jesus was crucified.
However, people will ask questions about Judas. But the Jewish priests weave stories that Judas was hanging himself. To prove it, their corpses Judas and steal mencampakkannya in the plot, which they buy with the money of Judas.
And hatred to cover their kepda Jesus, they send their agents named Paul to spread false dogma, and says that Jesus was sent to the crucified. The crucifixion of Jesus is not the desire, but it is the evil plans of the Jewish priests.
He indeed knows, that the priests have delivered the head of Jesus as malicious. [Mark 15:10]
And Paul also spread dogma sin heir to support the dogma was false. When there is no sin that heirs. That is all lie on the lie. That's the Christian teachings, full of lies, and distributed by lie. Sometimes they claim has been successfully mengkristenkan figures of Islam, that is hogwash. How can the truth from falsehood born?
How can from the filth that comes clean, and how it can be born from the truth lie? [Sirakh 34:4]
Even OYD condemn the Jewish priests to say: "Woe to those who will he be?"
Indeed, Jesus, the son of man, will be appointed by the survivors with God to heaven. However, those who want the crucifixion of Jesus and cheer on the crucifixion of Jesus is the people who cursed. Those who rejoice with the crucifixion of Jesus is the wretched. Are people who cheer on the crucifixion of Jesus? Those Christian is delighted with the crucifixion of Jesus. Because they believe the dogma that the false Paul crucifixion of Jesus, their sins will be removed. The crucifixion of Jesus is the plan envious Jewish priests. No one even Jews who currently believe that the crucifixion of Jesus is to remove their sins. Because they know that the crucifixion of Jesus is the Jewish priests plan at that time. Christianity is the wretched people, because they are happy with the crucifixion of Jesus.
And because of their greeting: "Sesung-guhnya We have killed Still, Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah", although they are not killed and do not (also) menyalibnya, but (they are killed) who diserupakan with Jesus, for their . Those who disagree understand about the (murder) Jesus, truly in skepticism about the killed. They do not have confidence about who is killed, except the mere suspicion, they do not (also) believe that they killed Jesus, that is. [QS. An-Nisa: 157]
In the Gospel of Barnabas 215 articles we can see that it is the crucified Judas. In the night before Jude came with the army, were Jesus Gabriel, Michael, Rafael, and Uriel. They take Jesus to heaven. Then when Judas Iscariot in, God change the face and voice of Judas, so it is very similar to Jesus. Jude see Jesus' disciples are still sleeping. Dibangunkanlah Then they asked, "Where is the teacher?". Disciples of Jesus are confused. Because they believe that the person who asked it is Jesus. Then they said, "Did you teachers?" Then Judas, who is with Jesus diserupakan also arrested and crucified.
Miracles Jesus
Jesus as a prophet and messenger, the messenger of Allah, bring about the sign from God as evidence kenabiannya. He also has shown as it extraordinary that a provision of God. As Moses, David, Zakariya, Yahya, and the other prophets, Jesus also has the miracles that come from God. Once again we emphasize, that the miracles that Jesus is shown comes from God, miracles, as the prophet of God.
And (as) the messenger to the Banu Israil (who said to them): "I have come to bring something with the sign (your` jizat) from your Lord, that I make to you from a bird-shaped land; then I meniupnya, he became animal bird with the permission of Allah, and I heal the blind since birth and who particularly hairpiece, and I turn people off with the permission of Allah, and I tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses. Verily in this is a sign of (the truth kerasulanku) for you, if you seriously believe. "[QS. Ali Imran: 49]
From the above paragraph is obvious that Jesus (Isa) as a prophet who do things outside the normal permission of Allah. With the power of God. Not with their own will and power.
Then Jesus entrance to the Temple of God, and when he taught there, the head priests and elders of the Jews to Him, and ask: "With the power Which do you think that? And who is to give power-Mu? "Jesus answer to them:" I will also submit a question to you and if you give answer to me, I will also say to you with the power which I do it. Which of the baptism of John? From heaven or from men? "They memperbincang-kannya between them, and said:" If we say: From heaven, he will say to us: If so, are you not believe him? But if we say: From the man, we fear the people, of all people consider this the prophet John. "Then Jesus answered them:" We do not know. "And Jesus said to them is:" If so, I also did not say to you with the power which I do it. "[Matthew 21:23-27]
In the verses of the above described how Jesus shows that he is a prophet as well as John (John), and the miracles that he show is derived from God, as John also has a miracle from God. Jesus is the messenger of God. Jesus is not God themselves.
PROOF OF about miracles
Miracles are a proof of knowledge. Indeed, ordinary people can not do what Jesus. But Jesus, like other men, also can not do anything without the permission of Allah. Are there other people who can do extraordinary? With God's permission, of course there is. In the Bible message many miracles of the prophets. And the miracles they do not make them a god.
LORD listen to the request of Elijah, and the child's home life in his body, so he lives again. [I Kings 17:22]
With the permission of Allah, not only Jesus can bring people dead, Elijah also. Even bone-bone Elisha, with the permission of Allah, can turn people off.
At a time people are bury corpses. When they see the crowds come, they want it to the corpse in the grave, Elisha, and go. And the corpse is subject to the bone-bone Elisha, then rather than return it and stand up. [2 Kings 13:21]
Blind Man
Elisha and pray: "O LORD: Look kindly eyes, that he saw." Then the Lord opened the eyes of lackey, so he saw. [2 RAJ. 6:17]
In fact, not only Jesus can cure the blind with the power of God. Elisha can cure the blind with the power of God.
Elisha told a messenger to him said: "Go shower seven times in the Jordan river, the body will be restored, so you become clean." [2 RAJ. 5:10]
At that time, people particularly leprosy is considered unclean, if it is healed, then he is considered a holy return (thahir). With word of Elisha, the Jordan river has changed a healer. Who is Elisha so that the words can change the Jordan river to become effective? Is he God? Neither. He is the prophet of God. As a prophet Elisha, Jesus is only a messenger of God's prophets. With the power of God that Jesus heals people particularly leprosy.
Sharia Jesus
Sharia Jesus is not much different from the Sharia prophets before. He also woods, prayer, alms, and also struggled in the way of Allah.
Jesus said: "I am the servant of God, He was given the Book (the Gospel) and He made me a prophet, and He made me a blessed wheresoever I be, and ordered him to me, (establish) prayer and (fulfill) charity I live for, and kind to my mother, and He is not just a doggone proud again. "[QS. Marayam: 33]
He then advanced slightly, and bow down and pray, he said: "Yes, My Father, if, if possible, and let this cup from me, but not as Kukehendaki, but as you will." [Matthew 26: 39]
Prayers according to the language means to pray. And according to the terms of worship that is already known tatacaranya, beginning with the takwir and ended with one. In the prayer movement, such as some standing, basil, prostration and sitting. Therefore prayer, besides called directly with the prayer, prayer (aqimush shalah), stand to pray / prayer (qum ilash shalah), often also called his part-part course, for example, pray (Pray), prostration, and basil ` .
In the above paragraph saying that Jesus bow down, which means that the prayer of Jesus. And when prostration in shalatnya it, Jesus prayed, because when a servant of God to kneel, then when is the time in which the slave is close to the Lord. It is recommended for those who bow down to pray. This also indicates that Jesus is the servant of God, not God himself.
From Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah saaw said, "But when prostration, the conscientious-harm in prayer." [HR. Muslim]
Only to Allah prostrate (comply) all that in the heavens and the earth, both with their own will or were forced (and prostration) to do their shadows in the morning and evening. [QS. Ar-Ra'd: 15]
And (see also) perobahan consumed in the movement between those who prostrate. [QS. Ash-Syu'ara: 219]
O Mary, ta `atlah to your Lord, prostrate and basil together is the` people `basil. [QS. Ali Imran: 43]
In the verses, clearly visible on how the prayer also called the prostration or basil.
"And if you stand to pray, forgive first, if there is something good in the hearts of seseo-draft, so also the Father in heaven forgive an error-kesalahanmu." [Mark 11:25]
In the paragraph that told how Jesus taught the culture before prayers. He said, "Before you establish the prayer, maafkanlah your brother first, that God is willing to Mengampunimu."
'And if you stand to pray' is actually in the Arabic language is' The idza qumtum ilash shalah, 'which means' and if you want to stand for prayer'. So before the prayer, other than we should PURIFICATION / bertahir with water, we must also mensuci was our hearts to forgive revenge from the mistakes our brothers, I wish to God to forgive our mistakes.
O those who believe, if you want to stand for prayers, then Wash hands and face up to the elbow, and head and sapulah (flush) feet until the second leg eyes, and if you junub even then, and if you get sick or the return journey from the place or dispose of water (toilet) or touching women, and you do not get water, the learner-tayamumlah with good soil (net); sapulah face and hands with the land. He does not want to complicate you, but He would clean and you are going menyempurna-mate `Him for you, that ye may be grateful. [QS. Al-Maidah: 6]
People who are not in a situation junub, he was interested enough to PURIFICATION before prayers.
Junub is a situation in which a screw has, or has issued a seminal / discharge, which haidh women, or women who are childbed, namely after the birth. So he must be bathed in the Sharia Muhammad. As in the Sharia that are listed in the Book of Leviticus is as follows:
LORD said to Moses and Aaron: "Speak to the people of Israel and say to them: If the genitals of a male dismisses Area, discharge, then she shall be unclean because it lelehannya. Thus kenajisannya with lelehannya is: when the discharge auratnya let it flow, or when auratnya his arrest, so no discharge, then it is kenajisannya. [Leviticus 15:1-3]
When a woman mengeluar-going discharge, and it is lelehannya blood from auratnya, it must be seven days in the lower garment pollutants, and each person got to him, to be unclean until sunset. [Leviticus 15:19]
LORD said to Moses: "Command to the people of Israel, so that all the sick people leprosy, all the people who discharge, and all those who defiled the corpses was to leave the camp; both men and women must go kausuruh; to a place outside the camp kausuruh they should go, so they do not desecrate a campsite where I dwell in their midst. "[Numbers 5:1-3]
In the above paragraph explained that the junub prohibited to enter the house of worship. As in any such Sharia Muhammad.
O those who believe, not prayer, you are in a pickle, until you understand what you say, do not ALL of the mosque are you in junub, with the exception of just passed it, until you bathe. And if you are sick or in a traveler returning from the place or defecate or you have touched women, then you do not get water, then you bertayamumlah with good soil (holy); sapulah face and hands. Allah is Pema `af Forgiving. [QS. An-Nisa: 43]
"Do not drink wine or liquor, you and your children, when you get into the tent of meeting, lest ye die. That is a proviso to you forever for generations. "[Leviticus 10:9]
In the Al-Qur `an and Leviticus explained that someone does not get into the house of worship when he was drunk or after drinking wine (alcoholic beverages). Moreover, if the wine is made in the house of worship, it clearly can not. That is the act of the devil. The obvious that the teachings of wine in the house of worship is the teachings of Satan, not God's teachings.
ZAKAH / charity
But if you give charity, do not know what kirimu hand is your right hand. [Matthew 6:3]
That Jesus taught to give in-ikhlashan. And in the Christian charity is still running. That the church fathers, about the prayers they lose, but if the money sepersepuluhan, they define.
Take alms of their wealth in part, the charity that you member-sihkan and mensucikan them, and mendoalah for them. Indeed, prayer is you (a) peace for their souls. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing. [QS. At-Taubah: 103]
From Kareena pleased said: saaw Prophet said, "There are seven groups who will man whom Allah would give naunganNya below. Today there is no shade except the auspices of God. The group is ... to give a handout but he merahsia-kannya as if the left hand does not know what the right hand by ... [HR. Bukhori and Muslim]
Zakah is an obligation that has been set. And whoever melanggarnya and does not feel obliged to obey the law of God, then later in the Hereafter he will have big difficulties.
"Once again I say unto you, more easily prefer a camel through the pit entrance on a needle from the rich to enter the kingdom of God." [Matthew 19: 24]
Those who deny Our signs and treat them with arrogance, never will be opened for them the gates of heaven, and not (also) they go to Heaven, until the camel into the eye of the needle. Thus we give retaliation to those who do evil. [QS. Al-A'raf. 40]
On the day of heated gold-silver in the hell is like, and then burned them with the forehead, stomach and back them (and said) to them: "This is the property bendamu that you keep to yourself, then taste now (the result of) what you save it ". [QS. At-Taubah: 35]
Circumcision / SUNAT AND AQIQAH
And when the whole eight days and he should be circumcised, he was given the name of Jesus, the name called by the angel before he dikandung his mother. ... And to sacrifice the menu-Ruth said that the law of God ... [Luke 2: 21.24]
Easier sky and disappeared from the earth at a point of law invalidated. [Luke 16:17]
Not that I came to the law or the prophets. I come not to destroy, but to menggenapinya. Therefore ... who negate one of the law, even the most minor, and teaches that to other people, he will occupy the lowest place in the kingdom of heaven; but who perform and teach all the commandments of the law, it will occupy a high place in the kingdom of heaven. [Matthew 5:17,19]
Jesus was born as a caretaker Sharia Prophet Moses. He was not sent to alter or cancel the Sharia Prophet Moses, he even came to align the Prophet Moses, the Sharia is disimpangkan by Israel. He is mushad-diqan, pengkoreksi, namely the right way to worship in accordance with the law of the original. But who says that circumcision is not a physical need, he is a contemptible person in the sight of Allah. Even Jesus was circumcised in a physical, and the law says that someone dikhitan on the eighth day as a sign of agreement between him and God. Whoever does not do so, then there is no promise of salvation for him. That said, the law, and it's that Jesus taught. As he did not cancel the law. He was not taught that circumcision is circumcision in bathin only. But he taught that circumcision is circumcision of birth and bathin.
More word of God to Abraham: "From pihakmu, you have to hold my agreement, you and several generations. This is my covenant, which you should hold, the agreement between me and thee and thy seed, which is every male among you be circumcised; to be dikerat skin khatanmu and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and you. Children must be circumcised eight days, ie, every male among you, heredity: both born in the house, or purchased with money from a foreign, but not including descendants. Persons born in the house, and who you buy with the money must be circumcised; dagingmulah in my agreement to become a lasting agreement. And people who are not circumcised, that is, men who do not dikerat skin khatannya, he should be removed from the people working: it has been that my agreement. "[Genesis 17:9-14]
From here obvious that the letters of Paul had to cancel a law and contrary to the teachings of Jesus. So obvious that Paul is a liar, bidat people, children of Satan. Paul's teachings are false teachings. Kedu-dukannya is in place the most contemptible and low, namely the Fire.
Some believe that Christianity is the Dec. 25 date of birth of Jesus. Therefore they celebrate Christmas, the day the birth of Jesus, on December 25 each year, the snow season.
But based on the research, Jesus was not born on December 25. Instead of a day in the month of Elul, sixth month, around July-August, in the summer. Season in which the herd of cattle graze in the evening to avoid the sun teriknya.
If Jesus was born in the snow season, why is there a rancher, herd cattle that graze in the evening?
In areas that are shepherds who live in the cattle herd to keep them in the night. [Luke 2:8]
And from which the conviction that Jesus was born on December 25? That confidence is the Greek-Roman deity who believe that their god of the sun, born on 25 December.
Islamic community use qomariyah catch-galan, which starts from month to month of Muharram Dhul-Hijjah, in determining the day-to-day worship or day-to-day feast. Israel, using the catch-galan the start of the month of Nisan to Adar month. But the Christian community to use the Roman calendar to determine the date of birth of Jesus. This is strange.
Indonesia's Islamic community, although their use in the Roman calendar, what keeps the dismantling qamariyah to determine the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad said. But the Christian community using the Roman calendar. Jesus was born in the month of Elul in the summer, but why the Christian community celebrates Christmas on December 25?
Obvious that the Christian teachings of Jesus that is not true. However, the teachings are polluted Greek-Roman paganism.
DOSA heir
In Christian teachings, Adam is different from others because he is the man who became the first source (origin) all mankind. Therefore, what happened to Adam will affect all mankind. God did not create the millions of people to meet the earth. He was only indict one man only, namely Adam. From then, all human beings originated. Therefore, God saw all mankind as those who are 'in Adam'. All that was born into the human family is' in Adam '. What is the purpose of flying in the Adam? Located in the Adam means taking part in all the presence of Adam and all the things that do. There are some facts that really happened in each person. The facts that prove that we are in Adam, namely:
1. He has a separate life from God.
2. He is in the kingdom of darkness.
3. He is the guilty.
4. He is under the power of sin.
5. He was under heavy punishment.
That said Christian teachings. But if all human beings are in part inherited Adam and Adam's sin, so it is in these circumstances five, so it means Jesus. For Jesus also descendants of Adam. If we read Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38, then we will find genealogy of Jesus up to Adam. Jesus also means that in Adam and has been separate from the life of God, are in the kingdom of darkness, sinner, under the power of sin, and under the weight of law. If this is rejected, the original sin should also be rejected. The doctrine of original sin is the only coral-be.
Christian teachings say that sin separates man from God. When Adam sinned, he was separated from the life of God. Separate from the life of God means spiritually dead. Adam's sin that caused the death of the spiritual is not only overwrite it himself but also the entire mankind. All human life has been separated from God. Because all men are 'in Adam'.
Even Jesus himself is often mentioned with human children. He is also human, Jesus is also in Adam, then Jesus is also separate from the living God. Jesus is the people who are spiritually dead. The doctrine of sin must be denied inheritance. For the doctrine of sin heirs, it also will affect the every man, including Jesus.
Christian teachings say that when Adam rebelled against God, he moves to Satan, the first constitution. He has entered into the kingdom of darkness, which is Satan governments. Therefore, Adam was under the power of Satan. Because Adam is the head of mankind, he has brought to all mankind in the kingdom of darkness. So all the human descendants of Adam in the kingdom of darkness.
Christians reject the Trinitarian certainly acknowledge that Jesus is in the kingdom of darkness. Even Jesus is also human, descendants of Adam, he also means that in Adam, and of course, has been in the kingdom of darkness. Sin heir has been harassing Jesus, the prophets, and all mankind. Paul with arogannya said that all men are guilty and evil and outcast since birth. No human right. Even babies are born and die on the first day, that he has been considered to be the followers of Satan and are in the kingdom of darkness. Indeed the doctrine that cutthroat.
Christian teachings say that when God created Adam first, Adam is the man to the Lord. He wants to do God and His. God is the king of the throne in the heart. However, when Adam sinned, changes occur in the heart. It is now more mengu-tamakan and the will to make himself accessible from, and do God's will. God is no longer memerin-tah as the King in the heart. Adam now has a sin nature.
The nature of sin and selfish attitude is then downloaded to their children. The Bible says that Adam has a son "and apparently the image" (Gen. 5:3). Adam was created according to their own image and appearance of God, but he has delivered the child to obey the picture and it seems that sin. Killings carried out cloth (Qabil) to Her younger sister (Abel / Habil) indicates that the nature of sin has been on the descendants of Adam and Eve. Or due to the influence of Adam's sin is not only apply to the children of Adam alone. Adam is to all mankind. He has been down nature of sin is to all mankind. Adam disobedience has caused all human beings sin. Romans 5:19 says: "disobedience by a people, all people have a sin."
Please note that Jesus is a descendant of Adam, means he is also an image of the sin of Adam. He also sinners, according to the doctrine of sin heirs. Indeed the doctrine that must be rejected by those who thought tact. Does your new baby is born babies who have sin? This is a big lie. A lie to cover malice of those who want top of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Christian teachings say that because people have sinned, then they are under the power of sin. John 8:34 says: "Everyone is sin, sin is a slave." In the kingdom of darkness, sin reign as king and all the people in it are under the power of sin.
This academic year, as saying that Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Joseph, David, and Jesus is the people who are in the power of sin. Because they have also inherit Adam's sin. This is a very large harassment in the Lord.
Christian teachings say that sin into the world through one person, namely Adam and deaths occur as a result of sin. The Bible says:
Therefore, the same as the sin into the world through one person, and also by sin death, so death was crawling to everyone, because everyone has sinned. [Romans 5:12]
After the death penalty will come. Anyone who has not saved will be judged sins. The Bible says, "And as people set to die only once and only after that are judged." [Hebrews 9:27]
Anyone who 'are in Adam' is guilty before God. Some people think that they will be accepted by God as their circumstances. God does not mind that. God says otherwise. He knows the contents of the human heart. About all the human descendants of Adam, God said in FirmanNya:
"No truth, no one. No one minded that tact, no one is looking for God. All people have been violated, they all are not useful. No good, not one. Because all people have sinned and have lost the glory of God. "[Romans 3:10-12, 23]
Now we know why the Bible says, "Ye must be born again ...." Why every person must be born again? Because each person has been born as a man of sin and punishment are under God.
That says to Christian teachings. The doctrine of sin heir has put all the people, including Jesus, as accursed people, inmate, who since birth has been unlucky, who is not correct, godless people, who are not useful. You might mention how sacred the new baby was born as a person that is not true, and disobeyed God? This doctrine was never taught by Jesus. This is just something that be-reef by the evil to deceive and mislead people. The evil that confiscate the Gospel and distort the word of God.
This doctrine, so vile, has put Adam as the person who so humiliated. This doctrine does not see the devotion of Adam at all. This doctrine only teach people to 'negative thinking' of Adam and all mankind. This doctrine only to see Adam and all mankind as a sinner, lawlessness, etc.. This doctrine is not at all appreciate how Adam was sorry and repent. This doctrine is not at all appreciate how the prophets and believers have been felt in penderitan obey God. This doctrine makes people forget how Noah was willing advantage for the nation to teach straights. This doctrine has been to make people forget how Abraham was willing to face his father and his people for the Allah, and has been willing to give up the child audiences, Ismael, in order to meet the Lord. This doctrine has been to make people forget how he was willing for the Pharaoh, faced with the command of God. This doctrine has been close eye on the human menghadapai patience of Job in the trial. Is that all acts are not true? Is not all that useful? Is that all acts of lawlessness?
And (remember) when we take the agreement of the prophets, and from you (O Muhammad own), from Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus son of Mary, and we have taken from their agreement that firmly, to ask him to the people who is the truth about them, and He provides for the unbelievers a grievous punishment. [QS. Al-Ahzab: 8]
Those who say that in Adam, there is no truth, and every person in that Adam is guilty before God, actually they are the children of Satan.
Iblislah Father, and you want to make a wish-you-wish father. He is a murderer, and since people do not live in the truth, because in truth he was not there. When he said lie, he said on His will alone, because he is a liar and the father of all lies. [John 8: 44]
It is no sin heir
In the Old Testament is not known what is called sin heirs or the original sin. For each man win gung-sin itself.
At that time, people will not say again: Father, father eat raw fruit, and children's teeth to be smart, but: Every person will die because of the error itself; every human being who eat raw fruit, teeth become their own pain. [Jeremiah 31:29-30]
What's with you, so you say the word satire in this land of Israel: Father, father eat raw fruits and dental children to be smart? [Ezekiel 18:2]
Incompetent if the father is a sin, but children who bear the consequences; as the father who may not eat raw fruit, but the children's teeth feel pain.
Each person should be sentenced to death because of sin itself. [Deuteronomy 24:16]
Man must live in the land and manage the earth because it is God's plan, created to manage the human and earth worship Him in the righteous. Adam lowered to the earth, not as punishment, but with a down to earth that Adam can serve to redeem the error. While the descendants of Adam living human on earth is not caused by sin of Adam, except that it's God's plan. He created man with the image of His love to be his deputy in managing the earth, not to inherit the sin of Adam. So people living on earth, not because he still inherit the sin of Adam, but because it's really God's plan. He created man to manage the earth. If humans live on earth because of Adam's sin, then why are Christians still on earth at this time, whereas according to the Christian faith have their sins forgiven with the crucifixion of Jesus. Are safety caused by crucifixion of Jesus is lying? Is it because of sin heir lying? Is it not because Jesus crucified? Or escape with the crucifixion of Jesus is lying, lying is a sin heirs, and Jesus is not in the cross? If the true heir of sin, salvation with the crucifixion of Jesus is correct, and that Jesus was crucified, then they should have been separated from the heirs of sin, then why are they still in the earth?
The Bible is considered as Scripture by the Christian community, namely the Book of the sacred words of men, which only contains the word of God. Even if we use our sense, not only of the Book may contain the word of God that will contain an objection. For God is not like that wishy-washy.
But if they do not memperhati was it? Had it not from the hand of God, would not get an objection-ka-contradiction in it. [QS. An-Nisa: 82]
In the paragraph above God teach us how to prove that a holy Scripture or not. Namely learn with verses in it. Are there in the Scripture verses are contradictory? If there is, then it is not the Book of Scripture. Book, as it should be abandoned, as can lead to error. With the way that we will test the Bible. Is he the Scriptures, or the Book of the already polluted?
If we examined the Old Testament and New Testament, then we can find many contradictions. This shows that the Bible is not the Scriptures. Here we will study some verses that contradict one another.
2 Samuel 24:1 VS 1 Chronicles 21:1
Satan's rise against Israel, and he tempt David to calculate the people of Israel. [1 Chronicles 21:1]
Knowing the wrath of God against Israel; He bolster them against David, his word: "Go, hitunglah the people of Israel and Judah." [2 Samuel 24:1]
Who is David provoke? Satan or God? Is the Lord and Satan to tempt David alliances? Is Satan with the Lord? Is Satan is God and God is Satan? Does God is Satan? How to reconcile the second paragraph of this? In religion, which the LORD synonym with Satan?
2 Samuel 24:13
So Gad came to David, diberinya him know that word, and he said: Would you back a famine seven years in negerimu valid? Would you flee or three months from the enemy before, that will repel them? Would you or a plague troops in three days negerimu? Now you must think and consider carefully, what answer will return to kubawa He has menyuruhkan me. [2 Samuel 24:13 (TL)]
Then came to David Gad, and he said to him: "Thus saith the LORD: Must be you choose: three years of hunger or three months before the escape from lawanmu, are you overtake the enemy sword, sword or three days the LORD, namely, disease plague, there in this country, the angel of the Lord and bring havoc in the entire region of Israel. And now, weigh what responsibility should kusampaikan to send me. "[1 Chronicles 21:11-12]
Which is correct and which one? Or perhaps both are wrong? They may not care. What is 3 years, 7 years, 3 years old or 7? 7 whether the same with 3? If they say 7 with the same 3, Devil with the Lord, we now understand why they say the same 3 with 1 and with the God of Jesus. In fact, they have the brain can not function properly. Syukurlah but they will not acknowledge that the 7 with the same 3, so that eventually the New translations, they change it into verse:
Then came Gad to David, tell him to say to him: "Will you overwrite datangkah three years of hunger in negerimu? Would you or fled from three months before lawanmu, they are chasing you? Or, there will be three days of plague in negerimu? And now, and weigh Think, what responsibility should kusampaikan to send me. "[2 Samuel 24:13 (TB)]
That is proof that there is an objection and changes in the Bible. Is that like the Book is still referred to as the Scriptures and the Word of God? The correct course!
2 Chronicles 36:9 KJV VS LAI
Yoyakhin age of eighteen years old at the time he became king three months and ten days he reigned in Jerusalem. He did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. [2 Chronicles 36:9 LAI]
Jehoiachin was Eight years old when he drive to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the Sight of the Lord. [2 Chronicles 36:9 KJV]
Rev. ... which is true? LAI version or King James? LAI is eighteen, but the King James says eight. Oh, probably because RAJ 2. 24:8 says this:
Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he drive to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. His mother's name was Nehushta, the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem. [2 RAJ. 24:8 (KJV)]
Yoyakhin age of eighteen years old at the time he became king and three months he reigned in Jerusalem. Is the name of his mother Nehusta bint Elnatan, from Jerusalem. [2 RAJ. 24:8]
Eight years more reasonable, so change the course to eighteen years old. Let WELL! So proven that it is not the word of God. Bible paper was merely human. Mahasuci God of miscalculation. He impossible miscalculation. Or they may think God is great miscalculation as he is to be human?
Matthew 20:29 VS MARKUS 10:46
And when Jesus and the disciples His exit from Jericho, many, many people throng to him. There are two blind people who sit on the edge of the road to hear, that through Jesus, and they cried: "Lord, the Son of David, have mercy on us!" [Matthew 20:29]
Then tibalah Jesus and his disciples in his Jericho. And when Jesus out of Jericho, along with his disciples and Him that many people-crowd, there is a blind beggar, named Bartimeus, Timeus children, sitting at the roadside. [Mark 10:46]
Does God miscalculation, one see, or forget? Or is not the God who said such, but people are not separated from the one and forget? For God is impossible to see one, miscalculation, let alone forget. But if God in their views, I do not know whether he is able to forget, miscalculation, or see one? What is clear, in view of our Lord, it is impossible miscalculation, one look, forget, sleep, hunger, let alone a human being. Very impossible!
MARKUS 15:25 VS YOHANES 19:14-15
But at nine am He disalibkannya. [Mark 15:25 (TL)]
On the day Inventories Pasah, approximately twelve o'clock noon. But Pilate said to the Jews, "center, king!" But I cried them, he said, "Dispose, remove him! He Salibkanlah! "So Pilate said to them," the king Shall I Crucify? "Then all respond the head priest," is not on our king other than for the Emperor. "[John 19:14-15 (TL)]
How many hours OYD crucified? Hours after nine or twelve o'clock? What is God who said this? Of course not. Or, God is not impossible for the wishy-washy? He said Cook, "OYD is crucified on the nine hours. Garnish ... not! Twelve o'clock he just has not been crucified. "
LUKAS VS 3:31 Matthew 1:6
"Melea children, Mina, children, children Matata, Nathan children, children David," [Luke 3:31]
"Jesse bear king David. David Solomon reproduce the wife of Uria, "[Matthew 1:6]
Jesus is the descendant of David, from Nathan or from Solomon? Or Nathan Solomon and the two in one? Duumvirate?
It proved that the Bible is doubtful. So, select the only sure-sure, namely Al-Qur `an!
Book, the Koran is no doubt; instructions for those who are cautious, [QS. Al-Baqarah: 2]
But if they do not memperhati was it? Had it not from the hand of God, would not get an objection-ka-contradiction in it. [QS. An-Nisa: 82]
And when it is said to them: "Believe to the Al-Qur'an that Allah revealed", they said: "We only believe what is revealed to us." And they disbelieve in the Al-Koran down afterwards, while it is (the Book) the rights that justify (and correct / right) what is in them. Say: "Why do you kill the first prophets of Allah, if you correct those who believe?" [QS. Al-Baqarah: 91]
Say: "He is Allah, the Most-one, God is a God-Tung bergan to Him all things. He was no litter and no-diperanak also going, and there is none equal to Him. " [QS. Al-Ikhlash]
Mahasuci God from all that they tuduhkan. Surely God is One. Him all things depend. He does not have children, nor diperanakkan. No one is equal to him.
Trinity Christian teachings is a misguided teachings that do not have the basic right of logic or kitabiah. He is the assumption on assumption. Teachings about the divinity of Jesus, the angel-malikat, and so are the teachings that diada forged by the followers of Satan and his. Likewise, about sin and the heir to the safety, such as the crucifixion, defamation of Adam, it is all engineering mislead Satan to mankind. Not in the Bible that Jesus never told that talked about the rescue with the crucifixion. Hence Jesus give-Press that the crucifixion is the engineering of the evil Jew who malign Priest. Accursed be that they have a plan, crucifixion, and cursed them over the festive plans.
O mankind, eat of the what is in the earth, and do not follow the steps devil; because sesung-guhnya Satan is the real enemy is. [QS. Al-Baqarah: 168]
He (Satan) is a murderer, and since people do not live in the truth, he is a liar ... and the father of all lies. [John 8: 44]
Bible, which is currently held by the Christian community, not the Scriptures. Kesuciannya have collapsed by the pollution that is done by hands dirty human. He can no longer be alive grip. Only Al-Qur `an, and the Book of kesuciannya still guarded by God.
Indeed, we know that we declined it, and we really take care of. [QS. Al-Hijr (15): 9]
No Book, which can be used as guidelines except Al-Qur `an. And there are no words that can be used as a guide except the word of Muhammad Al-Amin saaw.
Book is no doubt; instructions for those who are cautious. [QS. Al-Baqarah: 2]
May Allah protect us from classified to the people who go astray and from classified to the people that his doors. And it mengam-puni us and we both parents. Amen.
You only to our menyem-flood and only to please help us and you. Show us the straight path, the path of those who have been bestowed Thy ni'mat to them, not their way of the doors and not also the way they are misguided. [QS. Al-Fatihah: 5-7]
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